Calories Burned--which one?

I'm sure this has been asked before but here goes...

When I log 35 minutes of walking at 3 mph the calories burned is about 167...

When I use Runtastic the same amount of walking clocks in at 367 calories...

Holy difference Batman!

I could see if I were going uphill, etc...but I live in FL, land of flatness.

Whatcha think?


  • I always use the one that is less. If you burned more calories that you entered it will just be a bonus for you! Just a little fyi, I walk and or bike at the gym and if you enter your weight it will tell you the calories burned but if you put it in mfp it gives you way more so you cannot always trust this site for calories burned. :) Any other questions feel free to ask. I am not a professional but I know quite a bit.
  • It's hard to trust either. I use a HRM and even then I know it's not a perfect amount, it only estimates too based on heart rate. I will say that I noticed my HRM gave me about 30% less calories burned then MFP calculator if that helps?
  • Well that's just crazy. If MFP is over in calories burned then we're all in trouble with relying on it. If 367 is too high and 167 is too high...what the heck is the right number. Seem like it should be right in between. I'm no newbie to weight loss, I just like to be able to rely on certain tools.

    Thanks for your input ladies!
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    Personally if I were to log 35 mins of walking I'd log at 100 calories maximum to be on the safe side. It's not a very tiring activity and we're kind of built to do it!
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    Do you know how far you walked?

    I know MFP is dependent on how long you did your exercise and the pace. I don't know about the other site. If you know how far you walked the pace does not matter very much--same number of calories whether you ran it in 5 mins or walked in 50. I would map it on google maps to see how far it is that you walked and figure out how many calories it is. Its about 90 cals/ mile.
  • graced111
    graced111 Posts: 69 Member
    A trainer at the gym once told me it is roughly 100 calories per mile walked. So if you walk 4 miles per hour for 1 hour it is 400 calories. Hope this helps.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    A trainer at the gym once told me it is roughly 100 calories per mile walked. So if you walk 4 miles per hour for 1 hour it is 400 calories. Hope this helps.

    This is the average number for running.

    Running at a 6mph pace is (0.75 x Bodyweight) per MILE
    Walking at a 4mph pace is (0.60 x bodyweight) per MILE

    Keep in mind these numbers are gross meaning you need to subtract your BMR from that if you really want pure exercise burn calories.