Vegetables are gross >:(



  • rubberbiscuit
    I really love vegetables, a lot. I don't think I've ever met one that I don't like. You're missing out on some really great healthy food, not to mention the fiber and vitamins that is in vegetables. A nutritionist once told me that you should try a food something like 17 times before declaring that you don't like it. I live by this rule with my kids and they usually end up liking whatever food it is that they thought they didn't like. You could keep trying them and maybe you could learn to like them. I did that with banana's. I used to hate banana's, but I decided that they were good for me and I should be eating them, so I kept eating them until I finally liked them.

    Also, you might be cooking them wrong. Start with fresh vegetables and either steam them or roast them. In the summertime try grilling them. Flavor them with a bit of olive oil and salt and pepper. Or buy a good cookbook and try some new recipes.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    What kind of carbs? cause carbs mix easy with veges
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    I make beef stew in the crock pot. Cut up beef, potatoes and carrots into bite size pieces - add 1 cup water and beef stew mix (I find it in the spice aisle). Put everything into the crock pot and cook until carrots and potatoes are almost done. I then add fresh sliced zuchini, mushrooms and green bean as well as some frozen corn and peas and cook for another 15 or 20 minutes. Yummy - especially on a cold night!!!
  • nikilovesaxl
    What kind of carbs? cause carbs mix easy with veges

    I like pasta, but only with alfredo sauce. I know it sounds weird, but tomato sauce makes me want to vomit. I like rice, but only butter and herb rice. I eat my veggie food, the soy stuff and quorn. I like pirogi's. I'm not really sure. I'm a very picky eater which needs to stop.
  • dorilou1969
    do you like salads at all? if you like lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, etc, then you can throw in a couple of more nutritious veggies like broccoli or asparagus. The dressing will help disguise the taste a little. I know you don't eat meat but do you eat fish? Throwing veggies in foil with a piece of fish and lemon and garlic is awesome.
  • islandgirl3333
    islandgirl3333 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks to all the people who gave great ideas, I really appreciate it.
  • Toshiana123
    Get the McCormick perfect pinch seasoning and steam your vegetables. Ummm ummm delicious!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
  • nikilovesaxl
    do you like salads at all? if you like lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, etc, then you can throw in a couple of more nutritious veggies like broccoli or asparagus. The dressing will help disguise the taste a little. I know you don't eat meat but do you eat fish? Throwing veggies in foil with a piece of fish and lemon and garlic is awesome.

    The only salad I like is maybe a fruit salad :x
    I haven't really tried any dressings or anything (to me they all smell weird. Stupid way of ruling out a food, I know) but I think if I found a yummy dressing, I would definitely try a salad.

    And I don't eat fish. I don't eat anything with a face.
  • nikilovesaxl
    And yes, thank you for everyone who is suggesting such wonderful ideas. I think I'm going to try a few :smile:.
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    You just have to experiment more in the way you prepare them or if you put them in any dishes or anything on the vegetables themselves.
    I hate cooked mushrooms... they're soooo gross... but I absolutely love raw uncooked ones chopped up in a salad. I hate raw broccoli, but I like it when it's stir fried. Not a huge fan of lettuce for salads in general, so I add some ranch dressing.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    What kind of carbs? cause carbs mix easy with veges

    I like pasta, but only with alfredo sauce. I know it sounds weird, but tomato sauce makes me want to vomit. I like rice, but only butter and herb rice. I eat my veggie food, the soy stuff and quorn. I like pirogi's. I'm not really sure. I'm a very picky eater which needs to stop.

    You can start by adding corn or peas they mix very well with Pasta and Alfredo, if you let them simmer with the Alfredo they will take the sauces profile and taste better for you.

    Rice is another easy one , you can try simple stir fried rice with thinly sliced bell peppers, onions, green peas, and carrots.

    The main thing is to introducing the vegetables to your meals slowly by using foods you already like, I use this trick with children a lot. Add a little bit of vegetables at first and slowly increase the amount over time as you develop the taste for them.
  • dorilou1969
    do you like salads at all? if you like lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, etc, then you can throw in a couple of more nutritious veggies like broccoli or asparagus. The dressing will help disguise the taste a little. I know you don't eat meat but do you eat fish? Throwing veggies in foil with a piece of fish and lemon and garlic is awesome.

    The only salad I like is maybe a fruit salad :x
    I haven't really tried any dressings or anything (to me they all smell weird. Stupid way of ruling out a food, I know) but I think if I found a yummy dressing, I would definitely try a salad.

    And I don't eat fish. I don't eat anything with a face.

    Maybe you would like just good olive oil and balsamic vinegar? That is my favorite really.

    I think it would be to your advantage to try and be a little braver about eating new foods, not meat, just try lettuce with a little olive oil and vinegar. Then maybe add in cucumbers. Those are both very mild tasting. Each time add another vegetable to the salad and before you know it you will be eating a big bowl of veggies. Another really tasty veggie that is actually kind of sweet are red bell peppers and they are really good for you too.
  • nikilovesaxl
    do you like salads at all? if you like lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, etc, then you can throw in a couple of more nutritious veggies like broccoli or asparagus. The dressing will help disguise the taste a little. I know you don't eat meat but do you eat fish? Throwing veggies in foil with a piece of fish and lemon and garlic is awesome.

    The only salad I like is maybe a fruit salad :x
    I haven't really tried any dressings or anything (to me they all smell weird. Stupid way of ruling out a food, I know) but I think if I found a yummy dressing, I would definitely try a salad.

    And I don't eat fish. I don't eat anything with a face.

    Maybe you would like just good olive oil and balsamic vinegar? That is my favorite really.

    I think it would be to your advantage to try and be a little braver about eating new foods, not meat, just try lettuce with a little olive oil and vinegar. Then maybe add in cucumbers. Those are both very mild tasting. Each time add another vegetable to the salad and before you know it you will be eating a big bowl of veggies. Another really tasty veggie that is actually kind of sweet are red bell peppers and they are really good for you too.

    I think I'm gonna try a honey mustard/olive oil mix and see how that turns out :smile:.
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,598 Member
    Do you make protein shakes, or shakes at all for that matter... throw a couple handfuls of spinach in there.. you can't taste it at all, especially with fruit added I love raspberries in mine.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    When I was much younger, I was in the same situation - a vegetarian who didn't like veggies.

    My advice is to get a good vegetarian cookbook and a bunch of spices. You need protein too, so add beans and legumes as well. Well cooked vegetarian meals, well seasoned, can actually be very tasty, once you get away from the "meat substitute" mentality. That stuff I never did like.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Cook veggies how ever you want.
    Add sriracha
  • dorilou1969

    I think I'm gonna try a honey mustard/olive oil mix and see how that turns out :smile:.

    another one you may like is the Asian ginger and sesame dressing. yummers :happy:
    LINIA Posts: 1,099 Member
    Just wondering if you could either, make your food diary visible OR tell us what you normally eat each day. I think all of the advice is more helpful when we are adding good suggestions to how you already eat. Thanks.
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    How you cook them makes a world of difference.

    Stay away from canned. Most things don't taste as good from a can.

    Canned spinach smells like wet dirty laundry to me, but if you take fresh spinach and chop it up, you can easily add it to whatever you're cooking. It would go pretty well in a cream sauce or in a soup. Add it at the last second to retain some of the freshness. Kale works even better as a fresh thing added to soup. It's a little sturdier and doesn't wilt as fast.

    There's also a big difference between a crunchy fresh carrot and one that has been cooked until it's mushy. Some people like mushy and some don't. I like fresh green beans that are still a little firm. My mom won't eat green beans unless they've been cooked forever.

    Broccoli starts to smell funny if you cook it too long, but a creamy soup has enough flavor to cover that up. That's why cream of broccoli or broccoli cheese soup works, but just adding it to any old soup does not. If the green stem starts to lose its color and go yellowish, you've cooked it too long.

    The usual standby for me is a stir fry with lots of garlic, maybe some lemon, or ginger, or red pepper, or whatever you like to add extra flavor. The key is to not overcook it. Add thick vegetables first and then add the thinner ones near the end so they all get done about the same time. Green onions or any green leafy thing goes in at the very last second.