Is this normal?

For someone as unfit as I am, that is.
In the last month or so I've started getting pretty annoying back pain whether I'm standing or sitting. For a few months I've noticed it whenever I lie down at night by only recently it's progressed to aching when I sit or stand. I have to keep a good posture because it's now literally too painful to sit hunched over; I have to lean back against something. It seems to run in my family- my father has it and my older brother has it- but I feel I'm too young to have back pain :C

Also, I experience chest pain and a rough, tight throat when I try even to run a few yards. I'm 5,10" and 220lbs, not 300lbs+... I don't get why it should be -that- bad. I can walk for hours with no problem (something which I am doing) , but running and walking on inclines are really painful. Is this normal when you're this bad, then?
More importantly, will it improve? It seems too hopeful to expect the back thing to improve...


  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Either your dad or brother get it checked to figure out the cause? And are they both out of shape?
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I've been having back spasms for several days now, even though I'm 55 pounds lighter and never had back problems when I was heavier. For me, I think it's a change in the weather or the fact I haven't exercised in a week.

    I hope you figure it out and get some relief soon! :flowerforyou:
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Impossible to answer over the internet.

    Do you do any core work? Ab/oblique/low back strengthening?
  • ShamaraRobyn
    Neither of them have asked anyone about it. My father's heavily obese (25st+) but my brother's reasonably fit and one of my few family members who's a healthy weight. They both work with computers- and so do I. (Well, am studying towards.) It's possible my poor posture over years of using my laptop hurt my back.

    dittmarml, no I don't. I wouldn't know anything about that, and I can't afford a gym membership or training sessions so that's unfortunately pretty moot.

    Further edit: I should also mention that my pain is in the mid/upper part of my back.
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    i have the same problem of course i also have 155 lbs to go to get to where i would feel healthy real bad back pain in lower back. any kind of standing for more then 5 minutes usually when i stand have to ahve somethign to lean against otherwise u best have a chiar for me to sit in nearby its that bad
  • ambrosdm
    ambrosdm Posts: 21 Member
    One of the best things you can do for core exercises is planks -- they can be done almost anywhere and don't require any special equipment or expensive gym membership!
  • ShamaraRobyn
    ambrosdm- Thank you, I'll try doing those as well :)
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    For nights: pillow or rolled up towel beneath your knees (if you lay on your back), or between your knees (if you lay on your side). (Some chiropractors have a neat pillow-style support that is an hourglass shape so it doesn't slip out when you have it between your legs on your side.)
    For work: get a lumbar support for your chair (they're curved outward and will support the natural curve of your spine.
    For all day: posture support (something like this: -- I have a lumbar support and posture corrector that I use when my back starts to bug me)
    Exercises: crunches, not full sit-ups, invest in a workout ball (the big ones that you can sit on)... also, work on doing superman extensions (lay on your stomach and use your back muscles to pull your torso and legs up off the ground, but go easy!)
    Stretches: lay on your back, pull each knee up (separately) and hold... then together and hold. On your back, pull one knee up and slowly lean it over to the opposite side, repeat with the other knee.
    For pain: anti-inflammatory, like ibuprofen, etc. (within reason! especially good to take some before you go to bed, to relax the muscles and allow proper alignment and healing while in a prone state.)

    Bad posture impacts a lot of things, and people who work at computers often have some issue. The above is what my doctor recommended to me,

    As for the chest pain, throat tightness... you may have some asthma, but that's something you need to talk to a doctor about. If it worries you, it's definitely worth talking to a doctor for!
  • gigglediva
    gigglediva Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes back pain can be caused by wearing the wrong shoes.Make sure you are wearing good supportive, comfy sneakers. As others have said, core strength is very important as well. Good luck!
  • AvonLucyR
    AvonLucyR Posts: 124 Member
    Further edit: I should also mention that my pain is in the mid/upper part of my back.

    A lot of upper and middle back pain can be from your head being forward or repetitive motion especially with your arms lifted. I have no idea what you do, but you mentioned the computer, and a lot of people on computers have their heads thrust forward (what we call military neck). If you don't have your spine aligned correctly when you are sitting or standing (you mentioned your posture), the muscles have to take over the work the bones are designed to do. Think about your body mechanics, when poor, they can be very destructive. The fact that you refer to your being "out of shape" could also be a clue that you may be doing too much, too quickly. Stretching is incredibly important so your muscles don't tighten up. Hope you are feeling better soon, or you should probably get to a chiropractor, licensed massage therapist, accupuncturist or DO. Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ShamaraRobyn
    Gigglediva - I hate heels. I only ever wear comfy shoes (usually walking shoes). :P In the house, I'm usually barefoot, heh- Thanks!

    APBTChampion- Thank you so much, that is massively helpful, especially the exercises and stretches. I hadn't considered ibuprofen as a muscle relaxant... I always have some around as I have terrible pain at certain times of the month, and as much as I hate to turn to painkillers at other times, if it's helping to correct something then I'm in favour.. Might be really nice to get a lumbar support.
    I don't think I have asthma, nothing else makes that happen. Though I think it's just because I'm unfit, I've been meaning to ask a doctor about it. Just waiting for another excuse to go :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'd do some core work but I'd certainly visit the doctor first and get checked over! X
  • ShamaraRobyn
    AvonLucyR- Thank you. :) It's true that I often sit with my chin only 10-20 degrees away from parallel to my neck/chest for stretches of up to 4 hours at a time. Not healthy!
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    Make an appointment to see a chiropractor ASAP. They are really not that expensive, usually around $35, funny thing is, using insurance usually costs more than out of pocket. They can help you figure out exactly what's wrong. I would deffinately go there over a family doc for back pain, because usually the only thing a family doc reccomends is pills or surgery, they have no clue how to get to the root of the problem. A chiropractor actually has more years in med school than a doc, atleast here in NC. It's like I tell people, if your transmission goes out in a car, you can take it to a regular mechanic, who would probably suggest either getting a new one or just rebuilding yours, but if you take it to a transmission specialist they can fix it better, and most times cheaper.
  • pawtate
    pawtate Posts: 1 Member
    I have seen a chiropractor for many years, with my surgeon's blessings, and have avoided back surgery. Since I am exercising more intensely than I ever have, I pay my chiropractor a visit every two weeks for an adjustment. Please consider. He/she will help you determine what exercises to avoid or go easy with as you get more physically fit. I personally avoid running at this time.
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    go to the doctor and get checked. my hubby suffered from back aches and pains for years finally dragged him to the gp and he has advanced degenerative disc disease in 3 places! and because he left it so long there isnt much they can do for him now. never risk your back, it might be nothing, or it might not
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I have a bad back as well...I stretch it out good before I workout and It seems to help. As far as the chest pain goes you really should ask your doctor, that is something that shouldn't be overlooked or ignored. My lungs hurt from running when I first started (pack a day smoker at the time) so if its that I would say don't worry and it does improve, but if chest pain means sharp pain around the middle or left side of you chest please please consult a doctor before doing it again. :)
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    As far as the chest pain and throat tightness, my first thought was asthma as well. There is such a thing as exercise-induced asthma that is otherwise not bothersome but affects people only when they exercise/exert themselves. Definitely something to talk with a doc about.
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    This isn't really something you should be asking over the internet; the only reliable person to ask is your doctor.
    By the sounds of it, you have a family history. Don't do what your father and brother are doing. Don't ignore it. Go to the doctor, because it might have potential to get worse, and may need treatment.
    I must admit, I don't know why so many people ask online about health issues instead of going to see their doctor.
  • ShamaraRobyn
    Thanks guys- I just hadn't considered it serious enough a problem to go to the doctor with. Here it's kind of frowned upon to take an appointment unless there's something definitely wrong with you. I'm afraid to go with back pain in case she tells me off :P
    When I asked my brother he just said something along the lines of "Yeah, we've got that and it's not going to get better. Stretch until it clicks." Only it doesn't click, unlike all my other joints. ._. It just stays, it's so irritating.
    As for the other thing, I'd be embarrassed to ask the doctor if I still think it might just be unfitness. I asked my GP at home once and it was brushed off with that- it's just a lasting concern for me. I'll try gently working on it a bit and if it doesn't improve I'll get it checked out.