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THIS is why I can't lose weight



  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    It starts in your head and your approach to things. These aren't reasons you CAN'T lose weight. They're reasons you DON'T lose weight.

    As for the chocolate, start buying the dark stuff. and then send it to me.
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    This is self-sabotage. There is an underlying issue. Try to figure out what it is.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I've been catching myself tasting while cooking lately. It's almost unconscious; suddenly I have someting in my mouth. I have to break this!

    One thing that has helped in the past is to suck on a mentholyptus cough drop (and log it) while cooking. Everything tastes nasty on top of one of those. And/or having a cup of warm/hot tea to sip instead.
  • ericachristie85
    ericachristie85 Posts: 69 Member
    Age doesn't make you gain weight, but it does make you lose muscle mass. Muscle is the fountain of youth, get more and you'll burn calories like a teenager. This is Chalean Johnson's theory, I think it makes a lot of sense.
  • terrabit
    terrabit Posts: 33 Member
    Nothing is stopping me from losing weight. Nothing is stopping you from losing weight. Age is irrelevant. The only thing that is relevant is medical conditions, and even most of those can be worked around or overcome.

    PS - I am 41 years old
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    The only thing that is keeping me from losing weight is ME.

    but I do have to blame sciatica and Patello femoral syndrom :S
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    The only idea I have for you is to fully commit to yourself and your health... write down the reason you want to lose the weight and keep it at bay...

    NO CANDY TASTE BETTER THAN ME FEELING/BEING _________________ -- keep that in mind (has worked for my hands to stay out of the candy jar for the last few days :)

    Drink water while you cook instead of snacking...
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Right now, a plateau.

    I think it is linked to increased stress levels from constant lack of sleep. So, for a week and a half I have been getting significantly more rest and been avoiding going out to clubs and bars since alcohol affects the body's ability to enter REM sleep.

    The plateau has started to crack some, as my weight started to move a tiny bit downwards again, but has again stopped. Really hard to tell for sure given only 10 days.
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    It starts in your head and your approach to things. These aren't reasons you CAN'T lose weight. They're reasons you DON'T lose weight.

    As for the chocolate, start buying the dark stuff. and then send it to me.

    Agreed! And if you get tired of sending it to him you can send it to me. :)

    I agree with the people saying that it is a willpower problem. I have the same problem. Just try taking it one meal at a time or one choice at a time. When you go to buy that chocolate, ask yourself, do you really need to buy that chocolate? What is it going to do to all your work?
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    I love the gum idea while cooking! Who wants to throw a bite in if you are chewing gum? If I had this habit, I think it would help me. Love the idea!!

    As for the age thing? Im 38. I can only afford to work out at the Y, not some big new fancy gym with the younger crowd. You know what? I find the older people not only friendlier, but an inspiration and MOTIVATION. If the 60 year old guy next to me can jog for 20 minutes, then you know what? That is proof to me that evenutally I will be able to too!!!!!! :-)
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    None of that is what's keeping you from losing weight. You are. Stop it.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    This is why I WASN't (not can't) losing weight:

    I was eating too much. Of everything.
    I ate candy like it was going out of style.
    I don't know how to have a serving of crackers, chips, etc. If it's all in one bag, it's basically a serving, right? (NOT!)

    I know it's been said repeatedly, but LOG EVERYTHING. It's much easier to make healthy decisions when you can make informed decisions (how many calories have you already eaten today, how many left to your goal amount, what do I have to do to earn enough calories to have an extra snack here or there, etc.). And let your friends on MFP have access to your diary for a little accountability. Yes, it's hard to open the door to our dark secrets (eating habits) but nobody on here is going to judge you for them.

    For me, I had to go cold turkey on candy and crackers/chips for a little while. This is temporary. But I'm reading a book that said something that really hit me. You crave what you eat. So eating candy perpetuates the craving for me. Not really sure how that works, but it's also why experts say to stay away from diet soda because the artificial sweetener still tastes sweet to us and perpetuates that craving for sweets (I'm sure there are also experts who say this is a load of crap, so decide for yourself on that). So until I feel I can have a healthy relationship with candy and crackers/chips, I've stayed away from them, with rare exception.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I used to have the same problem with snacking while cooking - I'd leave work at 5 after having lunch at 1:30 and by the time I got home by 6:30 I'd be starving and just couldn't wait.

    Now I make myself a bowl of fruit to eat at around 4:30, so by the time I get home I'm not hungry and I don't feel the urge to snack.

    As for buying chocolate, not much we can say will stop you doing that, but one thing I have learnt is never to shop when you are hungry.
  • Christiecool
    Christiecool Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I don't think you lack willpower, and I think your post was very candid. Just make sure that you have some fresh chopped veggies on hand while you are cooking. If you enjoy munching while you cook, munch on some raw veg, and get your intake of veggies for the day this way. In addition, I am a sucker for cheap chocolate too, and I don't really feel all that bad about it. My meals are all very low in calories, and high in nutrients, so I have chocolate every other day. I have lost almost 70 lbs this way too so, I dunno. I am 35 and have had two kiddos in the last three years, so I know that it does get harder to lose weight, but certainly not impossible.
  • Cokamo
    Cokamo Posts: 51
    Snacking before and during cooking time is a problem for me also. I try to make sure that I have a snack that is within my plan around that time so that I'm not hungry while I prep/cook and also have a glass of water. Water helps a lot. But, it you do screw up, log it and once you see the effects in your diary and realize that it will impact how much you are able to eat later, it'll help discourage the bahavior.

    I am 38 and while I don't loose as fast as I used to, I have still lost well. You can do this if you want it badly enough.

    As far as the chocolate, you'll just have to purchase something more healthy to snack on. If you like chocolate (and who doesn't), choose something more healthy like sugar free pudding snacks to stock up on. If you have real chocolate, limit your portion. If you really want something badly, have it but take stock of your goals and plans when you are making that decision to decide if you really want it or not. If you really want it, have it and then return to your healthy base line eating. You can also make up for an endulgence by adding a little extra exercise within the week or cutting back on another day.

    It's all about balance, moderation and endurance. Just keep going. Don't give up because you have a weak moment.
  • - Getting older (I'm 39) - Well I'm nearly 44 and my recent weight losses have been very good so you can do it if you want to.

    - Snacking while cooking dinner. It's truly incessant - by the time I'm done cooking I am usually not that hungry, but I end up eating dinner anyway. - When I cook, I like to use carrots within my meals and I prep these first and snack on carrots - maybe have something very low to hand to snack on?
    - Impulse-buying candy - especially chocolate-y candy - that happens to be on sale. The combination of chocolate and a good bargain are extremely hard to resist. - The only thing you can do here is walk right past it! Do not be drawn to it. If you don't even look then you won't be able to buy. Don't have choc in the house and you won't eat it!

    The only real thing stopping you losing weight is YOU!!! If you really want to then you will. So focus and go for it.
    Good luck - h x
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Good for you for recognizing your personal struggles.

    I am almost 41 and have not found age to bea factor for me.
    Have veggie sticks or gum to chew while you prepare dinner...log them. Log everything.

    As For the impulse candy buying, if you can't stop from buying, just take those candies to a daycare or church or throw them away.

    Maybe shop with a list and write NO CANDY throughout your list. Shop with a friend and have her keep you accountable.

    Good Luck...
    Log everything you eat and only log "on purpose" exercise.. Not housework, cleaning, cooking....
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Age - Compared to me you are still a youngster, I'm 58 - LOL - But you CAN lose weight, even if it is slower the older you get . That is where commitment and dedication come in and be ready for the long haul (the rest of your life).

    Tasting/Snacking While Cooking - Log it! Every bite counts. Are you tasting what you are cooking or eating different snacks altogether? Either way it counts. But I personally dont snack on the side but if I'm tasting something I'm preparing, it gets counted

    Chocolate/Candy - Awwww the curse of it all! You CAN have it, but you have to have self-control and willpower. If you cant stop at just one piece, you have to stop buying it. I eat a 50 calorie tootsie roll or a 50 calorie chocolate mint every day, but I can stop at one.

    You can eat anything you want, as long as you log every single bite. You'll see a lot of people talk about pizza as a weakness (definitely one of mine) but instead of eating the whole medium pizza like I used to do, I only eat what fits into my calorie allowance.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    I do ok except when I have to drive long distances. No matter how much coffee/diet coke I drink, I have the worst time staying awake. So I snack. I try to snack healthy, but no matter what I eat - it's still way more than I should. Does anyone have any really good stay-awake tips for driving?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I am 10 years older than you. I fell into that lie that weight gain is just something that happens when you get older, so just accept it. No. I no longer accept that. I do not have to be frumpy and fifty. I am going to have more of a smokin' hot bod than I did in my 20's. When you make up your mind, and you put in the dedication and work required to get there, then you will succeed. Eat less and move more.