not losing

I am wondering if it's possible that I am not losing weight because my body is reserving it. Is this possible if I am not eating enough?


  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    We need more info. What is your TDEE? How many calories are you eating? How long have you been at it? Are you working out? Is your diary open?
  • Hi I am eating approximatley 1200 calories a day and exercise 30 mins. Sorry I dont know What TDEE is just new to the site
  • is possible....if you don't eat enough your body can go into what is called starvation mode which makes it harder to lose weight....try eating all of the calories that the program says and then go a bit under on a couple of days..say like every other day or so but mainly eat what it says and you will lose weight...
  • I totally agree...if you do exactly as the program will come off. I have found that in order to make it come off a little faster, exercise has to be present! I eat my 1200 calories/day as it instructs me to, and I usually get on the treadmill every day and burn 200-300 of them off, and I found that this works the best for me. Also, I have discovered I'm a "chewer" I'm happy if I'm chewing on something...which is probably why I've gained the weight I'm trying to lose! Instead of chewing on fries... I opt for gum...and it usually helps me forget about food.

    Some things to think about when you get discouraged... you didnt get your current weight its going to take some time to lose it, so dont panic... I also like to remind myself that a double cheeseburger (when the urge hits) does not taste half as good as losing weight feels...

    we are all in this together!!! good luck to you!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member

    You can calculate your BMR and TDEE on this site. They also explain what they are.
  • yes I work out at least 4 times a week 30 mins of cardio