Got any tips as to how to avaoid the plateau effect?

ie, when the weight loss is minimal and stubborn.


  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    we all go through it chuck, youl loose, stand still then loose, its the way of the game but just keep at it. keep calls down and exercise up thats the way forward.
  • LiloliLO88
    Hi! I've been there and found a super easy way to beat it; calorie cycling! There are tons of different ways to do it wheather u workout a lot, or want to cycle with carbs/calories :) I suggest you google it and try to figure out what fits your lifestyle the best!
    Good luck! :smile:
    MMAFTW Posts: 7 Member
    Calorie cycling, eh? Just googled it.
    I had initially reached a plateau effect where I didn't see any noticeable weight loss for 25 days. It's an inane way to find your regimen stunted.
  • FrancisCV7
    FrancisCV7 Posts: 123 Member
    I'd suggets to change up your exercise routine, which I'm sure you've done already...but anyhow, your body can get too use to a workout if you don't change it up every so often. Also, I've found that taking a week off from exercising but still maintaining healthy eating habits, kinda helps to reboot the system and get it going again.
    MMAFTW Posts: 7 Member
    "I'd suggets to change up your exercise routine, which I'm sure you've done already."
    Yup. Everyday, I target different areas(legs, back, chest, triceps) and other days variations such as cardio involving fight training and yoga. So, on the exercise side, I am trying well to evade monotony. It's just the diet I want to focus at the moment.