chronic pain and needs to loose weight!! (new group)

BigdaddyJ Posts: 357
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hello all!
I'm looking for others like me who have to suffer chronic pain. No weight ins, just a tread where we can all share our states of mind on good or bad days.

As for myself, I've been diagnosed with degenerative artritis in my right knee, how fast it's gonna degenarates depends 100% on me and my will to lose weight and exercise!

I broke my ACL in June of 2005 and i've felt different levels of pain since then. They told me that i have developed arthtritis in september of 2009 and that I needed to loose some weight and get in better shape if I wanted to keep using my knee properly.

I've been doing real good since january, exercise and glucosamine helped a lot, I also lost 25 lbs out of a 60lbs goal. I've had a little bit of pain when I started but it quickly went away. I was finally without pain (or almost) for the last 5 weeks!

Then this weekend it hit me like a ton of bricks, I could hardly walk this morning! It gets better as the day goes by but i'm not sure i'll be able to do a descent cardio training tonight (I will try!) and i'm seriously considering skipping my leg strenght training tomorrow...

So now i'm learning to live with the pain, I sorta got used to the physical pain, but today the morale just isn't there, after doing so good for so long and feeling so bad today I feel depressed.

So if you sometimes feel like me, I suggest you join this group and we can support each other!!



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Riiight there with you, buddy. I had my ACL replaced in 2001. I was in constant horrible pain after the surgery, and told by my doctor and physical therapist to just push through it...stop being wimpy...etc. I was miserable and limped around for two years. I stopped exercising almost completely.

    So then I decided to try getting back in shape. I joined a gym. I did some squats. The very next day, I saw a lump on my knee. I felt it. It was the top of a screw. A lovely titanium screw that had never stayed in place and had been spinning its way out of the center of my knee for two years. When they took it out, I had to flush out my knee 3x day for weeks until little slivers of bone stopped coming out.

    The second I woke up from that surgery I started running around like a maniac. It's amazing how glorious the mere absence of pain can be! It still hurt a bit, mostly at the top of the patellar tendon where it was harvested, but still..nothing like how it had been.

    Fast forward 2 years...I'm in really good shape, exercising, having fun. I get laid off from my job and decide to join my parents on a trip to Sicily. Wear platform heels. Get drunk, walk on cobblestones...not a good idea lol. I snapped my ankle and because I had no insurance I never saw a doctor about it. You should have seen that the time I got back to the US my leg was *black* up past my knee! So that still bothers me, I guess it just never healed right. Now I think I may have even fractured it.

    Fast foward another year...morning rush hour..get rear-ended by an SUV doing about 65 while I was at a complete stop with my foot on the brake. Tore all the ligaments in my lower back. That will never heal, as far as I know. It's just a lifetime sentence of pain.

    Last thing..I do have weak joints and have dislocated my shoulder a number of times. I've pretty much dissolved whatever cartilage I was born with in my right shoulder. I need surgery but it's a terrible recovery process and without a partner/caretaker i'm just not up for it. So I have to constantly keep that side tensed up or else it will drop out of joint and be horribly painful.

    LOL I'm a mess...and of course I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes it just gets to you emotionally, especially if you have some good days all in a row and then a really bad day comes along. And just between us in this group, I want to smack the daylights out of people who say, "pain is just weakness leaving the body". We know better.

    So, you know what? If you need a day off then you take a day off. Especially if you're in a place where you're not normally hurting that much. Get a massage or do a real long icing of your knee. If it means that the next day you'll feel better then it's the right thing to do.

    Thanks for starting this group so I could come whine about my bad joints :)
  • BigdaddyJ
    BigdaddyJ Posts: 357
    Yeah I think i'll take your advice and take a break tonight, long ice session and a long hot shower!!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'll join ya! I've been in a couple car accidents through the years and have sustained whiplash a few too many times. At any point in time my neck and back pain can range from a 4 to a 15. I can count on going to the doctors about twice a year for pain meds because I "slept wrong" on it. I also have a mysterious shoulder injury.. I THINK it happened when I went to pull my dog closer to me one night while we we laying on my bed... it popped that night and has never really been the same. I have plantar fasciitis and my knee caps still slip in and out of place occasionally - a problem I've had since I was in 8th grade. I've carried around 100+ lbs extra for several years and all in all - I think it's taken a toll on my body. I know that as I lose - I'll feel better.

    I've really found that it doesn't take anything drastic to lose weight. Walking works. Now... getting in swimsuit condition in another story... having buns of steel and washboard abs... but I figure I can work the more strenuous workouts when I've taken some more weight off.
  • I'm half asleep right now, but im there too. Back and Knees and I can definitely tell the difference when I'm carrying more weight. I would LOVE to get rid of the back pain for good.
  • I understand especially being depress, however I look to God for strength, I have no choice. Major back surgery in Oct. 30th, last year went from 170-235 can you believe that from walking up to 3 miles a day, to barely getting up the street. I know that these things take time, however the weight is allowing the pain to be worst. I am in theapy, my thing now is how do I or can I get my metabolism back running? when I can exercise the way i need too! any suggestions? lol...I know all is well in the long run everything takes time right!! be blessed!
  • BigdaddyJ
    BigdaddyJ Posts: 357
    My knee pain is getting worst everyday, I can hardly walk let alone workout!! DEPRESSED!!
    :sad: :angry: :grumble:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    My knee pain is getting worst everyday, I can hardly walk let alone workout!! DEPRESSED!!
    :sad: :angry: :grumble:

    Is swimming a possibility? Do you have access to a pool? I'm sorry that your knee is hurting so badly.

    I'd like to say that it's my pain that's keeping me from being able to exercise right now... but it's not. It's the 6th cold of the season! I've been battling bronchitis since November... my whole family has been sick off an on for months. I can't wait for winter to be over!

    Hopefully I'll get a little workout on the Wii in tonight.

    On a more positive note... I've lost 7 pounds in 9 days!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Looks like this is a good group for me I was in an accident 7 years ago I fell asleep behind the wheel luckly no one else was in the accident. I was burning the candle at both ends. I brole my pelvic in 3 places 3 4 & 5 vertabra (how ever you spell it) and L4 & L5 was in a wheel chair for about 2 years also had so many breaks in my right foot that they didn't even try to do anything with it. The right side of my face is pins and plates.oh and broken ribs. Been in an accident since then but I wasn't driving but had a nother set back.
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