Snacks while at work... Help!



  • bavindicator
    bavindicator Posts: 3 Member
    1 individual pkg of Wholy Guacamole & 1 oz Tostitos whole grain scoops. (170 cal.)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I pack fruit, greek yogurt and a protein bar for every day and keep oatmeal and almonds in my desk for those in between times.
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    I bring usually fruit, 100 cal popcorn, yogurt, string cheese, 100 cal packs, & baby carrots. I plan for a mid morning snack and an afternoon snack every day.

    I get to work at 8am and eat my breakfast (usually yogurt or oatmeal)
    I eat again at 10am (usually fruit)
    I eat my lunch at 12pm
    Afternoon snack at 2pm (usually fruit, popcorn or baby carrots)
    Then I leave at 4:30 and head home to make dinner

    I rarely give in to the temptations at work (two doors down one lady always has candy! Good candy too, like reese's, lol) because it's usually not that much longer until i'm eating something again. :)
  • clairecandoit11
    clairecandoit11 Posts: 62 Member
    I LOVE Vic's popcorn. It is the "light half salt" kind and it is SO GOOD! It is 110 calories for 3 cups which is a lot of popcorn!
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    fruit, weight watchers biscuits/slimming world bars
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    A normal day at work for me:

    8 Breakfast - plain Greek yougurt & banana & sprinkle of kashi
    10 Morning snack - apple/pear or berries plus almonds OR packet of oatmeal
    12 Lunch - large salad with protein (grilled chicken beef, shrimp, turkey)
    3 Afternoon snack - veggies cut up at home and hummus

    If I need something sweet, to avoid the donuts or whetever lurks in the kitchen, I go with a small bit of dark chocolate. And lots of water.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I've got a good stash here...

    Instant Miso soup
    Veggie chips
    Cheese flavored mini rice cakes
    String Cheese
    Sesame rice crackers
    Freeze dried bananas & berries

    and lots & lots of tea to keep me from making mochas in the fancy office coffee machin!
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    A banana or a protein shake.
  • Thanks everyone for your help! I have some better ideas now thanks to you all! Im still new to all of this and talking to people and getting ideas is really helping me. I do have a 3 refrigerator's and 4 microwave's at work so that helps also. Looks like I will be shopping for some better snacks soon. If anybody wants to friend me and help me on my journey as well as yours.
    Feel free! :wink:
  • ecicogna
    ecicogna Posts: 19 Member
    flavored almonds
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I bring in almonds, or baby bell cheese, or carrots, brocolli, cauliflower.

    I work from home so the foods are more available that are dangerous. 1/2 cup of almonds holds me for hours with a couple glasses of water. I'm a veggie junkie as well. Love raw veggies.
  • Cottage cheese and grape tomatoes are my morning and afternoon snack. Grape tomatoes barely have calories and cottage cheese has tons of protein!
  • Apples & almonds. (I eat them separately and it's not just for alliteration's sake :))
  • ChampagnePaulie
    ChampagnePaulie Posts: 18 Member
    I usually take some fruit, typically an apple and a banana. Sometimes I have a few nuts and raisins.
  • Dona_Maria
    Dona_Maria Posts: 78 Member
    I have a desk job, and a walgreens next to me and vending machines in the breakroom.
    My question is... What is your favorite snack while at work? Or something you take to work to snack on.
    Suggestions please!!! :smile:

    Fruit (apples, oranges, grapes), nuts, oatmeal, yogurt, jello "sugerfree", I try to avoid sweets but when I do get a sweet tooth I will get some trail mix.
  • schparks
    schparks Posts: 74 Member
    Kashi bars
    100 cal bags of popcorn (popped in advance at home out of respect for sensitive coworkers)

    I have an office so I can be loud with crunchiness as I want. Popcorn might not be so great in a cubicle!
  • minniemama07
    minniemama07 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I rotate all of this stuff, but here's some ideas that work for me:

    1.) Greek yogurt - plain w/ my own fruit added or sometimes just the fruit on the bottome. I like Chobani
    2.) Single serve 100 calorie microwave popcorn (Jolly Pop) w/ string cheese if I'm extra hungry
    3.) Apple w/ pumpkin fluff (Sooooo good!!)
    4.) Deli turkey rolled up w/ cheese or just lettuce (depending on my cals for the day)
    5.) Odwalla bar -- this is usually part of a meal, but again depends on cals
    6.) Campbell's soup at hand
    7.) Veggies w/ hummus or pretzels w/ hummus
    8.) SF oatmeal

    Hope this helps! :)
  • Well, I dunno if what I do will work for you but I find I like something more substantial than just fruits or veggies. Maybe this will help?

    In the morning I make an egg-white patty and a slice or two of (real) bacon. I have that to eat between breakfast and lunch. They say protein and fat is what fills you up longer. The patty is about 50 calories and each slice of bacon between 40-45.

    After lunch and before I leave work I get UBER hungry. There's NO way I can make it till dinner. So what I do is either grab a bag of Herr's Popped Tangy BBQ chips. They're super hard to find but an entire bag of chips only has 70 calories! A lot of girls at work will do the 100 calorie bag of popcorn. When I do the popcorn, I dress it up with no-calorie airsol spray butter and popcorn salt available in the popcorn aisle. The other thing I do is buy a footlong sub at lunch. I rip off half the bread to make it an open-face sandwich. I'll eat half at lunch and the other half around the 3:00 mark. The way I get my subs (wheat bread, oven roasted chicken, oregano, tons of spinach, tomatoes and a touch of BBQ sauce) means that the whole footlong is 458 calories which isn't bad since half of it is my 3:00 snack.

    Hope this gives you a few ideas!!! Jenn :)
  • loriwhitefaith
    loriwhitefaith Posts: 116 Member
    small granny smith apple, pretzels, oyster crackers (52 crackers for not many calories)

    a small glass of real fruit juice once in while,but has a lot of sugar so be careful

    granola bars

    dry cereal in a bag like cheerios (1/2 cup portion)

    peanuts out of can(high in fat,but doesn't take much to fill you up)

    small popcorn bag 100 calorie size tangerines banana yogurt raisins 1/2 bagel is filling with jelly
  • 3.) Apple w/ pumpkin fluff (Sooooo good!!)

    Please message me as to what pumpkin fluff is!!!! Dying to know!! :)