My big fat step to losing weight......

Tennants2000 Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Am new to myfitnesspal but not new to the world of dieting, unfortunately!!
Would like to lose 2stone for October holiday to Morrocco. I love my food & hate been hungry. Am terrible at eating food that doesn't fill me and love rice, pasta & cous cous. My great big fat downfall is cheese, I love love love it!!
Am going to try this resource as I've done the usual weight watchers, slimming world, blah blah blah and done fantastically for the first few weeks and then got fed up of the same food and the priviledge of paying to to be weighed!!
I'm 12stone 8lb and want to be back to my sexy weight of 9 and a half stone. However, realistically I'm starting at a 2 stone loss.
Anyone out there thats fancies giving me some support & encouragement would be more than welcome :0)


  • Hi Tennant! I am new also, and feel like we are in the same boat- i love love LOVE cheese! And also, I like to eat filling things like couscous, and rice. My goal is to fit into my bathing suit by June. I've found this site helps me becuase I can "See" what I'm eating and it reminds me not to over induldge. I wish you the best of luck, and just remember you are not alone!
  • sunflwrgrl412
    sunflwrgrl412 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey!
  • Hang in there and TRY to stay away from the cheese!!! I love the stuff myself so I totally understand. Might help to not buy it altogether. If you don't have it around, you won't be tempted to go and grab a piece. I'm struggling with losing weight also. It sure is a hard battle. Hopefully we will all accomplish our goals......
  • Yey, feeling more positive already dudettes many thanks!!
    Is hard not to buy cheese as I have a daughter at home who doesn't eat meat so need to have it in really for the nutritional value.
    Please feel free to friends request me if you think you can support me <3
  • Good Luck!!! :happy:
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