Need to vent!! I'm over this! +#***!

rmchan Posts: 152 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support I just need to speed type this frustration out! Before I go to the gym again!!! I'm training for 1/2 marathon and using Hal Higmon's training schedule which consists of 3 days of running, some strength training, some cross training and I'm logging in my calories on here!!! In 4 weeks I lost 2.5 pds!!! yep that's right...2.5 freaking pounds!!! I'm running 14 miles per week, and all the other crap..for 2.5 pds in 4 weeks!!!! I went from eating out and not making the best choices and sitting on the running and training my butt off..first P90X then training for a 1/2 marathon and all I get is 10 pds in 7 months....all that for you got it 10pds...!! I'm eating clean...only whole grains, lean proteins, veggies, what the #$#$! It's just so hard to stay on this when I'm not seeing results...on the scale!!!! I just want to sit in the floor and cry!!!
OK..I guess I'm to go do my workout at the gym...not sure why I keep doing this to myself...but here I go anyway! Thanks for listening to my whining! As if you really!


  • I get it- I am not training for a 1/2 marathon but have picked up on my exercise significantly- haven't lost a thing since I started the exercise. I have been told that muscle weighs more than fat and I do fit in a dress I didn't two weeks maybe the muscle/fat thing is true- as frustrating as it is. Keep going!
  • wadosteph
    wadosteph Posts: 5 Member
    Measure instead of weighing. Do your clothes fit better, do you feel better, are you more strong and powerful? I'd venture to guess that you are turning some areas to muscle and the weight may not change as dramatically as you would like. But there should be some toning and leaning up going on.

    hang tight. Good luck on your half marathon!
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    It will come!! You are doing everything right!! Good job on the half marathon!!! That is an awesome goal!! You have probably shocked your system a little bit which could make you not lose weight? I don't know...I am not a pro on this. Keep up the hard work!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!:flowerforyou:
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    Make sure you are eating most of the calories back from exercise, especially if you are training hard core. I made the mistake of exercising like crazy and not making any caloric changes and the weight stopped coming off, I wasn't gaining any, but not losing. Once I started coming closer to my calorie goal it started to come back off.
  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    I don't know how it works, but have seen a lot of ppl posting recently that they have been exercising all gung ho back to back, then the minute they take a break, be it for sickness or holiday, they suddenly drop about 4lbs without any explanation. I don't understand the science of the body but a few have convincingly explained that the muscles retain water to protect from damage whilst regular exercise is being undertaken. Why not give yourself a break for a couple of days and seeing what happens?

    Also don't discount what kcantalupo said - do you see a difference in your clothes?
  • Venting doesn't always mean you want to hear from a second party,,but because I have two cents in my pocket to rub together,,or offer it as an opinion, then it would better be used for encouragement
    You know by now that muscle is adding to your body and that muscle weighs more then fat,,correct
    Don't look at the numbers on the dial of the scale as much as you look at yourself as a unit as a whole
    You are by now,,more fit,,more toned and trimmer from all the working out you are doing,,
    The most important thing,, I am gonna share with you what my mother asked me one day,,
    How do YOU see yourself,,
    Are you happy with WHO you are?
    Being happy with the WHO,,, the rest will fall into place,,
    Don't give up,,the healthy choices we make during our eating routine is half the battle,,and getting off the couch and moving around is another healthy choice,,
    Just because the gremlins inside the scale are being menacing,,
    Don't give up,,
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Are you eating your calories earned from exercise? if so are you logging calories burned correctly. Keep in mind that when logging exercise calories that you should minus off the calories you would have burned during that time anyway. As an example say you do cardio for 30 minutes and burn 300 calories, during that 30 minutes you would have burned say 2 calories per minute so a total of 60. the amount you should enter into MFP would be 240 (300-60). Good luck.
  • Anita68
    Anita68 Posts: 6
    Hi there! I hear your frustration. You probably already know that muscle weighs more than fat and that might be a reason for your lack of weight loss. Also, you should feel proud that you are 10lbs. are accomplishing amazing goals and changing so many lifestyle habits! It will definitely pay off for your body in more ways than one. I have a love/hate relationship with my scale but your health is measured in many different ways, not just by a number on a scale. I get frustrated when all my efforts result in me just maintaining my weight but I am motivated by the fact that if I didn't do these things I would definitely be heavier than I am now, so I keep on going. Ten pounds is nothing to sneeze at...that's more than a pound a month! Just imagine what 10 lbs. of butter looks like...and it isn't on your body!!! Good luck and hang in there!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    I am sure that frustrated only begins to describe what you are feeling. :explode: :explode: :explode: You sound like you are doing everything right, and you aren't getting the results you are expecting. :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Just so that we are clear, what results are you expecting.

    Here is the time to put on your biggest smile and look at your accomplishments:
    - the past 4 weeks you have lost 0.62 lbs per week, whereas prior to that, you had lost 0.28 lbs per week for 6 months :drinker:
    - You have done P90X :drinker: :drinker:
    - You are running 14 miles per week :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    - You are training for a half marathon :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    So, am I getting this straight? You are getting ready into incredible shape, your heart is growing stronger than it may have ever been, you are eating right, you are exercising, and you are losing weight? Sounds like it is time to celebrate your accomplishments, not throw a pity party!!!

    You are not a failure, you are an inspiration!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Last year, I trained for and ran 2 half marathons and then ran a full marathon this past January. My weight barely moved at all! So, I know exactly what you are experiencing. If you are doing weight training etc as you described, your body is definitely changing for the better. As others have said, measure the rest of your body and don't rely on the scale as the gold standard for measuring change. I'm also trying to heed this advice...:ohwell: Keep up the good work and have fun with the half marathon! Running has changed my life for sure.
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks ya'll! I went to the gym..worked really hard..was there 2hours again! I took my measurements..still the same...was hoping I was losing inches...I don't get someone can workout this hard and not lose much weight or inches...but I don't know what else to do..I've read book after book and thought maybe it was the bad I cut those out and the diet coke and processed foods...only drink water...still not much change..I don't eat all of my exercise calories try to eat only half of them somedays..i eat all of them..just depends on what the day holds..I feel like I'm doing everything right...yet....i've disected everything to see where I was coming up short.....oh well thanks for listening/giving some advice....
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Have you spoken to your doctor about this to rule out a medical reason?

    Just saying.:flowerforyou:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I hear you! I've been working out for two months with not much weight loss although my body shape has changed. Where there was a ton of wobbly fat before there is more muscle. I haven't lost inches but I can feel my body changing. I haven't lost too much weight, but I can FEEL my body changing. My inner thighs are starting to not be wobbly anymore. My upper arms are the same size but there is more muscle showing than the fat! They are starting to be firm now! That in itself is a HUGE success for me.

    Seriously - try eating your exercise calories back. I am betting with all the hard work you are putting in at the gym that you aren't getting enough calories to keep up. Try it for a month and see what happens.
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