c25k Question - Anyone a Genuine Convert?



  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Hi! I graduated C25K 5 weeks ago and ran my first 5K race 3 weeks ago in 35minutes. I'm now training for a 10K, running 2-3 days a week. I'm still not at the stage of loving running, but I do enjoy it, especially the runners high after a great run. I'm now up to 4 miles on a single run and trying to add 1/2 mile every 3-4 weeks to get up to 6 miles in preparation for a 10K next year.

    I graduated C25K a little early, as by week 6 I was already running for 30 minutes a time, but I look back at when i started and remember how I couldn't run for a minute. It's an awesome program and enabled me to train for a 5K, and put me on the path to becoming a runner.

    Stick with it! :smile:

    I am at the exact same point as you. I can now run 4 miles without feeling like i am going to die. I got the bridge to 10k app and am going to start that this week. When i first started c25k running for 60 seconds make me feel like i was going to puke. I never ever imagined i would be able to do what i can do now. I am going to do a half marathon next year so i am trying to build up distance slowly :) Fellow runners please add me. My problem is... Drinking while i run ( i cannot do it) and not over training. I find myself wanting to run every day.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member

    for those of you using C25K on Android... which one are you using? I see there are about 4 or 5 different FREE ones, and then there are the ones you can pay for. any thoughts on the "best" one?


    I graduate c25k in the spring. I used the rundouble app - and still occasionally use it for interval training and 10k training - although I've mostly switched to endomondo and runkeeper for general purpose running.

    In response to the original poster, I can't yet say I have a love for running - although I love it when I'm finished. I still usually have to drag myself out, and I normally question my existence and what the H I'm doing for the 1st mile or so - then after that it tends to get easier (2nd wind?), and it's all good...
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member

    If anyone's got some tips or experience with the week 5 day 3 jump please message me!! I have been repeating week 5 day 1 +2 an extra week or 2 and really think day 3 is a little too big of a jump in time for me D:

    As I've already said, week 5 day 3 was the best feeling!! I found that during the shorter intervals I'd be waiting and waiting for the beep, pushing myself and looking forward to walking. With the 20 minute run, you just have to go. Concentrate on your form, your pace and your music, keep yourself amused and the 20 minutes will fly by. It really lets you settle in to a pace that allows you to continue for longer, keep the pace nice and slow n steady at first, you don't want to burn out too fast because then you'll feel like you've failed, whereas if you'd been going just a little bit slower then you can manage it :)
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    Running is probably the most over hyped, over rated physical activity. And it's by no means the best way to get in shape either.
  • cheaney
    cheaney Posts: 4 Member
    A year before I fell pregnant, I decided to get into running. I didnt really like it (mainly because I'd run to the end of my road and my knackered already!!)
    In the end I became addicted to it and could easily run 5 miles in just under an hour. (before I could not run a few yards - seriously!)
    I bought a Nike+ chip for my trainers and downloaded the app and set myself goals and challenges. I lost 2 stone in the end and felt physically and mentally better for it.
    I am going to start my road running again next week, just training on the treadmill at the mo and then I am going to go for it again. Theres nothing nicer than finishing a run and beating your previous time/distance! Love it!
  • evilmonkee
    evilmonkee Posts: 55 Member
    A convert here! I started C25k last October, and just ran a half this weekend.
    The key for me was to go at a comfortable pace that did not leave me wanting to die. Once I found my pace, got past running 3 miles and started running outside, I was converted. I enjoy the scenery, it gives me an opportunity to zone out with my thoughts, and I get a decent cardio workout.
    I still prefer lifting (and always will), but I sure enjoy going out for a run 3 times a week.
  • pabscabs
    pabscabs Posts: 61 Member
    I have started c25k and complete Week 3. From hating running, I have been converted to "tolerating running" (I do it, but do not really look forward to it). I plan to do running as part of my lifestyle. Here is a question to you -

    Has anyone started c25k hating running and ended up LOVING running? How long did it take to reach there? What did you do?


    Yes. I hated it. It was well after I got to 5K. What happened to me was I had just 1 or 2 runs where I wasn't gasping or uncomfortable. Then you would have horrible runs. I think it was a few weeks after getting to 5K.

    But once you get that one run where you completely switch off, you feel like you're completely connected to everything there's no turning back. You'll still have bad runs but they'll become few and far between. I've been running 3 years now. I'm doing my first ever marathon in 5 days time..... but the part I love most is having the time to yourself.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member

    Has anyone started c25k hating running and ended up LOVING running? How long did it take to reach there? What did you do?


    Me! I love running and crave it now, if I don't run one day I'm pretty cranky :devil: It actually didn't take me too long to start enjoying it, probably after the first week since I realized that I could do it. I loved it even more after I ran my first 5K at the end of September.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Never did C25k, at least not the way they lay it out. I started as a non runner in July 2011 with a goal to simply run (without stopping) a 5k. Now, I train for half marathons. It took about 2 months before I was hooked and by October, I was sad when I'd see others out running on a lovely fall day and I was nursing a bum leg. So, it took about 4 months before I realized I had fallen in love with running.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I never ran before starting C25K last year...never. I hated it -- could never figure out the appeal. I only started C25K out of boredom...at that time I was primarily doing Zumba and I needed a new challenge, so I figured I would give it a shot.

    Over a year later, I'm hooked. I've done a whole buncha 5k's, and I plan on doing more 5k's next year as well as some 10k's. I've also signed up for my first half and I'll start training for that soon.

    Who knew?!? :laugh:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Running is probably the most over hyped, over rated physical activity. And it's by no means the best way to get in shape either.

    Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine?
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    I'm on week 3 and I really like running. I feel accomplished and free and I feel like I'm getting fitter. But I haven't lost any weight since starting C25K, which is a little frustrating. Feel free to add me. :)
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member

    for those of you using C25K on Android... which one are you using? I see there are about 4 or 5 different FREE ones, and then there are the ones you can pay for. any thoughts on the "best" one?


    Best one is Simple C25K. It's free, and lets you pay your own music.

    Thats what I used, and I loved it... No need to pay for anything with that one.

    I then used Endomondo to track my distances.

    I don't use an app, i time myself with a stopwatch
  • phillieschic
    Yep. I Genuinely LOVE it...every second of it. I crave it now.
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    Me. I have had knee/leg issues since I was born. When I was in Roller Derby, I tore my PCL in my knee, and often used that as an excuse on why I couldn't do anything running related. A friend of mine wanted to get rid of her barely used treadmill, so I took her up on it and downloaded the C25k program. Now, when I miss my runs, I truly MISS my runs. Granted, I'm not to the 5k yet, and it's taken me much longer than the 8 weeks (Currently on week 6 day 2....started the program middle of May).
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    I did c25k earlier this summer. Now I'm running 10k races. :)

    I honestly think that there are few things more exhilarating than pushing yourself and doing something that you never thought possible. I love running now.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have re-started a c25k program because i have goals to accomplish, as in actually running a 5k. I want to do a race and keep up with people in my age group instead of seeing them all at the front of the line to start while I'm in the back with the semi-handicapable grey hairs. Sure, I love to walk with them and talk about how their ungrateful grandchildren never call and spend their Christmas money on drugs and tattoos and fast women, but I want to run... so, I started.

    I'm on week #2 and I'm to the point where it's tolerable. I can see myself maybe eventually loving it, but there's no love yet. I still put in the effort though, and that's all that matters to me. I'm out there, doing something different, giving it my best shot and seeing what happens.

    Feel free to add me as well!
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I hated running-I mean hated it! I only did the C25K because I promised my sister I would do it with her. I messed up my knee in that program but stuck it out because of that promise. During the program I dropped 20 pounds! I liked that part of the program and got hooked because I lost weight and clothing sizes!!! Now I am seriously addicted and love hitting the roads in the mornings (I am waiting for my husband right now, we are doing 5 miles in a few minutes). C25K is the best!!!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I'm a full convert! I started about 2 months ago, then hurt my foot (notn-running related). I've been freaking out that I haven't ran in almost 2 weeks.
  • joasmi
    joasmi Posts: 1 Member
    I did Couch to 5k in 2008. I struggled with it at the time. Since then, I've completed 9 half-marathons, 5 triathlons and 1 marathon. I don't love running every time I do do it, but it's an important part of my life. I'm in a running group and I find that running with people is a great joy. My times aren't super impressive, but I love being able to complete against myself and see improvements.