Eating fruit, too much sugar?



  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    I totally agree. If you MUST have something sweet a piece of real fruit is always your best bet. I do not "crave" sugary stuff in general but do enjoy fresh fruit whenever I want. The rest of my "program" eliminates all artificial sugar and I buy "no sugar added" whenever possible or make homemade things like spaghetti sauce to avoid the added sugars in processed foods.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    As long as it's from it's original form and not concentrated juice, it's a healthy sugar that your body can break down easily and evenly :) Enjoy! Superpacked with fiber and nutrients!
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    I eat fruit regularly... and have chocolate regularly. It didn't stop me from losing weight.

    If it fits into your calorie and carb allotments for the day, then I say you should enjoy your fruit :)
  • laceface626
    Thank you to everyone for all the input, you all basically confirmed how I was feeling about it!!! Thanks again :)
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    laceface thank you for posting this topic! I was having the same issue!
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I come from a long line of Type II diabetics. I don't process sugar well, but I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic. I was told by my dietician to lay off the fruit for a while, then slowly incorporate it back in. Basically, it was shooting my blood sugar up, causing me to be hungrier and eat more than necessary. He told me, "you can have a banana, or you can have a Twinkie. Same thing [for you]." Many people do not have this problem, but if you have any sort of insulin resistance, fruit needs to be monitored. It does have sugar, and although it's natural and not as bad for you (in general) as granulated, processed sugar, it can still affect your blood sugar.

    Try cutting out fruit completely for a few days... then slowly incorporate it back in and see how you feel after eating it. I try to always have a healthy fat and/or protein with fruit... so peanut butter with an apple, low-fat cheese with grapes, etc. If breakfast incorporates fruit, then fruit IS the carb, not an addition to the carb.
  • lorielovehailey
    lorielovehailey Posts: 64 Member
    Bananas are the worst fruits in terms of sugar. Apples and oranges are next. Berries are your best bet. Any kind.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Hi everyone!
    Everytime I eat a few pieces of fruit in one day (and I truly mean a few, like 1 banana and a handful of blueberries, possibly an apple), I go over the MFP recommended sugar intake for one day. Is this something that I should be avoiding? Can fruit sugar be an obstacle towards weight loss? I always thought fruit (in moderation of course, like everything else) was good for you and can be a good snack to help keep you full and keep your metabolism up. If anyone has any insight, please feel free to share! And add me on MFP :)


    I have a friend that went on a "diet".... she did not watch the sugars/carbs and indeed gained a ton of weight which clearly wasn't her goal.
    She went to her doctor and sure enough he told her she was eating too much fruit.
    Balance is key.

    I doubt this. She wouldn't have gained weight (fat) if she were in a caloric deficit.
  • JohnMessmer
    Well I just eliminate the option to track the sugar, I don't add sugar to anything and I very seldom have unhealthy sugary foods. On the other hand I eat 2 Peaches, 1 Apple, 1 cup of grapes, 1 Orange Every single day and the occasional banana and I love it. I am also a type 2 Diabetic and my sugar levels are great now. So I have to say that fruit, at least for me, is great!