Any Advise on Diary please!! Need help

So- I've seen a lot of people talk about not eating lots of breads/and then people saying that it doesn't matter. I've been trying to eat a lot better, been saying no to chips/going out to eat/and going down to 2 diet pops a week. I was wondering if anyone could take a look at my diary and critisize it, or give me any advise on what I could do more often. I have realized that I've not been eating a lot of fruts/veggies that I should be- will try and change that and I've thought I've been doing better by getting away with as much processed foods as I used to eat- but I could be all wrong with that too... but anything else you guys could help me with, that would be great!!


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I glanced at the past few days and it doesn't look terrible. Your sodium is almost always higher than recommended, which could cause water retention and possibly increase your risk for hypertension. It looked like most of it was from canned soups and lunch meat. My suggestion, besides more vegetables and fruit, would be to either make your own soup to control the sodium or look for low sodium canned soups.

    Also, processed meats are generally the most unhealthy meats. Why not cook your own meat for sandwiches? Just roast some chicken or turkey on a day when you have time, slice and store in the fridge. You can control the sodium content and avoid all those preservatives they add to packaged lunch meats.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    If you start eating a lot of veggies it will help you out alot.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    It's all trial & error, see what does and doens't work for you. Some people gain easily when they eat a lot of carbs and others don't.

    Try adding smoothies for a serving of fruit, even use greek yogurt for a protein kick.
  • rcolours7
    read the book "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman...

    eat less processed foods & more fruits/veggies/ beans-legumes/nuts.

    bread is fine in moderation but make sure it is whole wheat (unless u r allergic to wheat) and that it doesn't contain high frutcose corn syrup.

    also - keep your cheese/yogurt to a few times a wk vs. everyday.

    also, try & eat less meat - replace the meat w/1 fish serving and use beans/legumes & rice-no white, brown or other.

    it is very hard to lose enough weight using processed foods. if you eat more fresh foods, it will be easier. it does take time to break the habit of eating processed foods. this is something i'm working on myself and using the book "Eat to Live" as my guide w/o losing some of the things i do like to eat but aren't good one's body. (if this makes sense).

    hope this helps and continue to workout too.

    have a great day
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    What a lovely photo you have in your profile picture :-) You look so happy!

    Your diary does seem to have a lot of sodium and sugar.

    My advice is to try to avoid dressings and keep everything as `natural` as possible

    So if you are making stuff try to do it from scratch.

    Example meat, veg, no added sauces

    sandwich wholemeal bread, natural filling (tuna/meat) no sauce

    If you think about something and wonder if you should/could have it then probably it is not something you should add

    It all takes time but you will get there x
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I would say eat more veggies—try centering your meals around vegetables, or checking out vegetarian recipes (you don't have to be a vegetarian!) a couple nights a week. It will help you see vegetables in a different way, not just as side dishes to add to the main course. I really didn't see a whole lot of fruits and veggies in your diary.

    Fruit can be a great snack as well, instead of candy or other treats. It will have fiber, antioxidants, etc. and less calories for a bigger serving.

    I think you could probably get more protein in your breakfast, too—which will help you throughout the day. Try cottage cheese, greek yogurt, eggs in the morning. Smoothies are great, or homemade parfaits. You can add granola for a little carbs. It will be way less calories and give you much more energy than a bagel and PB in the morning! :)

    Also.... last but not least, DITCH the soda. Water, tea.... anything but soda, especially the diet kind. Those artificial sweeteners will sabatoge your weight loss and your health. It's just not worth it. If you want a sweet drink, try some lightly sweetened iced tea with stevia or real sugar, brewed at home. Don't like water? Add some lemon and strawberries in your water. Or cucumber! Yum. Organic, whole fruit juice can even be better—but make sure it is sweetened with something real, not aspartame or any of that junk, and be mindful of the sugar content. Or try a chocolate milk protein drink—a couple scoops chocolate protein powder in a glass of milk. Hot tea with honey—there are TONS of exotic flavors out there, pick your fancy.

    But seriously. It will be hard at first, but your body will thank you for getting rid of the soda.

  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Forgot to add, eat your heart out with veggies, but limit the fruits x
  • jcqlnnajera
    Your sodium intake is really high can make you retain a lot of water
  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    Thank you guys for the advise! Definitely have noticed that my Sodium has been wayyy higher than it should be now that you've mentioned that. Will definitely have to watch the meats that I'm buying- would be better to make my own than to constantly have the deli (thought I was doing ok with that :) ) and will put more fruits/veggies in there- haven't had nearly as much as I should be having at all- not sure the last time I just snacked on those now that I think of it and look back.