how to stop bingeing at night?! So mad at myself...

I know this topic comes up over and over again, but I am at my wit's end.

I know what I should be eating. I know I should not eat mindlessly at night. I know I am not even hungry! but i am stuck! i will hit all my macros, and then it goes to crap at 10pm. it's not really about avoiding having junk around, because something comes over me and I will eat whatever is available (string cheese, dried fruit, leftovers, crackers, anything.) it's not like i'm seriously depriving myself during the day, either. i will have 1600-1800 cals of balanced food (protein veg fruit healthy fats, some whole grains, dairy, avoiding too much sugar) spaced throughout the day. And I still become a bottomless pit after dinner.

I don't want or need to lose weight fast. i just want to lose a pound a week. i have probably 60 pounds to be a healthy size, this should be easy. what is wrong with me?


  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    Who said it's easy? :huh: I have the most trouble at night if I don't keep myself busy. That's one of the reasons I'm at the gym at night. It keeps me out of the kitchen! If I know I'm satisfied food-wise for the day but still feel like grazing after dinner, I'll have a couple Altoid mints and a glass of water (or cup of decaf tea or coffee), then brush my teeth and mentally close the kitchen for the night. I hate eating anything after I brush my teeth, so once I do that, I don't want anything else.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 627 Member
    So that problem is more common than you think. One recommendation that typically helps is water. You may be dehydrated and your body confuses that for cravings. Drink more water daily and then a big glass around an hour or so before your cravings begins typically.

    You should see a big improvement in your cravings.
  • nicoled_220
    nicoled_220 Posts: 5 Member
    My issue at night is wine or beer. I love to have a couple of glasses at night but a glass is like 120 cals! So 2 glasses, and my calories are shot for the day. I'm the same way though - I know better, but yet, I can't muster the will power to not go for it! Bah! So FRUSTRATING!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    If you know that you need a snack at 10pm, why not save some calories for then?
  • allknowingtomato
    allknowingtomato Posts: 42 Member
    LoraF83, even saving calories won't help. if i start eating that late, I just don't stop at the right time.

    I have even tried shifting all my meals so that my regular dinner is later in an attempt to just schedule my eating for when it is already happening. Again, i lose control and overdo things.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 627 Member
    LoraF83, even saving calories won't help. if i start eating that late, I just don't stop at the right time.

    I have even tried shifting all my meals so that my regular dinner is later in an attempt to just schedule my eating for when it is already happening. Again, i lose control and overdo things.

    That is sounding more and more like self control. If water does not is self control. Just as an addict needs to quit drugs, gambling, must stop binging....simple.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    i always just go to bed. I will read if I'm not tired yet.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    brush your teeth :D everything will taste like****.
  • I seriously have NOTHING to binge on in my pantry or fridge unless its peanut butter.

    1st step is Throw ALL the junk away

    2nd step make sure you drinking LOTS of water, a lot of times your thirsty but your mind will think your hungry at night.

    3rd sometimes there is nothing wrong with snacking, just snack on the right stuff, Find some really low calorie goods to satisfy your need.
  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    I had this issue, too. It wasn't until I started going to therapy that I stopped the night binges. Like you said, it's not that you're hungry. You just feel this need... this void to fill. It might be emotional and it's something you should investigate within yourself. Good luck. :)
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    I go to bed early so I don't snack beyond my planned foods for the day (plus it helps me get up in the morning to workout!)
  • Is there an emotional reason for the eating? Like maybe at night you're getting anxious about going to work or school in the morning?
  • habend
    habend Posts: 1 Member
    I can totally relate, my binge eating is normally late in the evening and caused by stress or boredom. I find that if I am craving something late in the evening, having a bowl of vegetable broth will solve it. It has flavor and is very filling - and low calorie!
  • iampam4399
    iampam4399 Posts: 81 Member
    Go to sleep!!!! If you're like the rest of us, you're not getting enough sleep as it is. Use this time to get in some extra zzzz's, AND avoid the binging!! It's a win/win situation!
    Good luck to you!
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    That's what I call Kindle Time, I brush my teeth and head to bed to read my kindle, I won't eat once I have that fresh toothpaste taste, and I read to take my mind off it!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    go to bed earlier!! I just go to bed when I get hungry at night and it's late enough for bed!! Lol helps!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I looked at your diary and I think you might want to try eating more protein and less carbs especially at dinner the carbs break down faster usually and this could lead to that restless feeling later at night I go with a 40 40 20 now and don't have as much trouble at night I didnt think I was hungry but my body was " LOOKING " for something more so when I worked out hard. with the higher protein at dinner I was more satisfied
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    This won't work for most people but I am single and live alone. I usually have cereal and breakfast food in the house. Other than that, I pick up food for dinner every night after work and don't keep extra stuff in the house.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    After dinner if I'm starting to feel like I want to snack and don't have room for more calories in my day, I'll say "I can have a snack if I do 50 push-ups first". Usually the push-ups end up making me not want to snack because why would I undo all of that awesomeness?

    Other things that work for me are:
    1) drinking a big glass of seltzer with lime wedge - 0 cal, and delicious
    2) brushing my teeth
    3) painting my nails so I can't touch anything
    4) making out with my man :) <-- this should really be #1
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    When I feel like getting something to eat late and night and I know i'm not hungry. Its just habit or I'm anxious about something or just flat out bored I'll go for a late night walk. Then when I get home I go straight to bed. The walk helps me to get out that little bit of energy thats keeping me from settling down and I usually fall right to sleep. I also drink water instead of reaching for those late night snacks. I never was a night time snack person till I got married. My husband is up till 1 am eating it seems non stop. But he's a letter carrier and burns it off very easily. Try walking or drinking water instead of reaching for those snacks. You need to learn self control. That seems to be the issue.