Hypertension (high blood pressure) meds



  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Was on 10mg Lisinopril then got it up to 20 mg and also taking Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg
    Hoping to lose the weight and get rid of the meds (plus 2 for cholesterol issues and a type 2 med while I'm at it).
    No problems with any of the meds here.
  • rubyjune27
    rubyjune27 Posts: 87 Member
    I was on Ramipril for 6 years and not aware of any side effects. As of last week I am off all medication, mostly attributable to being 36lbs lighter.

    Good luck with getting your medication correct.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I was put on Methyldopa for my HBP because I was trying to conceive. (It's one of only a few HBP meds that are OK during pregnancy), and that caused depression and/or mild suicidal thoughts with me.

    I'd never had any suicidal thoughts previously and I was suddenly thinking about driving the wrong way in lanes of traffic on my way home from work. I was tired and sad all the time.

    On valentines day my husband and son wanted to take me out for lunch, and I cried the whole way thinking I didn't deserve it.

    In addition, my legs and feet would swell up so much they'd ache.

    I went on holiday overseas and forgot to take my meds with me, so didn't take them for 4wks, and I started feeling better. I thought it was the relaxing holiday until I mentioned it to my doctor when I went in to get a script, he took me off that drug right away and prescribed something different. It took another 6 - 8wks without the medication for me to get back to normal again.

    I hadn't even realised how bad it'd gotten until I came off the meds.

    Now I've lost weight and become fitter, I'm on a 6wk trial without any blood pressure meds. I'm hoping I'm off them for a long time!
  • I have been taking 80 mg of Valsartan over here http://www.internationaldrugmart.com/valsartan.html daily for about 5 years. My blood pressure remains under control and I have had no side effects at all.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I was on metoprolol succinate (50mg daily), which is a beta blocker, for a congenital heart issue for over a year before pregnancy and will be going back on it after. It is also used for treatment of high blood pressure.

    I had a few side effects including mild lethargy, periodic foggy thinking, and a higher propensity to passing out when standing than normal (a side effect of my heart condition is syncope anyway, and the beta blockers made it worse). I also had some mild bradycardia (resting HR was 45-50 BPM), though I had no complications from this.

    I never had issues with nausea, depression, or weight gain. I lost most of my weight while on this medication.

    I'd suggest talking to your doctor about it and see what he/she recommends. Everyone's medical needs are different.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Was on 10mg Lisinopril then got it up to 20 mg and also taking Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg
    Hoping to lose the weight and get rid of the meds (plus 2 for cholesterol issues and a type 2 med while I'm at it).
    No problems with any of the meds here.

    I fought against taking HBP meds for 6 mos after being diag'd, but after dropping 20 lbs and cutting back on sodium had no effect, I gave in to doc's wishes.

    I was first on Hydro*; didn't do anything but make me 'bio-break' twice as often. Next I was on the Lis*-Hydro* 20/12.5 mg combo and that worked wonders... so much so that my BP would drop scary-low after cardio (e.g. 80/56). Asked doc if I could half it (pill-splitter), he said go ahead. Seems to be the proper mix for me but still minor but manageable side effects after cardio. He wants a check up in 3 mos instead of 1 mo and can try weening of if all's well after 6 mos total. <fingers crossed>