Fatty liver???



  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    About five years ago or so I was diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. However, the doctor said about 97% of the population has this disease and most don't know it because there are rarely any symptoms or complications and not really any treatment. NAFLD has nothing to do with being fat; it's just that fat accumulates in the liver and there's not much you can do to get rid of it. He told me my cholesterol levels were good but if I exercised more I could raise my good cholesterol. The only reason I found out about this is because I had blood work done to test for H. Pylori when I got my ulcer (they were negative; turns out I got it the old fashioned way: stress) and my liver enzymes came back elevated. They ran me through several more blood draws (one repeat, one repeat with fasting, one repeat with fasting and no pain relievers for a week prior) and then an ultrasound (which revealed an oversized spleen which no one cares about despite the fact that I get pain there) just to tell me that I have a disease which has no symptoms and no treatment and which almost everybody has. Awesome.

    I have an enlarged spleen because I have hemolytic anemia. I also had H pylori...ick. That was killer.
  • tbruegg
    tbruegg Posts: 283 Member
    I have a good friend that was diagnosed with fatty liver(found it with routine blood work for cholesterol). So we took a look at he diet and I was shocked that she was eating bacon and not only the bacon but was using the grease to season all her foods. She eats more red meat than any other meat. Convinced her to give up bacon grease completely and she on her own gave up bacon.
    She went back for more tests and everything came back good......
  • I've been reading it is pretty common. And in many, many cases reversible with diet and exercise. My nutritionist says low fat, low cholesterol and eat more fiber, and more whole grains, and try to stay away from sugar substitutes (they are not as great as they claim to be). So, I'm giving that a shot. I have pretty much stopped drinking soda, but then I did that before having talked to her. You hear so many stories about sweeteners these days. Honestly, since I have been watching what I am eating, I realize how bad I was eating before! Try not to let the internet scare you. I have read some good stuff and bad stuff. You read a lot of bad stuff on the internet, and when you are already worried, that doesn't help a great deal, other than to stress you out more. Try not to let the stories on the internet worry you more tytania, and ask your doctor if they can refer you to a gastroenterologist. The one I went to ran a BUNCH of bloodwork to rule out pretty much any other problems that I might have had before having me have an ultrasound. Diet and exercise are really the only treatments available for this, and it can take quite long to fix, but it can be done, or so I have read. Good luck everyone!!

    Thank you sweet pea !@!! I'm worrying myself into the ground . Been having horrible upper right pain when I sit .if I stand I'm fine. When I sit it feels like there is this pinching pain and lots of discomfort . I told the Dr on.the phone this today and he said there are mo symptoms of fatty liver so it had to ne something else . So I'm kinda freaking.out thinking there is something.else wrong as well even though my recent cat scans and ultra sound only revealed fatty liver . Ugh this is so frustrating but thank you so much for your support ! Hugs

    one thing i did for the pain, (sounds like your is as bad as mine was) was using ice and cold packs and laying on my left side alternating....sometimes the cold felt better and sometimes the warm did...also, don't take tylenol for pain...it is very hard on your liver and i ended up in e.r. in major pain doubled over crying the whole bit after taking it for the discomfort. motrin has helped but it can cause you to swell so check with your doctor in your situation before using. but the most comforting was the warm and cold packs...good luck and hope you find what works for you....

    Thx . Yeah I'm trying . I'm actually on loratab for pain but at a low dose . I only take it when it is unbearable .
    But I have spinal injuries and fibromyalgia do if I don't take it I will end up in a wheel chair again . Thx very much @!

    i have the fibro too and kno it can be horrible...good luck and keep up the fight....seems we have a common goal...avoiding that dreaded wheelchair......
    Thank you!!!!! I remember being at disney worls and having to use a scooter to even get around two years ago . It was mostly because of all thew ankle pain and I was fat and out of breath . It sucked ! I saw peole my age , I was only 33 walking around all normal and here I was in a handicap chair ? Yeah I did not know it then , wish I did that I needed a life style change . I ate lots of red meat , butter , carbs and sugar .

    Anyhow I went back to the dr the other day my liver went down in size 1 percent and my levels are back to normal range . My sugar was also back to normal . I was borderline diabetic . I stopped drinking soda completly , the only thik with natural sugar I srink is one 12 oz glass of the nurish your brain jiuce in the morning . I also drink my coffee with a tsp of honey and fat free creamer . I cut back the creamer too because I was drink a whole bottle of coffee mate caramel creamer in a week !!!! I now only lightly naturally sweedten my coffee and Only eat narual sugars . I have had light brown sugar too but very very little . I also stopped eating pasta and switched to one side of whole grain pasta or rice once er week and eat raw veggies and chicken and fish , no red meat at all anymore .

    It is very hard some days . I try to excercise at least 45 minutes a day .

    Anyhow I am hoping by next month I am able to make it an hour .

    I feel a wee biut better . I find if I wear a bra the pain almost stops in my belly too . My dr thikings is is muscaler skelatel as well as my weight and liver that makes my belly hurt , plus well I had an ulcer and spastic colon and diverticulitis .

    All these have contributed to my pain . plus I have a very very injured spine . I have fallen three times in two yers and all times I broke my tail bone . I fell off a roof and practically broke my neck and spine . So I am lucky to be alive anyhow .

    THank god for everyday I have and I really need to get better because I want to be here for my two children 12 and 13 years old girls .

    I am sorry I am going on but feels good to get it all out .

    There are days where I can barely get out of bed scared I will die . odes taht even make sense ?>???

    Anyhow thank you all for your support !!!! Hugs

  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Back when I had my gallbladder problems, they saw fatty liver on the ultrasound. I dropped 73 pounds and it was gone. I'm not a drinker, so it was caused by being overweight. From everything my doctor has said to me, if it's from being overweight, losing weight can help and even reverse the condition.

    The most important thing is to believe that you are correcting the issue, and release the worry. Worry will not help you. Stress just saps your energy, robs you of your sleep, and takes the attention away from where it belongs: on healing. So when you catch yourself feeling stress, release it with some positive self-talk. (You can do this in your head, not out loud if you aren't alone.) Tell yourself that you are working on losing weight and eating better, and that every day your liver is healing more and more.

    I wish you the best.
    Thx so much for the inspiration ! Bless u

    You are very welcome!

    BTW I just had blood work done last month and my liver enzymes are normal. :)
  • Went to Dr . No more fatty liver . Yay
  • I was diagnosed with fatty liver right after my 21st bday it's very scary!
  • jillm85
    jillm85 Posts: 65 Member
    i have always been a binge drinker when i go out i dont go out much now but when i do i used to be able to drink like 5-10 pints or 10 bottles or 15ish nips and dash, i was diagnosed with imflamed liver and i stopped drinking, then it was all clear again and then started to drink again, i was on 2 nights out over xmas both of which i was very drunk feeling after 2 drinks, and the last time i had a drink i had 1 drink and i could swear i was drunk, i had a sore tummy, the room was spinning and i just felt hungover there and then!! could this be a sign of something more serious?? should i get it checked???... also the past 3 weeks i have had a severe headache every day and every time i stand up it goes black and im dizzy......
  • would like to finish reading cause I do remember hearing this and I am out of time.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    i have always been a binge drinker when i go out i dont go out much now but when i do i used to be able to drink like 5-10 pints or 10 bottles or 15ish nips and dash, i was diagnosed with imflamed liver and i stopped drinking, then it was all clear again and then started to drink again, i was on 2 nights out over xmas both of which i was very drunk feeling after 2 drinks, and the last time i had a drink i had 1 drink and i could swear i was drunk, i had a sore tummy, the room was spinning and i just felt hungover there and then!! could this be a sign of something more serious?? should i get it checked???... also the past 3 weeks i have had a severe headache every day and every time i stand up it goes black and im dizzy......

    When you drank on January 4, your total calorie intake for the day was less than 1,000 calories. That is extremely low. With that said, no one on this site is more qualified than your doctor to talk to you about the way you are feeling. Your health is more important than ANYTHING else, as without it, you have nothing else, so please call your doctor and schedule an appointment to talk about what you've said here. And don't drink alcohol until you do. Keep us posted.
  • jillm85
    jillm85 Posts: 65 Member
    i wasnt going to be drinking anymore, i had a blood test today so will keep posted, thanks x
    i have always been a binge drinker when i go out i dont go out much now but when i do i used to be able to drink like 5-10 pints or 10 bottles or 15ish nips and dash, i was diagnosed with imflamed liver and i stopped drinking, then it was all clear again and then started to drink again, i was on 2 nights out over xmas both of which i was very drunk feeling after 2 drinks, and the last time i had a drink i had 1 drink and i could swear i was drunk, i had a sore tummy, the room was spinning and i just felt hungover there and then!! could this be a sign of something more serious?? should i get it checked???... also the past 3 weeks i have had a severe headache every day and every time i stand up it goes black and im dizzy......

    When you drank on January 4, your total calorie intake for the day was less than 1,000 calories. That is extremely low. With that said, no one on this site is more qualified than your doctor to talk to you about the way you are feeling. Your health is more important than ANYTHING else, as without it, you have nothing else, so please call your doctor and schedule an appointment to talk about what you've said here. And don't drink alcohol until you do. Keep us posted.
  • Beyond_Blessed
    Beyond_Blessed Posts: 2 Member
    Recently diagnosed with NAFLD...would love to see some updates from those of you diagnosed last year. What worked for you...what didn't work, etc.