UK peeps: Marks & Spencers fuller for longer meals

Hi all,

Does anyone ever have those fuller for longer meals from marks and spencers? The ones with balanced protein and carbs. I work super long hours and share a kitchen with my boyfs family so cooking from scratch all the time is quite hard (im going to invest in a blender soon tho!). Does anyone have these meals and if so are they ok for you for weight loss?!

thanks xxx


  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member

    I've got a stash of these in the freezer for those days when SRSLY I CANNOT BE BOTHERED. It usually goes hand in hand with a long day at work and a class in the evening, and then they're my best friend.

    I must admit, they do keep you pretty full. I know that all foods that claim that have something of creative license going on (I mean Shreddies? Full until lunchtime? Yeah, if lunch is at 9:30am) but they leave me feeling pleasantly full for quite a while.

    They're tasty, too - you could do a lot worse.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    I've tried the odd one - if you're going to eat ready meals they're probably one of the best of a bad bunch.
  • Thanks both :) xxx
  • Anyone else? xxx
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Never heard of these! Think I'm going to have to investigate for the other half.
  • Never heard of these! Think I'm going to have to investigate for the other half.

    I used to have them and enjoyed them and they've now brought out loads more of them!! and they're always on offer too :) xxx
  • smiffy645
    smiffy645 Posts: 167 Member
    I use them a lot for lunches at work, really nice and lots of the time they are on two for £6 deals so good value as well.
  • Thank you!!! Do you find they fill you up ok? xxx
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    A guy on my friendslist swears by them when he needs a quick meal. I personally havent tried them yet but I think I will as I like a hot lunch and work and i usually find i struggle to keep going until dinner.
  • smiffy645
    smiffy645 Posts: 167 Member
    Yes, I usually gym or run after work so will have a banana about 6pm and dinner after training. They certainly keep me full till then. Some are microwave and some are oven so check if you only have access to a microwave. They are typically around 400 calories and they are listed in the database.
  • Great - thank you all :) xxx
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    I have tried some of the salads - bought to eat on the ferry from Aberdeen to the Shetland Isles. I found them really good, filling and much healthier and tastier than anything served on board!
  • I have tried some of the salads - bought to eat on the ferry from Aberdeen to the Shetland Isles. I found them really good, filling and much healthier and tastier than anything served on board!

    Thank you!! i may try something from there at lunchtime! i normally eat a salad on the way home from work as i dont get home until really late but i'm starting to resent paying out for a salad and it's not the best thing to eat in the winter! xxx
  • I used to eat these a lot and they were fantastic. I'd be comfortably full and the taste was great so you wouldn't want anything for a while afterwards. I recommend the casserole with red wine and the spaghetti with meatballs, they were two of my favourites! Also the salmon looks good. They are a good meal that you don't need to add things to, as they come prepared with all the sides! I do recommend them!
  • I used to eat these a lot and they were fantastic. I'd be comfortably full and the taste was great so you wouldn't want anything for a while afterwards. I recommend the casserole with red wine and the spaghetti with meatballs, they were two of my favourites! Also the salmon looks good. They are a good meal that you don't need to add things to, as they come prepared with all the sides! I do recommend them!

    Thank you! did they not affect your weight loss at all? in a bad way i mean! xxx
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Not found them that great taste/fullness wise.

    However, if they fit in to your calorie goal, they should be fine for weight loss :).
  • I eat the salads most days for lunch at work - I find them filling and tasty, certainly better than the offerings from Pret say.

    Tried a few of the ready-meals and some are better than others, but for the occasional hot lunch - fine.
  • Thanks everyone! xxx
  • Excited to try these :) xxx
  • The Fuller Longer range is okay, but more of a marketing gimmick than anything particularly special... I seem to recall that some of the calorie contents are on the high side.

    I'm generally not a big fan of pre-packaged foods, but if you're after nutritional balance and convenience, the Innocent Veg pots are absolutely brilliant. You get 3 of your 5 a day in each one, a good fiber balance and they all seem to be delicious. Great as a lunch or an easy dinner after the gym! :)