Why isn't the weight falling off me?

seems unfair that you go a week or so eating like crap you can gain 5 to 6 pounds... I have been on track for 2 weeks now and the first week was great lost 6 pounds, I weigh myself in tomorrow and I don't think I am going to lose anything. I would think the weight would be falling off considering how badly I was eating 3 weeks ago.... Any words of wisdom out there? Also why is it that I was down 2 pounds Sunday morning and now I am right back to last weeks weight... some much flucuation.... uggg! Probably doesn't help I just on the scale every day a few times...


  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    Firstly and unfortunately nothing happens fast, this is a slow process, and for me who is impatient it is hard. But I have found, weighing myself everyday, I can see what foods that I have eaten have affected my body. For instance, I excercised and ate well two days ago, but then ate a piece of pizza, the scale the next day showed an increase of .5 lb. It was all sodium I bet, I pumped up my water intake and when I weighed myself today, I was down .9 lb. Also if you are excercising you are building a little muscle which weighs more than fat. Dont rely just on the scale, take your measurements. Dont your clothes feel loser? I lost 9 lbs so far, but feel like I lost 20 in my clothes, so despite what the scale says in lbs, im smaller.
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    I know it seems like a sorry explanation, but the initial weight lost is probably just water. I think if you just keep at it, your body will get used to it, and you will start to see pounds falling off. Make sure if you are exercising that you eat some of those calories back (a mistake that I made.) I think it also helps to just weigh yourself once a week, same day, same time. That way you don't get frustrated by the fluctuations. I am up and down all week, and my time of the month makes a difference too. I will not lose any that week, then the next week 2 or 3. Just keep at it, be completely honest, and I am SURE you will start to see positive change. Good Luck!!!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    What we are all on is a life style change for better health. And with that we need to have patience and be consistent. Our bodies are taking their time to adjust. You will see lots of fluctuation through out your weeks, it's the normal part of our bodies working hard. They digest foods, retain fluids, build muscles... and so on and so on. Take your time, focus on you, and what you feel you need to feel comfortable, set mini goals, get in some great cardio, eat healthy and just feel amazing that you've changed your habits. You will see the scale drop, you will see flux, you will see lots of different things. Accept it, smile and remember that you're worth every step you take in the right direction. You can do it!
  • BodybyviLori
    maybe salt intake. Try a couple protein meal replacements to increase your metabolism good luck. i drink 80 oz of h2o without fail.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    In my opinion, many people put far too much emphasis on the scale. You're concerned with losing fat, right?

    Well the scale measures a whole heck of a lot more than fat. It also measures muscle, connective tissue, water, bowel matter, etc.

    The longer term trends paint a picture of whether you're losing fat or not. The acute, short-term fluctuations from hour to hour, and even from day to day, simply paint a picture of the flux of everything.

    The point is, you could be losing fat but it could be masked by the flux of other factors of the body. The scale won't tell you that though.

    If the longer terms trend isn't heading in the desired direction... then it's time to look at your diet. Specifically what foods you're eating and how many calories you're eating.
  • woody717
    woody717 Posts: 5
    Remember we are complex survival machines, our bodies directive is to get food and hold onto it. It's easier to gain b/c that what our bodies do convert calories to energy (exercise!) or store it for later (fat). The body has lots of ways to derail wieght loss ... hunger, slowing metabolism, making you tired, convert more calories to fat, etc. We have one non-surgical way to lose, calorie deficit.

    Keep at it, lower calories plus exercise and you will lose but I have went a week and lost nothing, only to lose 2 lbs the next week. Like the above poster said its a journey... ups/downs sometimes nothing :)

  • kksam
    kksam Posts: 38
    One thing I had to learn was NOT to weigh in every day. Pick a day of the week and make that your weigh in day. We can weigh in differently by the time of day, if we ate, drank or exercised. So same time one day a week is the best and less irritating. Good luck. Also it's usually normal to have a large drop the first week of diet. :flowerforyou:
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I've lost 51 lbs since October by sticking to a few rules on my food plan. www.myfoodlovers.com

    Weigh in only once a week. Weigh in as soon as you get up after you pee. Do not weigh yourself thru out the day, you are only saboutaging yourself.
    Eat something within 1 hour of waking up. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day long until 1 hour before bedtime.
    Become a label detective and remove all food that has ingredients like white enriched flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup.
    Snacks should be kept under 200 calories.

    Here are the correct proportions for each meal for a woman:
    total calories - between 300 to 500
    protein between 15 to 30 g
    carbs - 30 to 45 g
    fat - 20 to 30 % or LESS of total calories
    fiber - at least 5 g (20 to 25 g/day)
    Sodium - LESS than 700 mgs per meal.

    I also work out everyday. Like I said 51 lbs gone in less than 5 months. This food plan absolutely works. It's taught me how to eat, how to cook, the right portions. It's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle that I will do for the rest of my life.

    Hope this helps and check out the website.

  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Like Steve said, the scales dont just measure fat. Technically a pound of fat = a pound of muscle, however that muscle is smaller in VOLUME to the fat, if you are gaining muscle you need to take measurements if you want to see the way your body is changing. Lock your scales away. I know its really hard and I find it extremely difficlut but ive lost almost a stone since christmas and only realised when i took measurments where it had come from!
    It is a hell of a lot easier to gain than to lose so please do not get disheartened. Keep your water levels up as sodium can screw with you if you dont. Also remember that a slight increase can be explained by so many things, always try and weigh in at the same time of day every time as you can fluctuate +/- 2.2lbs ain a day for no foor related reason. Stick to your calories on here, they work, eat your exercise calories, its important!
    I had the same issue when i started, i gained loads and then recently i have dropped 6lbs in 2 weeks without really trying. Your body could suddenly be going argh less calories than we are sued to, must hold on to everything. It will then realise that it doesnt need it and start dropping fat.

    Please do not get disheartened. Keep at it hun, find a good forum on here that you think suits your needs, the ladies in any more chubby 20's are ace and very supportive!

  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Measure, measure, measure! For the first month I was here, I kept neglecting to take my measurements and I wish I would have. I'm back to my skinniest size (two whole sizes down) and I've only lost 8.8 pounds. I thought I was going to have to drop 28 pounds to get there. Now I'm still not happy with the number on the scale and need to tone more, but it really isn't all about how much you weigh. Too much emphasis is put on weight and it's really only a fraction of the picture. If you haven't done so, I encourage you to take your measurements today. If you're eating right and exercising, you'll see a change in your measurements. And I would discourage you from weighing yourself more than once a week, it really doesn't do much good. Drink water, eat your veggies and you'll get there.

    Good luck and be patient!
  • StarryEyedGirl
    I've lost 51 lbs since October by sticking to a few rules on my food plan. www.myfoodlovers.com

    Weigh in only once a week. Weigh in as soon as you get up after you pee. Do not weigh yourself thru out the day, you are only saboutaging yourself.
    Eat something within 1 hour of waking up. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day long until 1 hour before bedtime.
    Become a label detective and remove all food that has ingredients like white enriched flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup.
    Snacks should be kept under 200 calories.

    Here are the correct proportions for each meal for a woman:
    total calories - between 300 to 500
    protein between 15 to 30 g
    carbs - 30 to 45 g
    fat - 20 to 30 % or LESS of total calories
    fiber - at least 5 g (20 to 25 g/day)
    Sodium - LESS than 700 mgs per meal.

    I also work out everyday. Like I said 51 lbs gone in less than 5 months. This food plan absolutely works. It's taught me how to eat, how to cook, the right portions. It's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle that I will do for the rest of my life.

    Hope this helps and check out the website.


    Christine are you saying only 300 to 500 calories a day? is that a mistake??
  • StarryEyedGirl
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've lost 51 lbs since October by sticking to a few rules on my food plan. www.myfoodlovers.com

    Weigh in only once a week. Weigh in as soon as you get up after you pee. Do not weigh yourself thru out the day, you are only saboutaging yourself.
    Eat something within 1 hour of waking up. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day long until 1 hour before bedtime.
    Become a label detective and remove all food that has ingredients like white enriched flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup.
    Snacks should be kept under 200 calories.

    Here are the correct proportions for each meal for a woman:
    total calories - between 300 to 500
    protein between 15 to 30 g
    carbs - 30 to 45 g
    fat - 20 to 30 % or LESS of total calories
    fiber - at least 5 g (20 to 25 g/day)
    Sodium - LESS than 700 mgs per meal.

    I also work out everyday. Like I said 51 lbs gone in less than 5 months. This food plan absolutely works. It's taught me how to eat, how to cook, the right portions. It's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle that I will do for the rest of my life.

    Hope this helps and check out the website.


    Christine are you saying only 300 to 500 calories a day? is that a mistake??

    Per meal....
  • StarryEyedGirl
    oh that makes sense Stormieweather!! thanks I wasn't even thinking that...