Dry salad, 300 cals? stfd...

So, a dry, garden salad, with nothing but lettuce, cabbage, cukes, and peppers... 300 cals? Is that right? Because a bag salad from the store says i could have 4 servings and hit less than 70 cals....


  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    What entry are you using for the dry salad 300 cals? If you know what goes into the salad, just record every individual ingredient. If you know where it's from, record that one... otherwise, I think you got a fluked entry. That's definitely not true of a pure-veggie/lettuce salad unless you ate like 12 cups of it!
  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    That seems high for just vegetables with no meat, cheese or dressing. I guess it depends on how many veggies you put on the salad, but I'd double check it.
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    According to the data base here

    1 head red leaf lettuce = 49 cals
    1 small head of red cabbage = 176 cals
    1 whole cucumber = 45 cals
    1 large red pepper = 43 cals
    =313 calories

    That is one big *kitten* salad
  • wlansara0129
    wlansara0129 Posts: 4 Member
    I definitely add each of my ingredients individually to record the calories. Much more accurate. :)
  • That has to be the biggest salad ever.
    I'd say as above. Individual ingredients. I stay away from the recipe ones on here as much as I can (unless I'm eating out and it's the closest thing) because they are never what I'm eating.
  • endlesoul
    endlesoul Posts: 98 Member
    I'm curious is this a MFP ? I see many salads listed but some dry salads like in the bag or at a restaurant have cranberries, walnuts cheese, croutons. So if you are seeing a listing with that who ever listed it didn't enter all the ingredients or it is a mistake. Since " lettuce, cabbage, cukes, and peppers" were the only ingredients that would not be 300 cals. unless it is for a BIG salad.

    Just add the individual ingredients and you will get a more accurate account, most accurate would be to use a scale.
  • Yeah, ill prolly just log the ingredients individually. Thanks.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I log a 300 cal salad, and that's a caesar with the dressing, croutons, and parm! (no bacon, though). A dry salad wouldn't even hold a candle to that, lol. Rest easy, friend :)