2 o'clock Crash



  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    some can't just stop snacking.... I eat at least 5 times a day if i don't then i feel famished and believe me I get more than enough fiber and protein in my meals.

    Total and utter NONSENSE.

    Snacking is a voluntary action. YOU do it. YOU make it happen. This isn't "Some people can't stop white blood cells from attacking foreign bodies".

    Snacking is a planned, prepared, and thoughtful execution.

    NO ONE just blacks out, goes to the store, buys tons of snacks, returns to work, loads their desk with snacks, and then work while gorging on snack foods to only suddenly regain consciousness.

    How you FEEL and what you DO are two completely different things entirely. EVERY human can control what they DO. Those that say they cannot are simply lying to make excuses for poor behavior that they know is wrong or contrary to their own goals.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You're snacking because you're starving yourself. Eating only 1200 calories a day? Burning several hundred calories a day exercising and not eating exercise calories? Not eating anywhere near enough, and your body is trying to tell you that.
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    Lots of water-hard boiled egg with chopped up pickles and a tiny bit of mayo, bread and butter pickles, almonds, peanut butter, cheese sticks, tiny yogurts, diet gingerale, turkey pepperoni. It's the "crunch factor" that I so crave. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    some can't just stop snacking.... I eat at least 5 times a day if i don't then i feel famished and believe me I get more than enough fiber and protein in my meals.

    Total and utter NONSENSE.

    Snacking is a voluntary action. YOU do it. YOU make it happen. This isn't "Some people can't stop white blood cells from attacking foreign bodies".

    Snacking is a planned, prepared, and thoughtful execution.

    NO ONE just blacks out, goes to the store, buys tons of snacks, returns to work, loads their desk with snacks, and then work while gorging on snack foods to only suddenly regain consciousness.

    How you FEEL and what you DO are two completely different things entirely. EVERY human can control what they DO. Those that say they cannot are simply lying to make excuses for poor behavior that they know is wrong or contrary to their own goals.

    You can lighten up any time now
  • umm you should try fat free cream cheese(30 cals 2tbs) pickles (zero calories), Oscar Meyer oven roasted turkey breast (45 cals for 6 slices) roll your pickles up and then cut them in half and you have 8 little snacks for 85 calories..rice cakes with fat free strawberry cream cheese.. cauliflower with country fresh french onion dip.. you always only want to do a serving of everything if that makes sense at all? a lot of low carb foods are usually low cal.. you should try eating more protein after lunch to fill you up and get rid of those cravings.. drink lots of green tea and put lemon in your water.. that usually works for me... try staying away from anything that has sugar free.. it will make you crave more food!!
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    I think Christy_Frank is onto something... look at your lunch. Are you crashing in the afternoon? I try to eat 6 small meals a day. It takes a lot of prep and dedication but I was never hungry or snacky. Maybe even break-up your midday meal into 2 small meals.
  • Try something that fills you up like oat cakes:smile:
  • Tracepa98
    Tracepa98 Posts: 219
    I dont know what your daily mean time plans are but I too have a desk job from 9-5:30 each day.

    I usually eat breakfast around 10-10:30am and its a granola bar with 4 oz of chocolate soymilk.

    About 12pm or so I have a snack of fruit or a yogurt. (sorry no greek, i hate that stuff)

    I eat my lunch around 1:30 and always have some kind of protein.

    I have another snack around 3-4 pm (sometimes fruit or veggie like carrots & PB)

    Dinner is around 7ish or so.

    And if im still hungry i may have a snack before 10pm.

    That pretty much sums up my day and I usually have at least 300 calories left over. I drink 4-6 glasses of water a day. Sometimes more than that but then Im up running to pee throughout the night and that sucks.

    I cant stress this enough though...get up every hour, walk around and get the blood flowing. It will help with the swelling.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Everyday after I eat lunch I want a nap---I have thought about not eating but then everyone would hear my stomach growling. I do not have your type of crash.
  • alortego
    alortego Posts: 11 Member
    I do bring only my portion for my snacks, it's just I am obviously bringing the wrong kind of snacks. I will take the advice of those who mentioned bringing healthier snacks. I will also consider upping the calories per day & see if that helps. Somehow in my head I can't grasp the whole upping them & being able to lose anything. I will keep y'all posted.

    In regards to the individual that posted that we can simply stop snacking, that it's simply a choice that we make. Well, obviously we didn't all get to an unhealthy weight because we "chose" to. Yes, we did eat the food and we didn't push away from the table when we could have, or some may have problems with their weight due to medical reasons. An addiction to food is just like an addition to alchohol or any other things people get addicted to. In reality an addiction to food is one of the worst, because we must eat to live. It's stopping & reminding ourselves that we must eat to live, NOT live to eat.

    I simply asked if anyone else was having this "snacking problem" if you are not, then great but do not sit there & post such an ignorant comment you know nothing about. Oh but wait, you are on a board for weight loss help, so does this mean that you also didn't simply "choose" to not overeat or walk away from your weakness. Think twice before making such a harsh comment, please. People are on this message board to help encourage one another, not to get brow beat by someone who thinks they are a know it all.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    this happens to me too. i try to drink hot tea (apple cinnamon) and drink lots of water. some days itll help. usually allow myslef one granola bar in the pm too,.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    Do you pre-log your snacks? lunch? breakfast? dinner? Try doing that so you know how much wiggle room you have. I have a drawer full of snacks and lunches but I prelog my day when I get to work so I know what I can or can't fit into my day and then I know I don't have to worry about not having enough left for dinner

    That is a brilliant idea! I usually log as I go and since I pack my own lunches/snacks for the day, that helps me to know what I'm eating... but logging it all at once makes total sense!
  • More water and volumetric foods through your meals will help keep you full as well.
  • alortego
    alortego Posts: 11 Member
    How may ounces of water a day do any of y'all typically get in during the day? I seem to bloat when I drink too much & sit too long.