Busy moms with little time for exercise?

Hi all! I am new to the forums, and am actually just trying to lost 5lbs and get back into shape. Just wondering how you moms out there fit exercise into your days! I swim with Masters 2x a week and try to bike to work 2x a week, but I'm looking for other ways to build exercise into my schedule. Ideas?

BTW, I have two kids--ages 2y3mo, and 10mos. It's insanity, to say the least. :)

Would love to friend other moms who are trying to shed some baby weight!



  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member
    I'm a SAHM mum of 5, but I also solo parent 14 days at a time as my husband works 2 provinces away on a 14/14 rotation. So - finding 'me' time is difficult. I only exercise at home - on the treadmill or elliptical when kids are sleeping or a Jillian DVD while the littlest ones play with toys. We also walk lots as a family.

    That being said, my youngest are 3 and I'm trying to shed the 'last 10 pounds'....its past time!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    10 months is young... I am a SAHM to 5 kids from 2 (almost 3) - 12yrs but my husband works shifts so when he's home I can do whatever. When he's working I'll work out during nap time or after my youngest kids are in bed (after 7:30pm). I also do daycare one day a week so I get a "day off" of sorts...

    EDIT: What I meant by 10 months is young is that it's harder with a squirmy mover than it is with a 34 month old who will watch TV if I ask him to... I can mostly work out to a video or something if I do that. Or put him in a jogging stroller.

    Sounds like you're doing super well if you're within 5 lbs of your ideal weight though... well done!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I am a working single mother of two.
    I found an inexpensive gym with a daycare, so we go there after I get off work.

    You can always fine time. Always. It's not always easy, fun or ideal. But if you want to go you will.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    I work full time and have 2 kids. It's hard and a pain sometimes but I set the alarm way before they get up in the mornings and do my exercising then. Whether its a video in the living room or a run outside (while daddy is home with them of course). If you want it bad enough you gotta make the time for you. And you start to enjoy those quiet moments that are just for you. Good luck!
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I have a jogging stroller for my 2 1/2 year old. I would absolutely never get to run if I didn't have it. My husband is in Korea so I am also a single parent for the time being.
    It is hard, but it can be done. As someone else mentioned, Jillian Michaels DVDs are always a good bet. Her 30 Day Shred program is only 25 minutes long.
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm a SAHM to 5 from the ages of 22months-14years. I also homeschool the 3 school aged children so there's not a lot of free time during the week. But I make time. For me right now, I find the best time is when the youngest takes her nap. I like to work out on the treadmill and/or videos. Also when the weather is nice we go walking. I have a wagon for the 2 little ones and that in itself is a workout pulling it up hills and holding it back going down hills. My 22month old will try and workout with me during the videos, etc.
    My goal is to start working out in the morning before anyone gets up but my little co-sleeping nursling still wakes up as soon as I do so no go on that yet. I imagine she will wean very soon and then maybe will stay asleep longer :)

    Good luck, you can totally do it, just gotta find what works best with you and your kids' schedules.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I second bodyrock.tv and want to add ZWOW: http://m.youtube.com/#/user/ZuzkaLight?&desktop_uri=/user/ZuzkaLight

    I work out right after work while DH watches the kids or after the kids sleep at night. I wake up at 5:30am for work, and I just can't get out of bed earlier than that. But morning is another option if you can get up. I do nap time on weekends if they nap.

    You can take them out for walk, turn on the music and dance, or be a human swing. Just be active.
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    I have 3 kids (ages 6, 12 & 13), and I work full time. Well not right this second, I recently quit my job, but I'm looking to go back to work full time in the very new future.
    Anyway, when I worked, I went to the gym before work. Now that I'm playing SAHM, I go to the gym while my kids are at school.

    I second the others have said, if you want it, you will figure it out. Its not easy, but it can happen.
  • daggs95
    daggs95 Posts: 51 Member
    I found getting equipment at home helped. So we bought a cheaper not-too-fancy elipitical, ( my hubs former company even paid for half of it through their program to encourage health) it cost 300 bucks from target maybe 7 years ago and still going. But before I could afford that, I walked with my son in his stroller even if it was a short time, sometimes 3 times a day. I used gallons of water as weights (they weigh 8lbs a piece) and did curls, tricep work and squats.

    But it is really really important to get enough sleep. So whatever you do, don't trade it for exercise...chances are with kids and a household to manage you are already running your butt off cleaning, cooking, shopping, tidying ect. As your kids get older they sleep more (usually). I personally like to workout in the morning, but I could not for many years when my son was young, he would just get up earlier. (i went to a gym too when I could but then my hubs hours changed where there was no time in the day I could go)But now that he is in school as soon as he is off, I warm up with some housework and get to it. I bought my husband The Rack, which is a 30lb piece of equipment that looks like a walker. Its awesome though, gives a full body workout through resistance training.

    I would say just do what you can when you can, eventually you will figure out how much time you can give it. Kids though love to change things up on you just as you figure it out. So too me its more important to just be flexable and supportive to yourself.
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I highly recommend getting yourself a kettlebell and find FitnessBlender's Beginner Kettlebell exercise on YouTube.
    I've done that, and moved on with higher weights to the full length exercise and I see great results in 3-4 40-minute workouts per week. Done at home using minimal space, just get a mat and a 15lb bell (or more!) to start with. I've tried lots of other workouts but the kettlebells give me great results in shorter time - and I dig it!

    ETA - I only do kettlebells - no cardio. You get a full body workout with cardio effect from the bells. Which is essential for getting in a workout without using too much time.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,005 Member
    it is hard to find time to exercise as a busy mom but I find I feel better and am better wife and mom when i make time for me. I try to do an exercise dvd, ride my stationary bike or go for a walk right after I drop my daughter off at school, sometimes I go for walks with the kids in the evening or on weekends or go for bike rides with them.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I have a 10 year old, 7 year old, and 14 month old, and my husband deploys... whenever he deploys. Sometimes I have his help, sometimes I don't. You don't have to do anything fancy; brisk walks with a stroller count. Lately my workouts have consisted of those and doing lunges down the hallway to empty a poopy diaper instead of simply walking down the hallway. When I can, I'll pop out a round of push-ups. Later, when someone needs a glass of water at bedtime, it's more lunges to get to the kitchen. After just two weeks of lunges every day, my booty got tight and ROUND. All the push-ups have strengthened my arms, abs, and back. Bonus: whenever I pull out the yoga mat, my 14 month old son runs over to it, gets on his hands and knees, and does little baby "push-ups" and grins, so proud of himself :)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I am a mother of a busy 9 year old and a toddler (she will be 2 in December). I also work part time as a server at Applebee's and mostly work the evening shift. Evenings are usually when I'm able to workout, after kids are in bed. However with work I have to find other means of working out. My job has me running all the time so I'm not too worried but I am planning on starting Insanity soon. I jog 2-3 days a week, but I'd love more. My husband will help me with the kids but as it seems I don't see my kids as it is, when I'm off I wait for them to go to bed to go jog. I can load my daughter up in the day and go for a jog in her stroller but that thing is a pain in the bum to deal with.

    Honestly the old saying goes, if you have time to be on the computer, you have time to workout. What it boils down to, do you want an audience? My daughter likes to jump on me when I start working out. Like if I do floor workouts she is thinking it's fun time lol. So I do understand that one.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It is too hard for me to do the whole gym thing so I workout at home with dvd's, have been doing p90x for a year now, also some jillian michaels. i work full time night shift as a nurse, and have an 11 year old 4 year old and 22 month old. i still make time to workout for an hour every evening :)
  • sdurrahMpls
    sdurrahMpls Posts: 75 Member
    I work full time and am a single mother to a two year old. My gym offers child care, but trying to get home and prepare dinner, then make it the gym before child care closes can be challenging. Sometimes it makes me feel bad to drop her off, leave for work for 9+ hours, pick her up, and then drop her right back off to someone else for a few hours so that I can work out. I've learned to be flexible. I drop her off early some mornings so that I can workout before work and have the whole evening with her. When that doesn't work out, I find something for us to do together. In the summer time, we take walks, go to the park, or "run." Recently we did a home dvd together, and it was a lot of fun. We posted it on youtube, you should check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL4R-vL5qKQ
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
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