30DS--how much worse is Level 3 vs Level 2?



  • TBoom915
    TBoom915 Posts: 115 Member
    Level 3 is definitely easier in my opinion.
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    I'm definitely with some others here; I thought level 2 was harder than 3, especially on the arms and shoulders. Level 3 will raise your heart rate more (more explosive/plyo moves) but 2 was more straining on the muscles....

    Have fun!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I always though L2 was harder than 3!
  • Level 3 is the best outta all the levels. It's my favorite by far (:
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I LOVE level 3!!! I think it's easier/more fun than 2... the planks have done wonders for my tummy!!!!
  • I did not like level 2 at all. I moved onto 3 quickly and it's harder but I liked it more.
  • Katrina_88
    Katrina_88 Posts: 164 Member
    Each level should be done for 10 days before moving up to the next level if you want the best results. Also if you cant complete the whole exercise without taking a break you should stay on the level you are on and concentrate on being able to improve the moves and workout the whole 27 minutes straight before moving to the next one. At level 3 you should be able to do most the workout with the advanced moves. Level 3 is A LOT easier then level two in my opinion but every struggles with different moves so its different for each person.

    Best of luck to everyone doing the shred. I did it for the month of October todays day 26 straight, I only lost 2 pounds but lost a couple inches and feel so much stronger. At level 3 I am finally able to do the real push ups (not on my knees), I love this workout it , I feel like my abs have really strengthened also!
  • lpbm5
    lpbm5 Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you so very much for all the responses! I guess we're doing this more as a workout vs actually falling the entire program--30 days in a row, etc. We are 2 SAHMs who want a quick workout before our husbands go to work. ;) I'm glad to hear Level 3 is not as bad!! Like I said, we are considering going back to Level 1, but knowing most people think Level 3 is more enjoyable, we won't be as scared to move on to it!
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    Hmm.. I started Level 2 last week and after two days, decided to alternate days between level 1 and level 2.

    Despite deciding this, I've been doing level 1 still all week lol! The moves in level 2 are difficult but they are also harder on the knees and ankles and i really dread doing the entire workout and need to do some of the "modified" moves, which I never had to do for Level 1.

    After reading this thread, I am thinking of trying Level 3 and forgetting Level 2 for now
  • bebifal
    bebifal Posts: 98
    I think level 3 is easier. I absolutely hate hate haaaatttttteeeeee level 2.
  • lpbm5
    lpbm5 Posts: 63 Member
    I think level 3 is easier. I absolutely hate hate haaaatttttteeeeee level 2.

    Me too, I am nausous after it.
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    Level 2 actually burns more calories than level 3 according to Jillian herself, so that is interesting.

    I am sticking with it though; lots of it is SO HARD for me still so I can't wait to see my endurance increase and the visible results that will no doubt come from that. =)
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Level 2 actually burns more calories than level 3 according to Jillian herself, so that is interesting.
    Not for me.
  • lpbm5
    lpbm5 Posts: 63 Member
    Well we did level 3 just to try it. It was a little easier, but whoever said it's hard on the knees, was right. A few of the jumping moves left little to be desired. Onward and upward! Not giving up!! Thanks again!!
  • JamieCRodriguez
    JamieCRodriguez Posts: 88 Member
    I have been doing 30DS for 3wks now...Mon/Wed/Fri. I have done the 1st 2 levels and my friend and I really struggled with Level 2. We can't even imagine how difficult Level 3 is! All the planks, I could barely keep myself up! :( So tell me the truth, how much harder is it???

    to me, Level 3 was much easier than level 2.