My freaking massive thighs!

Argh, I absolutely hate seeing photos of myself let alone something like this but I feel I have to ....


I have lost 12lbs now and at 5ft 1 I weigh 121lbs, my main reason for wanting to lose weight has been my big hips and thighs. I have seen weight come off my stomach (looks bigger than usual in photo as I've just had my evening meal lol), hips and bottom but my thighs are still the same so now they look even more out of proportion to the rest of me!
My goal weight was 119lbs but looking at my thighs I suspect I will need to lose more, I know you can't "spot reduce" fat from where you want but I had hoped that by 119lbs they would have been slimmer. I'd rather not go under 115lbs, at the moment I just feel like what was the point in the last 12lbs when they still look as huge as ever!!! :(


  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    although losing some more will eventually help reduce fat all over, there is also something called genetics. Your legs do not look umm, super flabby, so you may be gifted with some healthy quads and hamstrings :-) Keep working at it, but don't worry about things you can't really change! :happy:
  • foxtree16
    foxtree16 Posts: 3 Member
    I have really big thighs and butt. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, I always find that those will stay with me. Even when I was a healthy size a couple years ago, I still had really big thighs and but. I wouldn't worry about it too much. The goal is to be happy with yourself. If you can do that, then you're getting somewhere. On the upside, my fiance loves the fact that I have a big butt. lol :p
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    I had this problem too... if you use small it works!s5biiu.jpg
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Here is the OP's Picture! I fixed or for her. OP you need to use IMG tags that in all lower case letters.

    s5biiu.jpg ]

    Anyway I know how you feel
    My legs are huge too running has helped them get more muscular! I don't think I'll ever have small legs but they have def gotten tigther
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Argh, I absolutely hate seeing photos of myself let alone something like this but I feel I have to ....


    I have lost 12lbs now and at 5ft 1 I weigh 121lbs, my main reason for wanting to lose weight has been my big hips and thighs. I have seen weight come off my stomach (looks bigger than usual in photo as I've just had my evening meal lol), hips and bottom but my thighs are still the same so now they look even more out of proportion to the rest of me!
    My goal weight was 119lbs but looking at my thighs I suspect I will need to lose more, I know you can't "spot reduce" fat from where you want but I had hoped that by 119lbs they would have been slimmer. I'd rather not go under 115lbs, at the moment I just feel like what was the point in the last 12lbs when they still look as huge as ever!!! :(

    Your thighs are fine, have you been trying to tone at all? Lifting heavy by chance? Keep at it. I am only 4'11" and my thighs may be big but they are solid muscle and that's the way I like it now. :happy: Good luck!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    It just takes time. Keep exercising and eating right. I didn't think mine would ever start to go away but than one month they gave up the battle lol.
  • mabroney33
    I have really big thighs and butt. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, I always find that those will stay with me. Even when I was a healthy size a couple years ago, I still had really big thighs and but. I wouldn't worry about it too much. The goal is to be happy with yourself. If you can do that, then you're getting somewhere. On the upside, my fiance loves the fact that I have a big butt. lol :p

  • SuperAfrican
    I like your big butt too (;
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm curious what you are doing for exercise to lose weight? I have been skinny fat in the past, so even at 115 lbs I had some cellulite and plenty of jiggle. I have been cursed with large thighs and calves as well, and the only thing I can really do is exercise to keep the muscles firm and tight.

    I find that running or even power walking on a regular basis does the trick. I throw in some squats and lunges too, as a bonus! This tends to help me get rid of the lumpy frumpy looking thighs that we all hate so much!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I hate my thighs too.
    If I could just suck the fat out from between my legs I would be good.
    I have a very skinny side profile and then not so much when I face forward.... its weird.
    I know you can't spot reduce but I've been doing squats and Couch to 5k.. that has helped.
    Look up 200 squat program as well couch to 5k... keep with it and you should notice a difference
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I would stop fixating on "fixing" your trouble zones if I were you, and just focus on over all fitness. Your legs will become more defined naturally over time. There is nothing wrong with having strong legs! Skinny legs are over-rated.

    PS: I'm 5'1 as well, and my legs are the very last place I lose weight, and the first place I gain. Ah, the wonders of being a short, pear shaped woman.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Mine look similar to yours. Mine are mostly muscle, but there is a layer or two of yuck. I did lose an inch off them, but they still touch and they still look huge. Have you tried some thigh workouts from pop-pilates? You can't spot-reduce, but you can tone them....

    As one pair-shaped lady to another, I feel your pain!
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    As you mentioned you can't spot reduce fat. For men, the first place we gain fat is around our mid section, for women, around their hips. This also applied the other way around. The last place men lose fat is around their mid section and that last place women lose fat is their hips.

    I remember when I was leaning up, my arms, legs, back and face were all getting lean but I still couldn't see my abs. I was just as discouraged as you are now, but keep pushing through. You've come this fat, don't stop when you're almost there!
  • JenavaTS
    JenavaTS Posts: 10 Member
    I understand your frustration, but I think you need to lighten up. You sound obsessed with this, and ultimately I think you'd be happier to look at your legs and thank them for being strong and able. If you continue down this obsessive route you'll never be happy. )-: