I admit it is a problem....

Besides my weight that is.... (290lbs). I got into such a terrible habit of drinking beer, and it is a nightly thing. I eat well all day, but sabotage it in the evening with the "suds". I then have no motivation and do not exercise. I want to switch my addiction with a new one -- exercise and taking are of myself. I have tried AA, but it's not for me. Anyone out there turn things around and changed a bad addiction to a good one of eating healthy and exercising? Thanks!!!!!


  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I think realizing that this is a problem is a great step! I'm no expert, but I would advise you to change up your nightly routine completely. The routine you're in involves beer; simply trying to stay in the routine, but eliminate the beer will be very difficult because you've come to associate the other things you're doing (watching tv, going to the bar, or whatever) with drinking.

    Try to find a supportive friend and meet them for a walk at least once a week; or try an exercise class. I find when I'm with another person or in a group, I'm more motivated to show up and work out because I don't want to let anybody down. Also, don't buy beer at the store. If it's not at the house, you won't have it. Finally, if I'm having a particularly difficult time resisting some craving late at night, I'll just call it a night and go to bed early.

    You also need to decide if this is something you can have in moderation, or if it's best to eliminate it all together. Certain foods I have had to completely eliminate because for me, if I start eating them, I don't think I'd have the will power to stop.

    Best of luck to you!
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Why wasn't AA for you? Just curious. If this really is an addiction, then perhaps you should try again - maybe a different group? Maybe try a counselor or read a few books on addiction? I've read a lot (and am still reading a lot) about emotional hunger, intuitive eating, and balancing my diet. Learning about why I eat what I eat is helping me grow in the right direction. It is a slow process. Good things come to those who wait!

    I've found that with things I enjoy, I try very hard to cut down on them. It is not easy. I have not been able to completely "replace" eating chocolate or drinking a glass or two of wine with working out or eating healthfully. There are nights that having a sparkling water with pomegranate juice in a wine glass satifies the wine urge. There are times that a kind bar or fruit replaces the chocolate craving, but because my emotions are tied to some foods, sometimes, there is no way of getting around the "need" for that particular item. Sometimes I just crave the texture of a certain food - like ice cream. Most of the time frozen yogurt does the trick, but sometimes, no, I need the real deal.

    But, that is life and my way of working with those cravings is to save calories for those items. Again, it's not easy, but if I want them, then I need to make room for them in my eating habits. It really is all about changing habits. Working out more and being aware of what goes into my mouth on a daily basis.

    I hope you find what works for you!
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Assuming you don't have an addiction problem (in which case I suggest you try AA again or some other method of counselling), try switching to an ultra light or de-alcoholized beer, if it's the taste you crave. Keep them cold, and in the fridge, and only buy a 6 pack at a time. It'll make you have them last longer, since it becomes a pain in the *kitten* to have to get it all the time. Also, make yourself a "must work out in advance" policy before you can have them.

    Good luck!
  • vickieblair
    vickieblair Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions and caring. I have some books I will be reading soon. I agree, I need to get into a new routine. Maybe it is just "habit" more than anything. Thanks again!!
  • arifrancesca
    Besides my weight that is.... (290lbs). I got into such a terrible habit of drinking beer, and it is a nightly thing. I eat well all day, but sabotage it in the evening with the "suds". I then have no motivation and do not exercise. I want to switch my addiction with a new one -- exercise and taking are of myself. I have tried AA, but it's not for me. Anyone out there turn things around and changed a bad addiction to a good one of eating healthy and exercising? Thanks!!!!!

    I got into a very bad habit of drinking wine almost every night. Since Friday I decided no more wine for 3 reasons: 1. The calories, I would rather eat them then drink them, 2. Once I have a buzz going I want to snack and have no self control and 3. Definitely once I start drinking I just sit around watching tv and lose all motivation.

    I don't miss it, hopefully you won't either. Just think about the calories and sugar in every glass and compare that to what you could eat and enjoy instead. Good luck!
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    exercise before drinking the beer... and then ask yourself is that beer really worth all the work you just put in??
  • vickieblair
    vickieblair Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks again for all the great feedback. I'm going to make sure to exercise right away tonight. Last night I had just a couple after dinner, but when my husband said he was running to the store for beer (it was his "Friday Night") I asked him not to, and he didn't. I slept so much better and feel much better today. Maybe I can just ween myself off it? Thanks again.