I need friends!

Okay, I don't mean to sound needy or anything but I am determined to end the cycle of dieting and ready to begin a new path of healthy eating and routine exercise.

I really think that adding friends will give me the extra push that I need so that I don't quit (again).

Please feel free to add me.


  • Apellet1
    Apellet1 Posts: 14 Member
    I was welcomed with open arms when I started here, so let me do the same for you! Having support and encouragement makes all the difference. Best of luck to you! Amy
  • Add me....I'll be your friend.
  • hisqtangel
    hisqtangel Posts: 32 Member
    Sent a request too! Friends definetly help with the motivation :smile:
  • anaoliver63
    anaoliver63 Posts: 117 Member
    Add me. Would love to be a support for you.
  • Thanks so much.
  • aairs1
    aairs1 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm new and could use some friends too. I will send you a friend request!
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    You can add me, if you wish.

  • bettyclv
    bettyclv Posts: 31 Member
    Add me please if you are reading this post....It makes it more fun and interesting coming here to speak with others about their challenges on this journey of a life style change. We all need a buddy system and someone to encourage.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    glad you are ready to make a change because honestly dieting sucks and it really makes you a grumpy person... oh i cant do this oh i cant eat that blah blah blah. a lifestyle change using moderation and portion control will keep you a happy upbeat person working towards your goal while still enjoying the foods they tell you not to eat when you are on the "diet of the month" plan.

    good luck in your journey always remember it is a marathon not a sprint even when you reach your goal the marathon is not over...

    you can add me as a friend if you like
  • aStrongerSteph
    aStrongerSteph Posts: 161 Member
    A strong support group makes the lifestyle changes so much more bearable.
  • Krys801
    Krys801 Posts: 9 Member
  • Hi ,
    I just started this on monday for the 2x . Did this last year and didn't stick to it ! I really do need to drop some POUNDS!!!! I wish you luck !
    Happy diet
    Keep in touch
    Terrie Reppy
  • good luck, im doing the same
  • I am new on here too! I love the idea of having friends that have the same goal as me...living a healthy lifestyle! Boo to dieting...no one can live on a diet for the rest of their life drinking cabbage or what ever the theme of the week is! I agree with you all about that it is a life style change...I still eat everything I want...it's all about portion...my food diary is open. Feel free to look at what I eat! And what I drink!
  • Follow the mfp that you set up for yourself. If your determined to do it you will. Set realistic goals. Take before pictures and measure yourself. Don't put so much emphases on the scale. You will come to a plateo. We all do. Eat clean, get rest, move around, log everything you put in your mouth, drink plenty of water (no empty calories). Eat back calories don't eat back calories, not sure what's right here. I don't eat back calories, don't really see the point of it all and it has worked for me. If your hungry after an exercise eat some back. Be as close to go without going over and don't try to be under, your already on a calorie decline and def don't go under 1200. Try to eat protein with every meal. Protein will keep you full as well as the water. Peanut butter is a great source of protein, nice treat can be high in calories. PB2 is a powered peanut butter that you add water too that is 45 calories. A friend told me about Walden Farms peanut butter, it is calorie and card free. Good luck. Feel free to add me.
  • westonhive
    westonhive Posts: 56 Member
    Girl, you are def in the right place. I am like you. I didnt want to seem needy or lonely or anything but I really needed some friends. I love MFP! Never in my life have I felt more loved and supported about changing the way I look. Your friends on MFP are going to be all over the world, from all walks of life, they have one common goal and that's living a healthier lifestyle. To be honest, my MFP friends are now closer to me than some of my girlfriends! They really do provide a support system, a cheer team and also accountabilty. So add me as a friend, I'll be there to celebrate with you when you lose your last 10 pounds, I'll encourage you when you feel bad about eating that whole box of cookies..lol :)
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    Follow the mfp that you set up for yourself. If your determined to do it you will. Set realistic goals. Take before pictures and measure yourself. Don't put so much emphases on the scale. You will come to a plateo. We all do. Eat clean, get rest, move around, log everything you put in your mouth, drink plenty of water (no empty calories). Eat back calories don't eat back calories, not sure what's right here. I don't eat back calories, don't really see the point of it all and it has worked for me. If your hungry after an exercise eat some back. Be as close to go without going over and don't try to be under, your already on a calorie decline and def don't go under 1200. Try to eat protein with every meal. Protein will keep you full as well as the water. Peanut butter is a great source of protein, nice treat can be high in calories. PB2 is a powered peanut butter that you add water too that is 45 calories. A friend told me about Walden Farms peanut butter, it is calorie and card free. Good luck. Feel free to add me.

    i use to use a lot of the walden farms dressings until read the label they are low in calories but the salt is up there and they have a lot of other "stuff" you cant pronounce in the ingredients list...

    i find bolthouse to be a better option
  • yogibo
    yogibo Posts: 2
    hey, i am also new here and i need new friends aswell! so, you're welcome to add me :)
  • I just started today and don't know how to even add friends... so needless to say... I don't have any friends either... but hoping to make a few. I need the support.
    I am not very good at sticking with a healthy plan... I've been carrying an extra 20 lbs since menopause started... ugh! I have two grandkids and I am using them to motivate me. I want to run and play with them and not get tired out to quickly.

    This is going to be good for me... I need to track. I am a post it note kind of person so will be able to do this tracking thing!

    Good luck to you. If I can figure out how to add friends I'd love to support you and get support back.
  • Welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me. I am always looking for new friends for mutual support and motivation. I joined this site in July of this year and absolutely love it. No one should have to do this all alone.