slow loser

Is anyone else a slow loser? It takes me forever to lose even though I do all the things MFP suggests. I excercise to boos my metabolism, I track my calories.... I am excited about .2 lbs weight losses or .6, I don't even expect 1lb a week, even though MFP says thats what I'm supposed to lose if I do the program and I rarely do.


  • raininmyshoes
    Yes, I have always been a slow loser, and I eventually get bored with the whole process and go back to my old habits. Now that I am here on MFP, I'm just going to go through the motions of doing everything I am supposed to do. This is the closest thing I have ever had to a real "program", so I am excited to see how it works. Times in my life when I lost substantial weight were always times where I was busy living and wasn't even trying to lose.
  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    By the looks of your ticker it doesn't look like you have a lot left to lose~ like myself. They say it's harder to lose those last bits than anything.
    I also feel that slower is better and that we will keep the weight off easier. My thing is that I can feel like I am on a diet and to keep restricting myself from foods/drinks I enjoy. Once we hit our weight loss goal we definitely don't want to end up gaining it all back by going back to our old routines.
    Eventually you will get there. Slow and steady wins the race!!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm a slow, or rather steady loser (I've come to accept it) It's been about 5lbs a month. I've tried different things, such as buying the Zaggot hot pants, supposed to burn 4x more fat, I've tried raspberry ketone, drank gallons of green tea, I started using MFP and changing my food portions and still about 5lbs a month. But when you think about it, people who go on crazy diets to lose weight fast, tend to put it back on fast, at least this way we know it will stay off
  • lisha7997
    lisha7997 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm a slow loser as well. It can be disheartening at times because you give it your all to only see the scale move such a small degree. In the past I have let that halt my progress. I weigh my food and account for everything I eat. I wear a HRM when I exercise as well as a bodymedia fit band. This time I've come to the realisation that I'm a slow loser and that as long as the scale is moving the in the opposite direction I will be happy with whatever I get. A loss is a loss. Plus I know I'm getting stronger and healthier and that is as important to me as the weight loss.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    I tend to be a slower loser because of a thyroid issue. I still lose an average of 1 lb a week. I think overall consistency is key. Come a few months from now you'll be thinner than before and that's still worth it. Eventually you would reach your goal. It's harder to put back on those lbs lost slowly too.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks guys. Good to know there are others out there. Yes slow and steady is fine - just had to vent
  • MommaKit79
    30lbs in a year...kinda slow if you ask me! BUT, I am happy I am getting results! Yse, can be VERY aggravating sometimes but, at least we are losing!! :-) And yelp, just gotta stick with it and keep going!!

    Now, I am doing more now then I was a year ago so, I am losing faster now but, it took a year to lose that 30!
  • mercymarque
    slow loser if better than fast... if u take it off to fast u will probably put it back on that way too. Stick to the script. Don't shoot for being under.. try to be on the mark, it's not always easy to do... I didn't do it yesterday but I was working to jobs and left my food at my first job (dumb me). Drink lots of water and exercise. I don't eat back my exercise calories, don't really get it. But some do. Do what works for u. Don't get discouraged. Take pictures and measurements if you haven't. Incorporate strenghth training in ur exercise. Good luck.
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    Yep. I work my *kitten* off and eat well, and I lose very slowly. I just try to not think about the number. I focus on fitness goals instead, and being able to do things I couldn't do before.
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    it's frustrating for me. It's taken 5 months for me to lose 35 lbs. some weeks I dont lose anything. and then other weeks I lose 3 or 4lbs.

    we just gotta keep swimming :) while our progress might be slow, IT'S STILL PROGRESS!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You're more likely to keep the weight off than people who lose it more quickly.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    I'm a slow loser too! But still a loser, so not complaining too much. : )
    I think it's okay as long as it's steady, of course with the occasional plateaus. A loss of 5 pounds a month is super healthy! That's about 1 pound per week and that's how it's supposed to be for a sustainable weight loss. I don't believe in losing 3 lbs per week, because that often means the diet is too restrictive and that the person will put that weight on again after they go back to their normal habits.
    Don't give up, you're getting there. Also, if I look at your ticker, you don't have much left to lose. I've heard that it's harder to lose those few last pounds, so hang in there and work hard. You rock.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Don't be dis-heartened about losing weight long as you are still losing you should be happy. Especially if you don't feel like you are depriving yourself or killing yourself to lose the weight. You should be making a life style change...something that is going to last forever, something you can stick with forever. No, that doesn't mean you can't have a special occasion where you go off your normal eating, but you should be eating in a way you plan to eat forever. This is good....this is sustainable for the long term.

    When I only had 10 lbs left to lose (previously); I joined a challenge and that actually helped me to stay motivated and committed to get to my goal. The weight I have to lose now is just vanity weight. :smile: I don't "need" to lose it, I just want to.
  • dreamchaser12
    dreamchaser12 Posts: 223 Member
    Another slow loser here! I have been faithfully tracking my food and exercising 4x a week (cardio and strength) and have lost 16lbs since March. I have started to accept that I'm just going to take longer to get to my goal weight. I'm not perfect and have slipped on my food choices over the months and missed a workout here and there. But I'm doing this for life and will take as long as need be to make the healthier habits become second nature. I have many NSV (non scale victories) along the way. I ran my first 5k Sept. 30th and I'm stronger and more flexible than I was this time last year! I have gone down 2 sizes in my clothes and am enjoying the changes in my shape and growing muscles! I have more energy and am overall very happy with my progress. I'm doing things now that I never imagined myself doing and it feels fantastic!!
  • feather314
    Feeling like I'm a slow loser. 30 lbs since starting MFP in April (averages to 5 lbs per month). All in all I guess thats really not that bad. I've also lost 14 inches overall (since I started tracking in June so...). I just keep plugging away, doing what I'm doing. I'll get to where I need to be eventually.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    You sound alot like me in the weight loss/ fitness area. I forget to count the other victories besides the number on the scale. Where my body has taken me in the last 7 months , the improvements in how I sleep/ and feel and look. Thanks for the encouragement. You keep it up too!.
  • pennstategirl47
    pennstategirl47 Posts: 5 Member
    I am a slow loser too!I started in June of this year,and have only lost 15 lbs.
    Also I go back n forth on the scales,and I don't understand what I am doing wrong
    Can anybody relate to me,or is it just me.