Losing more than 2+ pounds a week Q

SCharlie123 Posts: 17
edited January 2 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so I'm 18, currently 296 pounds, and I started my weightloss properly last week, and lost 4 pounds within that time. For the first time ever I stepped on a scale anticipating the result rather than being worried as I knew I did do a lot of work. Large thanks for that goes to the people on this site/the tools on it. Now I don't really have a calorie limit so to speak, my limits may be either 1400-2000 , and I just reduce the amount of food I eat. At the moment I do exercise perhaps 4 times a week (walking/light jogs).

Now being obese as I am, and I have about 100 pounds to lose, I've started wondering whether I'd be left with alot of loose skin at the end of it all , and I've been read that the faster you lose the weight the worse it is, so is my 4-5 pounds a week okay ? I'm planning to perhaps drop about 50 pounds or so, as I feel my weight needs to go down a fair bit then perhaps try and limit the amount I lose each week. Just confused on this as a beginner / what would you suggest ? Along with this, I'm thinking of doing some form of weight training in my house 3x a week.


  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    The first week or two of calorie restriction, you will always drop more because it is mostly water. I dropped 6.5lb my first week and 3lb in the second. Then it settled down to 2lb/wk for a while. As you lose, it will slow down. Keep going as you are for now and see how it stands in a month or two. Being so young your lose skin will snap back, if not right away, in time.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member
    You are 18...no worries. I would be VERY surprised if your skin doesn't tighten up nicely. A few tips I've picked up (and need to be more vigilant about a few) drink lots of water to keep your whole body, including your skin, hydrated; eat lots of protein to help keep your muscles toned...this at least helps with an illusion of tighter skin, if not actually tighter skin; and get a good moisterizer and use it often...I have been using coconut oil recently since it is all natural.

    As a previous poster stated, the weight loss is likely to slow down after the first few weeks. Don't get down about yourself...it is normal! (Again, I need to be a little better about that too).

    Have a fantastic journey!
  • I lost six pounds in the first week. From what I understand, your body is not at your natural weight so it's ready to melt fat and water off. But after a week or so, your body has to be sure you're serious about feeding it less before it lets go of the weight. So it should even out to a 1-3 pound a week if you're eating healthy and excercising.
    My goal is 3 lbs a week in the next six months.
    Good luck to you!
  • Also I forgot to say - I'm worried about loose skin too. I got a tummy wrap thing from the maternity section at Target, that I plan to wear under my clothes when I start losing more. Also I bought Preparation H, which is supposed to tighten the skin (good for undereye bags too)!

    As stated above, your age will work to your advantage because of your skin's natural elasticity. :)
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