overwhelmed and stressed. advice!

There are days like today... my period around the corner.. woke up late.. 10 hour shift at the hospital.. didnt have time to pack breakfast or lunch.. seems like i have more and more days like this.. and then i come home exhausted and have no energy to cook a healthy meal or get my body moving because theres a 5 year old yelling mommy this and mommy that and at least 3 hours of homework to do.. so i grab a granola bar for breakfast, a slice of pizza on the go,and ate a few cold left over chicken tenders in the fridge.

Anyone else have a demanding life? If so, what do you do to manage? I dont want to give up but im overwhelmed!


  • MeABride2B
    Life can be tremendously overwhelming...

    Although I don't have my own child(ren), I work at a boarding school and am constantly surrounded by them... I have my own 27 14-15yr old girls... Every mother's dream?

    My schedule is crazy like yours... Usually up late for class and then running from there onwards until 6/7pm. It is brutal!

    I've been logging religiously now for 24 days. The easiest thing to do is to have some sort of "plan" as a "go to".
    For example, I made chili and dished it into servings and put them in the fridge. I also have Perdue Baked CHicken Breasts and they are quick and easy for dinner. I keep frozen broccoli in the freezer. Other quick things- individually wrapped lean hamburgers in the freezer... They cook up quickly.
    With regards to lunch, is there a fridge at work? Do you get a lunch hour/time? Maybe bring an already portioned prepped meal (Lean Cuisine, etc) to keep in the fridge/freezer. This tends to be my most unpredictable meal....

    Do you like Greek Yogurt? I've found it to be a godsend! I eat usually 2 a day.

    Just some suggestions, friend me if you want to check out some of my diary for ideas...
    Good luck :)

    Don't give up! You can do it!
  • DavidGough627
    DavidGough627 Posts: 11 Member
    Yep, have days like this all the time.
    It's okay to have a slice of pizza on the go, heck, even two.
    Most grocery stores have pre-cut veggie trays and fruit trays. I buy or make these every Sunday and use them to snack on when I am on the go and need a snack.
    They're expensive, but I would rather spend $30 a week on a couple trays of pre-cut fruits and veggies, rather than spending $20 and throwing half of it away. Just an idea.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Batch cooking is a lifesaver. Take a couple hours on your day off and make a huge batch of anything healthy that freezes well (soup is great), and freeze it in single-serving portions. Then all you have to do is grab one on your way out the door to work, and pop it in the microwave at lunch. Same goes for dinner if you're too tired to cook. I usually have 3 different types of meals in the freezer at any time, so I can rotate.