How do you stay motivated?

mjmarler Posts: 9
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
OK.. so I have been counting calories for 6 days and I can say that I have lost 6 pounds (according to my new scales), but it seems so much more stressful cause all I do is worry about what I'm going to eat and if it will be under the calories. It seems so stressful! I normally don't think about food like this, but since I am writing everything down, its seems like its ALL I think about! HELP! I am getting frustrated. I don't want to think about food all the time! Can anyone offer any suggestions and am I going crazy or are there others like me out there? :explode: Melinda


  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    You will probably be thinking about food and calories for a while. Once you get the hang of things it will sort of become second nature and you won't have to be thinking about food all the time. Eventually it will just be a way of life.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Well...habits aren't going to change within a few weeks and you may have to dedicate a lot of time counting cals and fat until it comes naturally...soon it will...if more people thought about what their cramming into their mouths, obesity wouldn't be such a big public health crisis...So, congratulate yourself on doing a fine job and keep it up
  • neztet
    neztet Posts: 21
    I do feel the same way as you. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to bypass it, except maybe throwing myself into work. But when I have days off it is horrible! I have tried to replace the constant thought with others but, the food thoughts keep coming back. Anytime that I am standing still, I think about what I am going to eat next and if it will fit into my new life style. Sometimes I even think that some foods won't hurt me, when they obviously will. Maybe some people that have had a longer time at this will be a better help. All I know is that after two months, and 32lbs, of constant and strict monitoring of my food I am starting to fall behind, not calculating my portions, not counting food, estimating in the bad way. I feel as if I am in the same boat. It seems to sinking fast.
  • The 1st and foremost is have a plan start ahead of time looking at what foods you eat now find the calories and see what you can and cannot eat. The 1st 1-2 weeks are hard and it helps if you have others around you that are on a diet as well. We are currently doing a biggest loser at our office so we have each other to feed off of. What I did was look at everything I was eating in the past and see what I could and could not eat take fast food and soda those are 100% gone from my menu all together. You would be surprised what you can eat on a diet and what kind of portions you can have.

    For example I have everything planned for lunch and dinner this week M-F I already know how many calories they are and how much I can have. I will tell you I have been under every day for my calorie count at times by 300 and as much as 1000 calories since I have started my diet back on 1/3/2010.

    The other thing I do is weight my self each morning to see where I am at if I am up a little I know I need to alter my intake and so on it's all about change and something that needs to be done unless we want to go back to what we were like before the diet Sure the food was great but were you really happy with the results.

    It’s all about planning and look back at what you used to eat and remember all of those calories that is what motivates me because of this I am down 31lbs in 9 weeks.

    Good Luck
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    I preplan all my meals and snacks, I know exactly what i am going to eat throughout the day, I don't have to think about anything because i have done it all the day before, I find this very very helpful for me, I stay motivated because of the results and I remember the results of my old ways and how I was always feeling sluggish, bloated, tired,and blah, and I always thought about food then more so now, because I wanted to eat it all. I was making and eatting about 2 pounds of fudge every other day since the holidays
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    I thought that way at first, then I actually started to look forward to it. I started losing weight and it seemed like more of a challenge, something that at the end of the day when my calories were under my goal, it was an accomplishment. I look forward to doing it now. Seeing how much food I can pack into one day without going over my calories. There are some days where it stresses me out a little, but not nearly as often as before. I am losing weight, feel better than I have in years, so everyday I log my food I think about how far it has got me so far and how much better it will help me to be. Everyday I get a little closer to being the me I always wanted to be.
  • bnabors
    bnabors Posts: 6
    I absolutely drive my husband nuts measuring and weighing everything. I have started ignoring him and have made a game of staying within my calorie goal. I have found that I can make substitutions of certain foods in order to have others. Sometimes, I find that I prepare a meal and I have not eaten enough calories that day. Then, I get to go on a hunt and find something wonderful to get just the right amount of calories that I am missing. It's kind of like a treasure hunt. I try not to cheat because I know I am only cheating myself, but I have found lots of ways to have the types of food I want even if it is not the exact food I want.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I absolutely drive my husband nuts measuring and weighing everything. I have started ignoring him and have made a game of staying within my calorie goal. I have found that I can make substitutions of certain foods in order to have others. Sometimes, I find that I prepare a meal and I have not eaten enough calories that day. Then, I get to go on a hunt and find something wonderful to get just the right amount of calories that I am missing. It's kind of like a treasure hunt. I try not to cheat because I know I am only cheating myself, but I have found lots of ways to have the types of food I want even if it is not the exact food I want.

    This is hubby feels the same way...I often do go on the treasure hunt as well
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I stay motivated by setting small goals and only aiming for 1 pound a week. This allows me to eat more each day. I have also added exercise and eat those calories. I average 1800 cal intake each day - that's a lot of food esp if you are eating fresh fruits and veges. I consider it a lifestyle change - I don't want to go back to where I was. I have been losing consistently. I go out to eat at least once a week and eat everything but just monitor portion size. Grocery shopping was the worst in the first few weeks as I read labels trying to find lower cal, lower salt options. Now that I know what to buy, shopping is easier.

    Join a few groups and be an active participant. Having friends that are going through what you are is very helpful (thanks to all my peeps if you read this:flowerforyou:). I don't think I would have lasted very long without them.

    Good luck to you on your journey.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I stay motivated because I have a picture of me at what has to be close to my highest weight looking at me all day right by my desk. That works well for me.
  • Questfor250
    Questfor250 Posts: 155
    Good question but I have to say that I got over it by fully buying into it. I am obsessed by my food. That's okay because it should have a direct result in losing weight. All of these posts say exactly what I have been through. One way I am staying active is to create a challenge that helps other people lose, hence, Losing for Life Challenge. It is keeping me busy and m,y mind off of food.
  • LaTerri
    LaTerri Posts: 42
    I make a menu sheet for the week Monday - Sunday. If I leave out the weekend, I mess up on those days. I make a chart that has the days across the top and time down the side. I plan everything out, down to the penny. I get stressed out about what I am going to eat if I dont plan it out. I make bad choices too if I don't do it this way.

    I do this on Saturdays, do my shopping / cooking on Sundays and Wednesdays...

    I eat 40/40/10, which does not leave a lot of room for fillers or sauces. I make a sauce that I can put on anything to make it taste good, it is sort of a home made tomato sauce with spinach, stewed tomatoes, and summer squash. For example, I know I get 1/2 cup of that, so for my lunch, I will have 3oz of Turkey meat, 1/2 cup of sauce and 1/2 cup of rice. So, on Saturday when I am making my plan for the week, I figure out how much turkey meat I need to cook up for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I cook it all at once. I make a 8cup batch [16 servings] of the sauce and freeze it in little lunch bags, and then every other day, I make my rice. I just pack it all together and pop in the microwave for lunch, easy.

    It takes some planning. I am eating 5 times a day, 25g of protein each meal. If I don't plan, I fail. I also have to count my water intake, so I get enough or I can't make it.

    I would say planning is the best way to stop the insanity. If you have a plan, you only have to really THINK about it once a week, then you just do what you planned. If you mess up one day, you have your plan for the next already done and can jump back on the wagon easily.
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    It's a challenge but I love a good challenge. I just try to stay focused on my goals. Changing eating habits is not easy but it's worth it and you'll thank yourself in the long run. It also helps to have a support system which you will no doubt find here!
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I think planning is a great idea. Especially if it works for you. Another way to get through it if you find yourself constantly thinking about food, is to eat 5 times a day. I eat the same breakfast and lunch so I know what I am getting into. Inbetween breakfast & lunch I often get hungry. I use water and a high fiber snack to get me through. I find that, now after getting into my routine, that an apple is almost too much food. I feel stuffed after I eat it and drink 16 oz of water, but it gets me to lunch. In the afternoon I portion out some grapes and take that with me to lunch, and I have that and 2 more cups of water and I am feeling full again. Maybe if you plan on being hungry and brining healthy snacks, like carrots or fruits & veggies in preportioned snacks, you can still hit your calories and feel full all day long. I still think about food, but my snack quickly makes my thoughts of food go away.
    Also, I have trouble looking at food still and not thinking I am still going to be hungry later. My strategy for that is to plan on eating less, but having that snack as a backup. It keeps me from eating with my eyes and I use my stomach as a guide.
    Keep it up! You can do it. Stay on track and each day will get easier & easier! It takes 21 concecutive days to form a habit! You will get there, but remember you are never alone in your struggle!
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    You start out having to think about food all the time, but eventually it gets easier.

    I plan meals ahead of time and try to plan so that any dinner I cook is around what I need for the day, then I just mix and match my lunches and snacks. Once you figure out the calorie totals on everything you eat you can start to get a feel for what you can have.

    If you buy your snacks ahead of time and then just have them on hand you're not wondering what comes next. I had to hit or miss for a while to find what would be filling enough for a snack, but not way too many calories.

    In fact, my food journal for the day is usually filled out by 10 a.m. I have my snacks planned out, my dinner, breakfast behind me and then it's just picking out lunch. That way I'm just following a routine. And it helps me know where I have wiggle room, and instead of feeling restrained I find myself realizing that I need MORE calories for the day and celebrating with a yogurt (or these days, one girl scout cookie).

    Just hang in there, it will get easier. And consider finding some low calorie recipes and trying new things for meals. It makes it a little more fun and then you have low calorie food on hand most days (leftovers!).
  • mjmarler
    mjmarler Posts: 9
    Thank you to all of your responses! And thanks to my new MFP friends:flowerforyou: ! After reading everybody's response, at least I know I am not alone. There is no way to plan my meals as my schedule is so crazy! I have online classes for college during the evening (which does not help my eating habits) and this really has affected my dinner portions. However, its a new day and a new week and I can always make changes. I am very determined to lose this weight and with everyone's support, I know I can!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Thank you to all of your responses! And thanks to my new MFP friends:flowerforyou: ! After reading everybody's response, at least I know I am not alone. There is no way to plan my meals as my schedule is so crazy! I have online classes for college during the evening (which does not help my eating habits) and this really has affected my dinner portions. However, its a new day and a new week and I can always make changes. I am very determined to lose this weight and with everyone's support, I know I can!

    Planning your meals is especially helpful when you have a crazy schedule. I bring all of my food with me in a cooler that I pack the night before. When I make meals I double the recipe so we will have leftovers and I freeze meal portions so that if I am in a bind I can pop one in the microwave. I use the crock pot a lot.

    I do this with working full time as a teacher, going to the gym 5 days a week, running 2 days a week , working part time as a Realtor and being a mom of 2 kids under 3. It can be done, I promise. You just have to squeeze it in. You'll get the hang of it.

    1% cottage cheese, yogurt, greek yogurt, fruit, sandwiches (orowheat sandwich thins are only 100 calories per bun), raw veggies, nuts, protein bars, protein shakes.... all quick and easy things to throw into a cooler when you are busy.
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