In williamsburg,va looking to add friends

hello all, please feel free to add me. I just started myfitnesspal today and am looking to add friends for motivation. I live in Williamsburg va and it would be nice to add some people in my area.Thanks.


  • KelliK910
    Hi! I am not in Williamsburg, but I am in Maryland. Been to Williamsburg quite a but this past yr for Busch Gardens. I've been on here for about a month now. Feel free to add me if you'd like! Good luck :)
  • ellismate
    Sure I would be happy to add you, the more motivation the better
  • ellismate
    so i signed up here last week but still have not logged anything in. I have just been trying to get a feel for how things work on the site. Any encouraging words or advice any one can give to me will be most helpful.