Motivation Starting New Diet

Does anyone ever start a new diet and then when the scale doesn't change in a couple of days get upset and emotionally binge? Then repeat the cycle a couple of times hoping it will eventually "stick"? It's like even though I know it's silly to expect change in a couple of days, I am constantly worried I will not lose weight.

I was wondering if anyone had any good advice for dealing with this emotional issue and staying motivated despite the little voice in your head that gets all revved up when the scale doesn't change...

Thank you.


  • valerie0021
    valerie0021 Posts: 15 Member
    For me, drastic diets don't work and only make me mad. Eat slower and only eat when you're actually hungry. I was surprised at how often I ate just for the sake of eating. Also, watch what you drink. Don't restrict yourself from certain food because you only end up binging on them later. Just watch the quantity in which you consume and give yourself a cheat day where you can eat as much as you want of whatever you want. It's good for your metabolism and your mind.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Don't diet. Adopt a new lifestyle and approach to your health and fitness. Diets are temporary. Your improved lifestyle can pay off forever.