Vegetables are gross >:(



  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    I used to hate asparagus when I was young and now I LOVE it. My favorie way to eat it is with a little olive oil drizzled on and salt and pepper, then either roast it in the oven for 15 minutes or grill it for a few minutes. It goes with anything and is so easy to make.

    Try veggies in soups where they will be cooked well and really tender and will blend with other flavors instead of just tasting like veggies.

    Hide them in recipes. For example, when I make lasagna I add shredded carrots and zucchini that I saute in a pan with onions. You can't taste them at all. In another lasagna recipe I use eggplant for pasta and you seriously can't tell the difference, it's so good! Spaghetti squash doesn't have much flavor and will basically take on any flavor you add to it. You can actually replace spaghetti and put marinara on it.

    Just keep trying new veggies and you will find one you like. Corn on the cob? Sweet potatoe FRIES. Eventually you Will find a way you like your veggies.

    Also, maybe look up a website with recipes for "picky kids." There a lot of recipes for parents who try to hide veggies in their meals because kids don't like them. Don't give up.

    I was thinking cauliflower hidden in mac and cheese :smile:.

    Thanks for the tips.

    Oooh yeah! That's another recipe I use too! Just cut up the cauliflower real small and cook it in the same pot as the noodles. It's so easy and SOOOO good. (I also add a little cajun seasoning, that's my favorite.)
  • nikilovesaxl
    Okay, you are a vegetarian who doesn't like vegetables?
    That seems to be quite an issue.
    Also, you love animals but want to own a zoo ?
    *scratches head*

    I prefer to be called meat free but yeah, whatever. I don't like veggies. Hence why I'm trying to get ideas so I can incorporate them into my life. And a zoo like you're probably used to, no. I think calling it a zoo is the easiest because thats what I was going to school for. Zoology. But it would be more like a sanctuary for abandoned animals where I can teach people about the different species and whatnot whilst saving animals lives. Any more questions?
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Lots of butter and a little salt makes most things better. Roasting veggies also helps a lot.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I agree. They are gross.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Wrap them in brown rice and seaweed for homemade veggie sushi
    stir fry in olive oil with chicken or shrimp and seasonings
    cut up into cheese and egg omelettes
    eat with hummus spread

    Really, you have the internet.
  • nikilovesaxl
    Wrap them in brown rice and seaweed for homemade veggie sushi
    stir fry in olive oil with chicken or shrimp and seasonings
    cut up into cheese and egg omelettes
    eat with hummus spread

    Really, you have the internet.

    Why do I keep getting rude replies to a simple question?
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Wrap them in brown rice and seaweed for homemade veggie sushi
    stir fry in olive oil with chicken or shrimp and seasonings
    cut up into cheese and egg omelettes
    eat with hummus spread

    Really, you have the internet.

    Why do I keep getting rude replies to a simple question?

    How is that rude? The internet is a plethora of information.
  • nikilovesaxl
    Wrap them in brown rice and seaweed for homemade veggie sushi
    stir fry in olive oil with chicken or shrimp and seasonings
    cut up into cheese and egg omelettes
    eat with hummus spread

    Really, you have the internet.

    Why do I keep getting rude replies to a simple question?

    How is that rude? The internet is a plethora of information.

    "Really, you have the internet"

    The remark was unnecessary. I know how to cook some vegetables. Its not like I live under a rock. I was merely asking how do other people make them taste better.
  • stbrad6896
    if you don't like veggies I suggest first of all making sure you eat at least a bit every day because you can acquire tastes and our tastebuds are always changing. I would suggest pairing it with meat (steak and asparagus or broccoli are awesome together - especially with hollandaise sauce, so is salmon and broccoli) try it in a stir fry or chinese food where it's coated in a yummy sauce. Try all kinds and find the ones that you can atleast stand, don't swear them off completely. Make a cheese sauce to put on broccoli or cauliflower. Eat pizze with veggies on it - if you can eat them on the pizza it will help you to get used to the flavors. Put them in noodles or salads or casseroles and just chop them into really small pieces so it's easier to handle. Trust me if you keep trying you will find some that you can stand and probably eventually like. I used to HATE veggies even salad - now I eat salads all the time I love them, and I get veggie subs at subway, and one of my favorite dishes to cook is sweet and sour stir fry. Just keep trying : )
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    find ways to force yourself to eat them. once you eat them for a while they start to taste better than you crave them.

    vegetables taste good i wonder why they taste bad to you thats strange

    when i ate only junk food the thought of eating a vegetable was very unappealing, maybe you are eating too much pizza
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Wrap them in brown rice and seaweed for homemade veggie sushi
    stir fry in olive oil with chicken or shrimp and seasonings
    cut up into cheese and egg omelettes
    eat with hummus spread

    Really, you have the internet.

    Why do I keep getting rude replies to a simple question?

    How is that rude? The internet is a plethora of information.

    "Really, you have the internet"

    The remark was unnecessary. I know how to cook some vegetables. Its not like I live under a rock. I was merely asking how do other people make them taste better.

  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    corn is good!

    with rice and gravy with tasso meat and sausage! yummm!
  • stbrad6896
    I also love to good asparagus or green beans in a pan with some oil and minced garlic. You cook it til it get a little soft and the garlic turns brown (carmelizes). Then put em on a plate and top with a little sea salt and black pepper (I like fresh cracked) and a few tablespoons of parmesan cheese. It's so good!
  • nikilovesaxl
    find ways to force yourself to eat them. once you eat them for a while they start to taste better than you crave them.

    vegetables taste good i wonder why they taste bad to you thats strange

    when i ate only junk food the thought of eating a vegetable was very unappealing, maybe you are eating too much pizza

    I don't even like pizza,haha.

    I was raised without any veggies. I ate potatoes and corn. Thats all I like and they're not even all that good for you. Thats why it tastes gross to me. I just need to get introduced to them and acquire a taste for them.
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    I don't understand how people can say that veggies are gross. I mean there must be some vegetables that you like. If you find them all gross I'm thinking it's just your mind frame. Try different types of veggies. Roasted acorn squash is good with a little bit of brown sugar and cinnamon on top. Baked spaghetti squash is yummy with pasta sauce on it. Make a goat feta cheese, leafy green lettuce, walnut, and cranberry salad. Broccoli bacon salad is amazing! Stuffed peppers are good. Greek salad (our north american version) is delicious. Veggies and low fat ranch dip make a great snack. Adding grated zucchini or carrots to pasta sauce will make it more filling with few calories (and you don't even know the veggies are there). Sliced zucchini brushed with olive oil on the bbq is delicious, even better if you add some Parmesan cheese on top at the end. Roast some carrot and sweet potatoes with a beef roast. Cut up some cauliflower, drizzle with olive oil, add a little salt and cayenne pepper and roast at 400 for 30 min (melts in your mouth). I could go on and on here. Veggies are freakin' awesome!!!
  • nikilovesaxl
    Wrap them in brown rice and seaweed for homemade veggie sushi
    stir fry in olive oil with chicken or shrimp and seasonings
    cut up into cheese and egg omelettes
    eat with hummus spread

    Really, you have the internet.

    Why do I keep getting rude replies to a simple question?

    How is that rude? The internet is a plethora of information.

    "Really, you have the internet"

    The remark was unnecessary. I know how to cook some vegetables. Its not like I live under a rock. I was merely asking how do other people make them taste better.


    I'm sorry if I misinterpreted this wrong but it sounded a little rude to me.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I don't eat vegetables either, but I supplement for missing mircos, and eat a lot of dead animals, so it sounds like that option is out for you too.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Lettuce + tomato + some cucumbers and some meat was my dinner, boy I wish I had enough for seconds I polished that bad boy :-P

    What kind of food do you like? I didn't use to care much for vegetables but as I became older and learned to cook, I love them now. But when I started cooking I slowly introduced them to foods I liked.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    find ways to force yourself to eat them. once you eat them for a while they start to taste better than you crave them.

    vegetables taste good i wonder why they taste bad to you thats strange

    when i ate only junk food the thought of eating a vegetable was very unappealing, maybe you are eating too much pizza

    I don't even like pizza,haha.

    I was raised without any veggies. I ate potatoes and corn. Thats all I like and they're not even all that good for you. Thats why it tastes gross to me. I just need to get introduced to them and acquire a taste for them.

    well i guess just melt cheese on them then. its really easy and fast and covers the taste. you can buy those laughing cow things if youre dieting, they are 35 calories a wedge and they melt well. or any cheese really. i think swiss is lower in calories than cheddar. then you get calcium and protein.

    i dont eat pizza anymore. its the reason i turned into a fatty mc fatterson!
  • nikilovesaxl
    Lettuce + tomato + some cucumbers and some meat was my dinner, boy I wish I had enough for seconds I polished that bad boy :-P

    What kind of food do you like? I didn't use to care much for vegetables but as I became older and learned to cook, I love them now. But when I started cooking I slowly introduced them to foods I liked.

    At the moment, I eat a lot of carbs. I eat fruit when I have it. Thats about it. Thats why I'm trying to broaden my meals.