So, essentially, I'm a recovering anorexic, but I still have anorexic friends and such. I'm trying to help them, but being around the sometimes makes me want to go back to my old ways. I'm in one of those spaces where I've started scheming in my head how to keep people from noticing that I haven't been eating and stuff like that. Right now, I really need some help, support and reminders for why I should continue giving my body what it needs. Feel free to add me, I could really use some friends right now. I don't hate my body, but I'm starting to not love it and I just help remembering all of the reasons I don't want to deprive myself. I'd love friends in similar situations and I just really, really need some motivation right now. Thank you all so much for being here. I highly appreciate any support or kind words.


  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    Oh girl I wish I had some amazing words of wisdom for you. I have not been in your situation but what I do know is life is so precious and short. While I think your kind to support your friends it should not be at the detriment to your health. You work out quite a lot and your body needs fuel to perform. I hope you have someone close that can support you in this and wish you strength to get past this.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I'll start off by saying I've never been in your situation. But can I give you some tough love? I know you care deeply about your anorexic friends and want to help them, but it sounds like you are still kind of vulnerable yourself. Maybe you need friends that are more like what you want to be right now. I hope everything works out and that you stay strong. You are very brave for coming on here. Good luck.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    I'll start off by saying I've never been in your situation. But can I give you some tough love? I know you care deeply about your anorexic friends and want to help them, but it sounds like you are still kind of vulnerable yourself. Maybe you need friends that are more like what you want to be right now. I hope everything works out and that you stay strong. You are very brave for coming on here. Good luck.

    Sadly, walking away from your friends doesn't mean walking away from your disorder. It's not that simple.
  • LadyButterfingers
    If your friends push you toward a lifestyle you know is not healthy, perhaps you should keep some different friends? Be around people who appreciate food (by eating it vivaciously) and eventually it will rub off on you more and more.

    Fruthermore, your body needs to be taken care of. The rumbling of your stomach, the tired behind your eyes, the sore-ness in your's your body talking to you! It's asking you to take care of yourself, and if you want to be healthy and feel well, then EAT.

    God knows there's no way I could understand what you're going through. I have the exact opposite problem: I eat too much. But you should surround yourself with people who can acctually BE with you when you have moments of weakness like this. I'm dieting with a friend and we keep each other strong, but don't lie on your journal. Own the struggle, and ignore those who judge, accept those who offer help and keep going.
  • Arunakae
    Thank you all very much for your kind words and tough love. What Crying_In_Color said is true, walking away from your friends is not walking away from your disorder. Honestly, if I gave up on my friends I'd hate myself so much that I would surly go back to my old ways and deprive myself as punishment for giving up on the people I love. I know it's hard to understand eating disorders, but I'm getting better, it's a process and a lot of my friends, as they see me getting better, are getting better too. It can be difficult to be around them sometimes, but we're helping each other. Each of us are getting better at our own pace, but I see it happening and it's wonderful.