I really, really need some support..



  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    The straight answer is that if you are not prepared to do this for yourself and for the right reasons there is no system or method which will do this for you. Each one of us is responsible for what goes into our mouths. Sadly many of us live in a world of easy solutions, throw away consumables and second hand opinion. In the real world there is no substiute for simple self discipline and hard graft. Experience shows that diets don't work because once the diet stops the weight simply returns plus some more. The MFP programme properly applied requires a complete lifestyle change. This requires honest recording and working to a plan. You say that you simply gave up recording and can't help yourself when it comes to drinking alcohol and socialising. It appears that at this moment in time you have bigger issues to deal with than excess weight. I suggest that you seek help to get a realistic assessment of exactly where you are. When you have done this and are prepared for the discipline required for the MFP programme by all means come back and beneffit from the help of the many supportive people on here . The questions for you to answer honestly are:-

    1. What is the likely outcome if I continue with my current pattern of behaviour?
    2. Am I prepared to seek professional help to help me make a realistic assessment of my life.

    I've tried to be both honest and constructive. The next step is up to you and only you can decide if you're worth it.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    wanna know how?


    I mean like really seriously wtf is the secret?

    Zombies + babies

    WTF yoovie???

    No seriously - 2 thoughts.

    #1 think of yourself as little baby you - somewhere between the ages of two and five. Think about all the things she loved and how she ran around and played and ate cheerios with her fingers and then went back to playing outside or all over her bedroom, or nomming on juicy orange pieces and sandwiches and licking her fingers and running back to play. Tell her that when she grows up, she is going to be just as full of light and laughter and you'll still make sure she gets all these wonderful healthy foods and she is free to play with her friends and enjoy life when she grows up cause YOU HAVE GOT HER BACK, BABY!!!

    #2 Turn off your brain. Mindlessly stand up, like a zombie, put on your workout clothes and just freaking do it. Your brain is stopping you from going because your brain is often a first class jerk. This is none of your brain's business. This is your body's business. Tell your brain to back off.

    Whats really funny is that when you get back from your workout and you feel amazing and triumphant and RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRR - your brain will still try to take credit.

    Just go. Just do it. Turn off your brain and do it for that little girl so she doesnt have to worry about whether or not she will be happy and strong and healthy and beautiful when she grows up.

    I think my inner zombie ate my inner baby... :sad: :sad: :sad: :brokenheart:

    No, no, that was your inner dingo. Don't blame everything on teh zombiez.
  • MoniqueB79
    MoniqueB79 Posts: 17 Member
    Brilliant!! :O)
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Girl I gained back 20lbs and I did get depressed. But that aint going to help lets just get back up and start pushin forward it will pay off and this time we can learn from our mistake so it does not happen again.
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    wanna know how?


    I mean like really seriously wtf is the secret?

    Zombies + babies

    WTF yoovie???

    No seriously - 2 thoughts.

    #1 think of yourself as little baby you - somewhere between the ages of two and five. Think about all the things she loved and how she ran around and played and ate cheerios with her fingers and then went back to playing outside or all over her bedroom, or nomming on juicy orange pieces and sandwiches and licking her fingers and running back to play. Tell her that when she grows up, she is going to be just as full of light and laughter and you'll still make sure she gets all these wonderful healthy foods and she is free to play with her friends and enjoy life when she grows up cause YOU HAVE GOT HER BACK, BABY!!!

    #2 Turn off your brain. Mindlessly stand up, like a zombie, put on your workout clothes and just freaking do it. Your brain is stopping you from going because your brain is often a first class jerk. This is none of your brain's business. This is your body's business. Tell your brain to back off.

    Whats really funny is that when you get back from your workout and you feel amazing and triumphant and RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRR - your brain will still try to take credit.

    Just go. Just do it. Turn off your brain and do it for that little girl so she doesnt have to worry about whether or not she will be happy and strong and healthy and beautiful when she grows up.

    I loved this post !!! Awesome :flowerforyou:
  • Ferrari530
    Ferrari530 Posts: 3 Member
    I suspect, by what you posted, the motivation before was not for YOU it was for the boyfriend. YOU need to put YOU first, above all else for your health and well being.

    The only Knight in shining armor is staring back at you in the mirror! Be proud of what you accomplished before, you deserve it and do not forget it.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Keep on keepin' on.................
  • goldenamor
    goldenamor Posts: 17 Member
    okay so you fell of the wagon! do you want to wait till you gain another 5lbs for you to get back on track? remember how hard it is to get to where your at now.

    make an effort to do some kind of workout there are a lot of free ones on you tube.

    As my son says

  • jer64tam66
    me too!am at a stand still! i lost 10lbs and now thats where i have been what seems like forever!UGH
  • pickledginger
    Positive motivation works better than negative -- they have done studies! and look how well the negative approach is working for you now -- so if you have a gorgeous photo of you before, blow it up and use that for inspiration.

    If you just can't deal with dieting right now, don't. Instead, you could maybe try to add one big salad a day. Thinking of it as dieting is never going to work for long, anyway.

    (Do try to log your food -- remember, you can hide the log; nobody else need know.)

    It sounds as if you are maybe in mourning for both your slimmer self and your relationship. That makes it easy to self-medicate with carbs ... but self-medicating with exercise works, too, and doesn't leave a guilty aftertaste. Shoot, if you just make yourself smile, that's supposed to release happy-making endorphins.

    (And if you're really depressed, talk to your doctor, please?)

    One of my friends does this great thing of finding one thing a day to be grateful for. Even if it is lungs that work -- which, come to think of it, is pretty amazing!

    Best wishes! Be well, whether or not you're thin. I was both, for most of my life, and know which one I would pick.
  • AZDreamgirl
    :flowerforyou: I teach a Ladies fitness boot camp class 3 times a week... so I see this all the time. All the ladies are right, we can say what we want to say that you should do to get you on board with changing your lifestyle, but it's got to be something you want. I don't always track my calories or watch what I eat, but I know from tracking calories in the past around how many calories I'm consuming and I know what kind of workout i have to put in to get rid of them. Don't look at it so much as a chore, YOU don't have to do anything you don't want to do. But since you posted this, I think you want to make the change so what are you waiting for???? Good luck in your journey.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    One other thing...you are referring to the weight you've gained as "my weight." Don't associate yourself with extra weight. I know that sounds stupid, but think about it this way - referring to something in the possessive sense like that enables you to own it. Don't own it, get rid of it. It's not "your weight". As I shed pounds, I say, "64 pounds GONE!" I don't say "lost" because I am NOT going to find it again!! It's gone!!

    Just a thought. :smile:
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    Wow - thank you EVERYONE for all your responses, I read every one of them.

    I probably should have noted that I have been out of my last relationship for more than a year, and I broke it off. That is when I started to be my heaviest was in the relationship, then towards the end is when I started taking more affirmative action with myself.

    Looking back, I just don't know how it is that I stayed so consistent. I guess you are right though, in that I just need to start, find what my inner motivation is. I hope what I find will be enough though. I let myself get by because I'm not "that heavy" but I didn't like what I saw in a recent photo. And I'd like to get down to where I was before.

    It's just about the dedication I am worried about. I just don't know how I did it. Hopefully it will come back to me. I know it's not suppose to feel like a chore but it does, at least for now, and mentally exhausting to obsess about what is going into home made meals. I will try to start again though, and I really hope I won't give in or take the easy way out. I just am not in that mental state quite yet.