Not eating enough..

Alright, I've had problems since starting weight loss. I'm a big guy. 344 LBS. I should require a lot of fuel working out as hard as I am everyday.... Even without it.

But I find myself everyday coming out to an average of 1.2k calories a day. If I ate anymore I think I'd puke from being so full.

This isn't a mental thing, it's just what happens.

Example: Today:

I burned around 1,600 calories working out alone, + metabolism = huge calorie burn. But, I've only eaten 900 something calories today and it's 10:00pm?

Should I just EAT even if I'm full to get my calorie count up?....

Eating this much calories has obviously worked for me, I've lost 22 pounds so far.... so I dunno


  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    I always have a question for people who ask this question. And I'm not intending to be a smart *kitten*, really.

    How in the world did you get to 344 pounds if you can't eat more than 1200 calories a day without puking?

    I wouldn't eat to make up the difference at 10:00 at night, but maybe plan a little better through out the day to get your calories distributed over three to five meals/snacks a day.
  • I always have a question for people who ask this question. And I'm not intending to be a smart *kitten*, really.

    How in the world did you get to 344 pounds if you can't eat more than 1200 calories a day without puking?

    I wouldn't eat to make up the difference at 10:00 at night, but maybe plan a little better through out the day to get your calories distributed over three to five meals/snacks a day.

    I was depressed for years straight, and didn't do anything at all. At one point I laid in bed 24/7 for 2 months straight and only went outside a few times to take out the trash. All I'd eat was junk food, pizza, etc, which is the worst kinda stuff. I would eat till I felt like I was dying and then wait until it loosened then ate like that again.

    I dunno why I can't eat more now :L

    And I got to 366 HW and 344 CW eating average 1.2k calories and feeling completely satisfied with my hunger :o
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    I've dealt with depression myself, so I definitely feel for you there.

    You are a big guy, with plenty to lose, so maybe just letting it happen for a while makes sense. I don't know.

    I would say aim for eating as healthy as you can.

    You are doing really well so far with your loss.
  • I've dealt with depression myself, so I definitely feel for you there.

    You are a big guy, with plenty to lose, so maybe just letting it happen for a while makes sense. I don't know.

    I would say aim for eating as healthy as you can.

    You are doing really well so far with your loss.

    Alright. Also take into accountability that I'm not done growing so maybe that's a playing factor. I'm just going to trust myself on this one. Thanks for the reply.
  • jakiram
    jakiram Posts: 25 Member
    If I was you I´d defenately try to eat more calories. That way your body won´t go to the "starvation mode" and then your body will hang on to every cell of fat there is left and losing weight will be twice as hard. I haven´t been quite your size but other wise my body has shut down when I haven´t been eating enough. It will also mess up with your hormones and for us women this can be more harmful than being over weight.

    And of course there is also a risk of ending up anorectic or bulimic, so please try to eat more and I defenately recommend eating most of the burnt calories back too. That will also help you to eat more normally when you´re dieting and in the long run it will be so much easier to stay in the healthy weight once you´re skinny.

    Plan to eat lots of protein and dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Eat a big breakfast that will make about 1/3 of your daily calory in take.

    And yes try to gain as much muscle as possible -that way you won´t end up as a slobby skinny guy. :)
  • Oaeneo
    Oaeneo Posts: 65 Member
    If you have lowered your intake of sugar/carbs and upped your intake of fats and proteins it can cause you to be less hungry. I go through this off and on. I am doing a keto based diet and some days I eat 1400 calories and some days it's 800. I wouldn't worry about it overmuch. If you haven't cut out sugars, I would recommend that.
  • hello!
    i too could not get out of bed when my dad died, if it wasnt for my kids i would not have
    for 12months i apparantly ate non stop and gained 40kg in that time (dont remember doing that but my family tells me i did)
    any way i too come up short on calories
    can you try increasing your protein at every meal by 1.5 or 2
    have good carbs at breakfast and lunch eg bread
    add a fruit to morning snack
    ive been told 1200 is the min or your weight loss will slow down

    you have done so well , ive started again my prob is sticking to it, now have a weight loss buddy to keep me on track
    all the best
    Karen Sydney Australia
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    Alright, I've had problems since starting weight loss. I'm a big guy. 344 LBS. I should require a lot of fuel working out as hard as I am everyday.... Even without it.

    But I find myself everyday coming out to an average of 1.2k calories a day. If I ate anymore I think I'd puke from being so full.

    This isn't a mental thing, it's just what happens.

    Example: Today:

    I burned around 1,600 calories working out alone, + metabolism = huge calorie burn. But, I've only eaten 900 something calories today and it's 10:00pm?

    Should I just EAT even if I'm full to get my calorie count up?....

    Eating this much calories has obviously worked for me, I've lost 22 pounds so far.... so I dunno

    When I first started here, I was full like that alot too. I think it was because I was eating the right stuff. Fiber keeps you fuller for longer, and I generally get most of my carbs from fruit and veggies, instead of breads and pasta. I dont cut them out completely but I did cut way back. I want to say after a few weeks- close to a month I actually started feeling hungry at meal times and found it easier to eat the recommended calories. I wouldnt eat the left over calories at night. But maybe try to high cal snacks to help you get closer, something preferably with protein in it also. You can add almonds, avocados, peanut butter, etc.
    For example the almonds I buy have about 150 cal for a 1/4 c, do you make shakes at all? I make my own fruit shakes and add a scoop of Protein powder that actually makes it taste good ( im very picky when it comes to that stuff) anyway, that scoop has 100 calories in it. Right there the nuts and just adding protein powder adds up to 250 calories.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Eat smaller high calorie foods. Maybe you're filling up on low calorie foods that are literally stuffing your stomach full. Don't be afraid of fats - have some peanut butter, nuts, cheese, a bit of oil on your salad. You'll get above 1200 easily.

    You can probably maintain 1200, or less than, for a period, but at some point you will flake out exhausted.