Help!! I need to stop smoking...



  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    I smoked 30 a day until I was 28yrs.

    Then I decided I wanted to stop.

    I had hypnotherapy, a one off session, it lasted for 3 hours and I have never smoked since.
  • SanjiSun
    SanjiSun Posts: 69 Member
    get the book by allen carr - seriously - it changes your mind set. instead of feeling annoyed because you must deprive yourself of the cig you want, you switch to feeling liberated as a nonsmoker and annoyed that the cravings are interfering with your good feeling. it makes a world of difference. worked for my guy, and then for me.

    allen carr"s easy way to quit smoking

    available from amazon

    this, this and again.. this :D
  • LiqueLique89
    LiqueLique89 Posts: 75 Member
    I only smoked for 6yrs...started off with black & milds, then moved on to prime times, then cigarettes. I quit for 2 weeks because i had my wisdom teeth removed, once they healed i had a smoke, didn't like it so i quit again; until we had a family gathering and i had a few drinks [i get the urge to smoke when I have more than 3 drinks]. I smoked one cigarette and that was enough, or so i thought. I went out clubbing with my cousins and sister 2 weeks ago and had 2 cigarettes, I woke up the next morning with a feeling of nausea. I havent had the urge to smoke since then. I've decided to quit cold turkey and for good.My 23rd birthday is next month and i couldn't think of a better present to myself than 5 weeks of being smoke-free.

    It will be tough at first but keep yourself busy so you don't have time to take a smoke break. You can do it!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I quit seven years ago. Join the, you don't have to pay, and go read everything available at Once you understand the addiction it will help as you work through the withdrawal. It is definitely worth it. I can go anywhere, do anything I am no longer shackled by the need to have a cigarette.
  • onepillarofsalt
    onepillarofsalt Posts: 37 Member
    Real Allen Carr's "The Easy Way To Quit Smoking". Life-changing book.
  • cccerberus
    cccerberus Posts: 26 Member
    i quit several times.. which is to say i tried to quit several times, and through the process learned a lot about addiction in general.
    I have currently been a non smoker for about a year and a half.
    my problem was not with stopping, that part is easy for me..
    my problem was always with keeping myself from starting again for no good reason(drinking, stress, spite...) weeks or even months later.

    ultimately, using the patch helps for getting you out of the peaks and valleys of nicotine dosing..
    I only ever used the patch for 3 or 4 days and done.
    (full patch, half patch, quarter patch for a couple days and done)
    then its is just the focus on the things you hate about smoking.
    if you find yourself saying that you still like or enjoy or miss some aspect(s) of smoking, don't bother trying to quit yet. your mind has to lead this effort, and you have to hate it before you will stop, and STAY stopped.

    for me at least, ANY wavering on the focus of disgust/distaste for smoking will result in back sliding.

    good luck
  • vspeer
    vspeer Posts: 1
    I quit August 3rd of this year. Two things helped. Electronic cigarettes and telling myself that each craving will pass. What you are trying to do is very difficult and I wish you good luck.

    P.S. Don't beat yourself up and do it for you.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I gave up 3 years ago, almost to the day. I went cold turkey, but that method doesn't suit everyone.

    If you want a bit of extra motivation, there was an item on the BBC news today that said if women give up smoking before they are 30, then they will avoid a smoking related death.
  • Colstriper
    Colstriper Posts: 71 Member
    I quit cold turkey. I liked the website - it helped me understand what was going on while I was going through withdrawl.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I quit for good just over a year ago. I read The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Alan Carr. It worked great for me and everyone else I know that read it. Changed my life. I don't think it works if you aren't ready to quit, but if you are, it will work for you. I looked into the pills, but after reading about the horrible side-effects I decided there was no way I would risk my mental health (what little I have of it LOL) to help me quit smoking.

    Yup, worked for me too (and some other MFPrs that I have recommended it to).

    20 years of smoking quit cold turkey, I can't crave what I don't want.
  • I stopped smoking almost 4 months ago, by first, the use of e-cigs, and then i got a good PV (personal vaporizer.) I get all the benefits of smoking, with none of the dangers. I vape everyday. Check it out.. you pay maybe 30.00 for a good vaper and some juice, once, and then 20 a month for juice, forever. You can also step downyour nicotine level in as many stages as you like, until you are nic addiction free, and then just stop! either way its great. I vape at o nic right now, because i justy love to vape. :-)

    Google vaping, or watch some videos from GrimmGreen or Pbusardo on youtube.

    I always loved smoking. And i still love the smell. <3 but now ill live longer. <3
    I've been quit since Jan 29 when my eGo c-Twist (pink) came in the mail.
    My husband (who is a long haul truck driver) and I quit cold turkey going to vaping and we vape less than we smoked. Together we go through less than 30mL of ejuice a month. Roughly 15 bucks. Not too shabby in the savings department!