Calories vs. Carbs



  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Geez............I might actually start learning some things on MFP.............besides the girls are only interested in your personal life rather than your healthier
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I didn't! I'm totally relearning everything I knew. I thought I had it all down, but now I'm adjusting to some new nutrition-nerd glasses! Keep telling me more guys, this is so interesting :)

    Btw, over time, eating junk (even in the right amount of calories) would eventually lead to health problems that impact your immune system and metabolism though, wouldn't it? You can't say sugar has no impact on metabolism... and then there's all that insulin resistant starch stuff I'm still figuring out.

    I think the real issue you'd have is malnutrition and nutrient deficiency from lack of proper intake of necessary micronutrients than anything. Of course, excess adipose/fat tissue also causes a host of hormonal problems and dramatically increases risks for a lot of cancers, cardiovascular disease, and other major health problems alone.

    Unfortunately, a lot of the studies done to-date showing intake of *insert bad food item here* did *insert bad result here* don't really control for total calorie intake, exercise habits, etc., so it's very hard to tell if it's the intake of that "bad" item that causes the negative effect or if it's total intake or a combination thereof. Exceptions are some recent work on trans fats and such that show a direct medical link between ingestion of trans fats and increased risk for various severe health complications.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    See wellbert, that's the part I'm figuring out. The differences in foods... and how some foods are equally caloric while others seem to be off balance even in the same amount of calories.

    Thermic effect is the energy required to turn food into useful energy.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    100 calories of spinach has the same caloric-value as 100 calories of chocolate.

    But 100 calories of meat doesn't provide the same caloric value as 100 calories of bread.
    Yes It Does A Calorie Is A Calorie Is A Calorie. The Nutrition that calorie provides is different.
    The caloric value is a non word. It's nutrient value, We're talking about.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    100 calories of spinach has the same caloric-value as 100 calories of chocolate.

    But 100 calories of meat doesn't provide the same caloric value as 100 calories of bread.
    Yes It Does A Calorie Is A Calorie Is A Calorie. The Nutrition that calorie provides is different.
    The caloric value is a non word. It's nutrient value, We're talking about.

    A calorie is a calorie in the sense that it is a unit of measure. In the same sense that an inch is an inch.

    If you eat 100 calories of bread, and eat 100 calories of steak, you do not end up with 200 calories of energy.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I still have the same question about sugar though... I just can't believe that 100 calories worth of chocolate or something is equal to 100 calories of something like spinach in terms of weight loss. I just don't see how this is possible; the ingredients must pose a different affect on the body and cause the sugary one to lead to greater fat stores despite the amounts being equal in calories. Am I right?

    They are the same if you are looking to Lose WEIGHT. There is a difference. Nutrition wise, no they are not the same.

    A big reason why people choose to lower their carb intake is because it does reduce cravings for things, and alot of time the cravings go away completely. I know from experience that this does happen. I hav PCOS and stay lower carb (130 a day usually hut net below 100 due to fiber) and forthe most part i have no problem not eating breads, pastas, white carbs and sweets. Usually when i do stray off is because i have waited long to eat or i didnt have something prepared. Even though i watch my carbs, i also watch my calories, along w my fat, sugar, fiber etc.

    When you take the cravings away, it does help to make things a big easier on you and definitely stopped the binging for me. I used to dothe super low cal, or super low carb and restrict myself so much that i would eventually binge. But keeping my carbs low but not too low, i am qble to eat very healthy, stay in my cal range according to my bmr and tdee.

    In my opinion it does matter what you eat, why not get the best health you can by feeding your body the nutrients it needs? While this is what I believe, I also believe that everyone has to come to that realization and point in their lifestyle change when they are ready. Taking the small steps to change from junk to healthy and only having junk on occasion instead of daily is putting you in the right direction and once people start to feel healthier alot do decide to change their eating to maximize the nutrients they are consuming.

    So yes you can lose weight eating chocolate all day, but is it the healthiest way? No.

    ETA- sorry for the typos, on my phone cant see all the text sorry :)
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    Additionally, protein and fat are of much greater physiological importance than carbohydrates. Typically when calories need to be reduced, it usually makes sense to reduce carbs in order to create the necessary energy deficit -- but obviously this is still dependent on context.

    That's true, but only to an extent. After all, vegetables have great nutritional value and are also carbs. So it's not entirely accurate to say your body needs carbs less than protein or fat. If that were true, why would eating vegetables to achieve optimal health and fitness be pushed on dieters so much?

    I said that protein and fat are of greater physiological importance. There exist essential fatty acids and essential amino acids that your body cannot supply on it's own. Your body can produce glucose through gluconeogenesis which makes carbs a non-essential nutrient.

    EDIT: But obviously I would never suggest that anyone stop eating vegetables or eliminate carbs.

    That still doesn't explain why most doctors you speak to and many studies you read will say you need the nutrition that vegetables, a carbohydrate, provide. I'm not saying fats and proteins aren't important, because they are -- I'm saying all three matter and we need to stop making one out of the three this enemy food that needs to be avoided. If what you were saying made sense, there would be no point in eating healthy carbs, and medical evidence points to the fact that eating those things does improve your health.

    Edit: Read your edit just now after posting my response. :) Ignore the above, lol.

    To some, simple carbs IS the "enemy" and affects the effectiveness of counting calories alone. Low carb is so often misunderstood and misinformation makes people think that everyone low carb thinks that other macros or counting calories is unnecessary, which isn't the case at all. I believe all my macros are important, but for me low carb, in combination with calorie deficit, works. Just giving my point of view :)
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Excellent exchange of posts, thank you friends.

    Following the posts through there is something I don't understand which I thought I had sussed.

    Why would 100 calories of steak and 100 calories of bread not total 200 calories? Are the calories from proteins and carbs and fats different? Do they burn slower? I understand that fats and carbs are used for energy and protein (largely) for repair and building and so it makes sense to have a correct balance of the three, but I thought the calorific value would be the same for all three components.

    What am I not understanding here please?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Excellent exchange of posts, thank you friends.

    Following the posts through there is something I don't understand which I thought I had sussed.

    Why would 100 calories of steak and 100 calories of bread not total 200 calories? Are the calories from proteins and carbs and fats different? Do they burn slower? I understand that fats and carbs are used for energy and protein (largely) for repair and building and so it makes sense to have a correct balance of the three, but I thought the calorific value would be the same for all three components.

    What am I not understanding here please?

    I can't speak for the person who made the claim but the way I would have phrased it would be that if you eat 100 calories of bread and 100 calories of steak you indeed are EATING 200 calories. Your body then expends a percentage of those calories (and that percentage will vary based on macronutrient type) in digestive processes for those foods. Thermic effect of feeding.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Ate a half a pizza last night before bed.
    Lost a pound over night.

    Like a ****in boss!
  • My thanks to everyone. I've been reading for hours and this is the most helpful thread I've read. I think I'm starting to get it. I began a change in eating habits almost by accident - while on vacation I did not have fast food, fried food nor much bread and I had lost weight when I came home. So, my "diet" consists of cutting out my troublesome consumptions, which are breads, fast foods and potatoes (in the form of french fries, baked potatoes, and potato chips) and fried foods. I found that by cutting those out, I needed to add some things, so I've kind of naturally added carrots as snacks in place of chips, vegetables, fish and fruits. I've lost 14 pounds, so I know I'm on the right track for me.
    So, on to my question. Sorry for the ramble. My three episodes of weight gain through the years have been when I was placed on steroids or hormones for health issues. I gained about 10-12 pounds each time that never came off, 'til now. (I'm 47, female, need to lose at least 30 pounds.) If it is all just about calories, and my diet and exercise didn't change during the short time I was on medication, why did the same diet cause so much weight gain that was fairly permanent? Does that mean that if I had restricted my calories during that time, I couldn't have gained, or am I over-simplifying that? Is it a whole different set of rules when you throw hormones and steroids into the mix?
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    So I've heard a lot about calories (virtually everyone goes by calories) and a lot about carbs (some have lost more weight counting carbs), so let me hear your thoughts. When it comes to successful weight loss and weight maintenance, which is scientifically the correct way to go?

    (And what really is, molecularly, a calorie anyway?)

    Because carbs are an energy source and that's all they are. They do not provide any other purpose in the body than to be converted to sugars and used as energy. While fats and protein are also energy sources for the body, the body uses them for other like repair, lubrication, building, vitamin and mineral absorption, etc.

    So if your not lifting heavy, participating in explosive sports or endurance activities, and sit for the most part at work, why shovel carbs down your throat?
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Because carbs are an energy source and that's all they are. They do not provide any other purpose in the body than to be converted to sugars and used as energy. While fats and protein are also energy sources for the body, the body uses them for other like repair, lubrication, building, vitamin and mineral absorption, etc.

    So if your not lifting heavy, participating in explosive sports or endurance activities, and sit for the most part at work, why shovel carbs down your throat?

    Very well put, why shovel indeed :)
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    Another way to choose your carbs is to try and limit "refined/processed" carbs.

    These are things like white bread, white rice, white pasta. these foods don't have much in the way of nutrients in them and are less filling, so called empty calories.
    You're much better switching to wholemeal/granary breads, wholewheat pastas and brown/wild rice...these are more natural/less refined/processed, they have a lower GI, are more filling and contain more fibre etc.

    Having said that, if you're having a bacon sandwich it does have to be on white bread......that's the law!!!
  • jenmsu83
    jenmsu83 Posts: 185 Member
    I have lost over 70 pounds by paying more attention to calories than carbs. Once I switched from Weight Watchers to MFP I made a conscious effort to stay within my macros (I am set to 50% carb/25% fat/25% protein). I have been losing just fine this way! Sometimes I do go over a little in carbs but it doesn't seem to matter. I can't imagine cutting carbs...I'd be grouchy! lol
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    My diary is set to whatever macros MFP gives you and I've lost 83lb, I know a lot of people say the carbs are too high and the protein is too low (I do go over on protein quite often) but I don't think my carb intake has hindered my progress.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    fyi guys. everything can be represented by calories. a piece of wood, a gallon of gas, etc. it is just that r bodies cannot digest those things to use those calories. a good example is fiber. the carbs in veggies is may be 40% fiber. so if u eat 100cals of cabbage 40 of those calories r not used. artificial sweeteners have calories but we cannot digest them,
  • I'm loving your feedback everyone! So who decided how to measure calories in food? And how did they determine how much is typically burned? What IS a calorie?
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm loving your feedback everyone! So who decided how to measure calories in food? And how did they determine how much is typically burned? What IS a calorie?
    energy needed to increase 1 gram a water by 1 degree Celsius
  • I love this thread.. so much helpful information.