Exhausted waitress - help!

Hi there all - I'm in a bit of a pickle, and I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice...

I started waitressing almost two months ago, and when I first got the job, I thought, "GREAT! The pounds will melt right off!" Unfortunately, that hasn't happened...at all. Since I started work, I have lost ZERO weight, and I'm really at the end of my rope.

I work at a very busy sports bar/restaurant, usually anywhere between 5-7 shifts a week that can be as long as 8 1/2 hours on a game night, and I am MOVING during all that time. I used to do an hour of cardio most days of the week and work retail, but since I started my new job, I am almost always too tired and sore to work out during the day,. On the days I do work out, I find that I can barely stand at the end of the night because my legs and back hurt so much, and I spend most of the next day in bed recovering.

I'm really at a loss right now as to how much I should be eating. I've tried anything between 1200 and 2000 calories a day, but no matter what, I just stay the same or even start to gain. What's even worse is that I never really feel hungry anymore because I'm so tired. I eat because I know I have to, or else I'll get dizzy at work.

This is so hard, because in spite of it all, I really do lie my job. I get along really well with my coworkers and my managers, the clientele is infinitely nicer than at my old job, and my wallet is very happy :) But my body is a total mess, and I have no idea what to do. Is there anyone out there who waitresses that has advice on how to break through a plateau without completely breaking down?

(Stats: I am 23 years old, 5'6", 156 pounds, wanting to drop down to about 125.)


  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Open you diary so we can see what you're eating. Just because you're moving you can ruin the entire weight loss by what you eat. I waitressed for years and was thinner until we all used to go out drinking. Also where did you get the figure of 125??? I think that's too small for you height. I'm 5'1 and am 125lbs now
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    Sounds like your moving enough for work. I'd avoid exercise except on multi days off from work. In a couple weeks, you'll adapt to the work load and can increase with exercise. I would guess the main problem is your food choices and that you're grazing during work. If you're eating too many carbs (bread, potato), you're keeping your insulin elevated which causes your body to run entirely on glucose which deprives the brain which triggers eating impulse ...aka dizzy. If you stick with lean protein and veggies, you'll feel 2x better, increase your energy and lose weight.
  • I usually don't eat too many "white carbs" - no more than 3 servings a day, plus 2-3 servings of fruit, and I pretty much only eat whole grains. At work, I really don't eat much of anything. Sometimes I order a salad for myself at the end of the night (like, side-salad portion, not full, with dressing on the side so I on't get overloaded), but often, I'm too busy to eat. And way too tired at the end of the night to even want food.

    A healthy weight for my. Height is actually anywhere between 118-155. I used to weigh a LOT less than I do now, but I suffered from bulimia and BED through most of college, and gained a lot of weight as a result. I have small one structure, and so I feel like I'm carrying around a ton of extra pounds, and would really like to get down to my old size...
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Makes sense, you went from what was probably a sedentary job to a active job. The same thing happened to me when I started hiking. I started eating a crap ton and gaining weight and inches...temporarily. I kept at it because I felt incredible and was eating up to about 3000 a day (within my goal) and the weight wasn't climbing throughout the month I'd just have these periods where I'd gain a few pounds of glycogen from all the exercise and then my weight would drop off and that would repeat itself and eventually my bodyfat started going down. Month to month I haven't lost a lb but I'm at the end of what I should be anyway and I've gotten leaner. My suggestion is keep it up and if you're feeling dragged out eat more. It's science and it worked for me.


    Hi there all - I'm in a bit of a pickle, and I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice...

    I started waitressing almost two months ago, and when I first got the job, I thought, "GREAT! The pounds will melt right off!" Unfortunately, that hasn't happened...at all. Since I started work, I have lost ZERO weight, and I'm really at the end of my rope.

    I work at a very busy sports bar/restaurant, usually anywhere between 5-7 shifts a week that can be as long as 8 1/2 hours on a game night, and I am MOVING during all that time. I used to do an hour of cardio most days of the week and work retail, but since I started my new job, I am almost always too tired and sore to work out during the day,. On the days I do work out, I find that I can barely stand at the end of the night because my legs and back hurt so much, and I spend most of the next day in bed recovering.

    I'm really at a loss right now as to how much I should be eating. I've tried anything between 1200 and 2000 calories a day, but no matter what, I just stay the same or even start to gain. What's even worse is that I never really feel hungry anymore because I'm so tired. I eat because I know I have to, or else I'll get dizzy at work.

    This is so hard, because in spite of it all, I really do lie my job. I get along really well with my coworkers and my managers, the clientele is infinitely nicer than at my old job, and my wallet is very happy :) But my body is a total mess, and I have no idea what to do. Is there anyone out there who waitresses that has advice on how to break through a plateau without completely breaking down?

    (Stats: I am 23 years old, 5'6", 156 pounds, wanting to drop down to about 125.)