Couch 2 5k logging question!

Today was day one of couch 2 5k. There is no walk/jog option on MFP and I do not have a HRM. How would you suggest I log this? 5.0 mph walk? 4.5? I do not want to over estimate. Thanks in advance!


  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    If I didn't have a HRM, I would log C25K as a brisk walk, because I've timed myself - I'm not jogging any faster than I walk at this point.
  • sarahbrown1015
    sarahbrown1015 Posts: 92 Member
    so 4.0 mph? my jog is a little (and i mean tiny bit) faster than my walk. should i split the time between 4.0 and 4.5?
  • anaodep
    anaodep Posts: 29
    I found this forum on this other site and this person made an excel spreadsheet for calculating the number of calories burned- don't know if it's accurate or not-
  • gwild0r
    gwild0r Posts: 135 Member
    I used the speed calculator

    figured out my average speed.. and then logged it as such..
  • MichaelYoung1976
    I do C25K as well. For days 1-3, I logged 6.75 minutes jogging (7.5 mph for me) and walking (3.5 mph) for 21 minutes.
  • sarahbrown1015
    sarahbrown1015 Posts: 92 Member
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    When I did it last year I figured out how many minutes that I walked and logged those as walking, then I figured out how many minutes that I ran and logged those as jogging. I thought that was way more accurate for me than trying log it all as one.
  • amohon
    amohon Posts: 39 Member
    I have a few friends that are doing this and I would like to know how to get started. :love:
  • rapat
    rapat Posts: 108 Member
    A little late to this, but the way I've been doing it is I just added a new cardio exercise called 'Couch To 5k' under my exercises with the defaults being 30 min, 400 calories. If I'm wearing a HR monitor, then I just override the calories to what I burned.

    Likewise for other activity.