Lazy thyroid

OK. I know ALOT of people have said that they are exercising their butts off and sticking to their diet BUT see nothing on the scale. Well this is true for me! My grandma and aunt recently found out they have underactive thyroids. I got blood work done today and check mine too. My question is does anyone else have an underactive thyroid?? And since taking the medicine has your diet and exercise show results now?


  • kristiellyn13
    I just rechecked my thyroid and have increased my synthoid to 75 mcg. I have found that since taking the medication I feel less swollen specifically in my face and belly and I no longer lose my hair; however losing weight seems to continue to be an uphill battle. I was hoping I would start taking my medicine and the weight would fall off... wrong!!! The good news is I have not gained. It's a very slow process to get the levels where they need to be and find the right doasage of medicine. I did see a natural doctor/nutritionist and she recommended that I stay away from gluten and soy. I feel much better when I stay from gluten and carbs. I take my medication first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and a thyroid support supplement when I go to bed. I get frusterated because I work out like crazy and the scale barely moves.
  • jel1512
    Hello I hope that my testimony will be an encouragement for you. I came on here in late January 2012 as recommended by a friend. I have never had any problems with my weight, was able to eat as I liked and stayed at around 7st 10lb / 7st 12lb which I felt was good for my height 5ft 1/2". By the time I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, (I am also 51 and was told that the weight gain was due to that!), I had put on 25lb. Since joining I have been very careful to stick to the daily calories allowed, and I am pleased that a total of 23lb has been lost.
  • jenheiland
    I'm also 51 and I have gained about 15 lbs in the last 3 years. I never even considered it to be a thyroid problem, I guess I just though I was getting older and things were just catching up to me. I have never had to watch my weight and I have always been very active. I just started my fitness a couple of days ago, so I hopeful this will make me accountable for what I eat and how much exercise I get everyday. I'm hopeful this will work..
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Yup, just read my profile. It's hard for evryone to lose weight as they age, though. It's just not impossible, as it is with a sluggish thyroid.

    There's no short answer; you gotta take care of it. Find a dr you like and trust, have the bloodwork, and take your medicine. And eat right and exercise.