Having surgery, really nervous about gaining weight on the c

Hey everyone! I need some help/support/assurance PLEASE! I am having a minor surgery this Thursday, I will be off work for 2 weeks and will be taking it easy during that time. I do plan to go to the gym when I feel better and just take it really easy, maybe just do some stationary bike, etc. (things that won't hurt me) I was wondering if anyone has any advice, I have worked soooo very hard in the last month and a half to get these 20lbs off and I don't want this to hurt my hard work any more than it has to. I planned on lowering my calorie intake while I am on the couch, but any other advice would be great.
Thank you so much!


  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    It depends on the surgery. Talk to your surgeon about things you can do and things to avoid. Generally, going for walks should be just fine. If there are no dietary restrictions go for lots of water and fibre to help you feel full.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • imcanadianangel
    imcanadianangel Posts: 40 Member
    I don't have advice but I would say talk to the DR about it as he might have some suggestions for you. (((HUG)))
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    I had knee surgery in November. You can imagine how much activity I am limited to with that. I was stuck on the couch for 2 weeks and spent much of my time sleeping. I kept a close eye on my calories and was able to drop a couple of pounds in the process. Keep in mind though that depending on the extent of your surgery your body may burn more calories to repair itself. Basically, stay on track with your diet even if you can't workout and you will not gain any weight!
  • chicka200413
    On the show biggest loser, Migdalia (that may be spelled wrong) had surgery, and the next day she walked like 13 miles. Which is CRAZY. It totally motivated me. If I ever "feel bad" or have surgery, or anything and I am just layed up on the couch, I will think about her and the fact that she got her butt up and did something. 13 miles! I don't even do that when I am healthy.

    Just stay motivated! Keep logging in here and get motivation from your fellow MFPers. I hope the surgery goes well, good luck!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    It can't be that minor if it's going to keep you out of work for 2 weeks! That said the doctor is the only person that should be giving you advise on this one. You might want to check if it's okay to be in a deficit while healing. While you won't be as active your body will need fuel to repair.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Eat smart, healthy foods that fit your doctor's orders (if you need a soft diet etc...) and LOG EVERY CALORIE. You should be able to eat at maintenance level once you're up and about, I'd eat a few hundred below it while on restricted rest... By logging your food you'll KNOW if weight flux is from calories or water and you won't have to worry so much if you feel puffy or bloated or "fat" - as long as you haven't eaten over you won't be gaining weight :wink:

    I had surgery last August and I was out of commission for about a month, I didn't gain weight but I'm sure I lost muscle and strength from not having any significant exercise over that time period. I had to carefully build back up to my activity level and give myself a break when I tired easily.

    Good luck! You'll be fine!:flowerforyou:
  • BetterVersion
    I had surgery back in December, was very sedentary for two weeks and was unable to exercise for a good three weeks, but didn't gain a pound. Keep your focus on your calorie goal and eating healthy foods. Whatever you do keep yourself from eating out of boredom. You might not lose a whole lot of weight, but anything's better than gaining.
  • CrazyAdventures
    CrazyAdventures Posts: 44 Member
    This is exactly my worry, too, as I'll be having abdominal repair surgery (the walls are separating) as well as a hernia repair. You use your core for EVERYTHING, so I'm probably not going to be able to do anything for a good few weeks! :( I don't want to derail myself from how well I've done over the past almost-year. But reading the replies here have helped me realize that not gaining can be accomplished, however, I'm still afraid of how I'm going to ease myself back into working out and such after such a surgery :(
  • dzneygurl
    dzneygurl Posts: 12
    good luck to you and keep us posted...definitely talk to ur doctor first but if you can at least walk you will be amazed that you will be able to still lose weight especially if you also lower your calorie intake... :)