OK guys...With this whole new life style with MFP I have had to learn to change my way of thinking to be more optimistic for sure. (when it comes to eating right & all) So I was wondering what types of things you say to yourself to pump you up or to stay on track? Let's hear them???

Mine? Well, I think..."girl, your gonna be in your swim suit any time now...get BUSY!!!" :laugh:


  • janellybelly
    janellybelly Posts: 112
    OK guys...With this whole new life style with MFP I have had to learn to change my way of thinking to be more optimistic for sure. (when it comes to eating right & all) So I was wondering what types of things you say to yourself to pump you up or to stay on track? Let's hear them???

    Mine? Well, I think..."girl, your gonna be in your swim suit any time now...get BUSY!!!" :laugh:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    When I don't feel like working out:

    "You'll feel so much better after you do."

    When I criticize myself, I always immediately look for a positive. (this is major for me) For example:

    "I hate my (insert body part or character trait here)"

    but. . .

    "I LOVE my (insert body part of character trait here." This one works like a charm.
  • BikeChick
    BikeChick Posts: 121
    Well I'm the kind of chick that thrives on other's negative viewpoints. If I think even for a SECOND that someone doesn't think I'm good enough or strong enough, then I will set out to prove them wrong! I definitely have a steam-driven way of approaching my goals. I channel the energy I create through anger into getting my butt moving. It's all about determination! :wink: "Well, I'll show THAT pr*ck!"
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    "Summer is coming and I'm going to look sexy!" :laugh:

    I know I'm going to be better than those super skinny stars cause I'm going to be healthy, strong and look naturally beautiful, hehe :blushing:
    I hope that if I'm fit now it'll be easier for me to come back to old me after babies one day. I also hope to avoid all the diseases half of my family has because of being overweight.

    If it comes to small things:
    I exercise because I know I'll feel great after that and be in a bad mood if I don't.
    Man like woman who now how to take care of themselves and shape their bodies :wink:
    I can literally feel that "you are what you eat" sooo I usually say sth like that "I won't eat another piece of cake/drink beer/eat fries cause I'll feel like crap!"
  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    I always say and think " Don't Think , Just Do" Cause if I give myself time to think about my workout , It wont work out , lol , I wont do it. I'm a person who can admit at this time in my life , I DO NOT enjoy exercising. I know its because Im obese , I also know it's because I have alot of work to do before I get to the enjoyable stage. Because right now all it does it make me tired , hungry, and hurting. I also know in order not to hurt (my feet :cry: ) I've got to take some stress off of them by losing this weight. I wanna be able to stand and walk around without feeling like I may burst into tears from the pain. So I guess my main motivator is health and pain free living...
  • Mags
    Mags Posts: 91 Member
    Self Help - Subliminally

    'Lose Weight Now' by Glenn Harrold - audio CD


    'Lose Weigh Now' by Allan Carr - book

    I've spent years telling myself to lose weight, after making a monumental decision last month, I feel I can and will and that enough is enough. We all have our weak points though and after starting to plateau after initial drive my snacking late evening was returning so I took action as both these work with the mind on an unconscious level.

    The snacking has stopped for now so breaking the habit of overeating is being broken. Know your calorific content in foods, read up on things and listen and do whatever you need to to make it work for you.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • janellybelly
    janellybelly Posts: 112
    Yay...it's GREAT to hear what healthy decission can do! I am ready for my size 10 jeans...I'm on my way!