Hardest Time of the Day for You?



  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    mine is totally after dinner until bedtime. i want to eat to get through projects for grad school, or to put myself to sleep because i struggle with insomnia, or just to comfort myself... i always ration about 150 calories for a bedtime snack. it keeps me sane. i also keep a pack of whole wheat saltines in the drawer of the bedside table for if i wake up and feel desperate... i don't usually need them though :)
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    Late afternoon, after my afternoon snack. The urge to pick and eat is super strong which is difficult when I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner. Chewing gum helps, or I grab baby carrots to munch and a couple almonds.
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    Definitely evening time for me! I just feel there are so many hours that I'm not eating! I guess I was so used to just grazing (and not good stuff). I still graze....and it's still not good stuff.....but I do it a lot less, so I still stay under my goal. That's my struggles right now.
  • Aurorakitty
    4-5 in the afternoon during which time i'll make tea and exercise to prevent myself from pigging out before dinner.
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    At night!! I just want to snack! ahhhh!
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    By about 4:00/4:30 I am ready to eat dinner. I am hungry and tired and just want to eat.

    But, we don't usually eat dinner until about 6:00 due to everyone else's schedules.
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    Evenings, after dinner until bedtime. :sad:
  • Dawnicita0318
    Dawnicita0318 Posts: 12 Member
    I find first thing in the morning is the hardest!!
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Late in the evening for sure!

    Im finding it reeeeally hard resistin the temptation in the freezer right now.
  • debbiem83
    debbiem83 Posts: 3 Member
    From the time I put my kid to bed till I go to bed. So hard!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Mine would have to be between 5 and 7a.m. Understand now I wake up and get up between 1 and 2am EVERY SINGLE DAY. I dont leave for work til 515 and it's a 10 minute drive. I dont sleep good at all and havent for a long time...Ive adjusted. BUT.......I still want a cinnamon roll and coffee.......or toast and juice...then I launch into cucumbers, popcorn, cheese. By 9am I done eating til evening other than an apple between 9 and 11. It sounds funky but it seems to be working for me.
  • Suzyqall72
    The hardest time of the day for me is between 5 and 630 pm. I am fixing dinner for the kids and making their lunches for the next day. I want to work out before I eat, so I know I will have to wait to eat until 7 pm or so. You get hungry cooking and putting snacks and stuff together in the kids' lunches. So I try to snack on an apple or something just so I won't pop a potato chip in my mouth.
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    Right after work, if I'm running errands. It makes it too easy to want to grab something to snack on in the car, especially if I've had a rough day.

    If I workout after work, it's always, always, always after dinner. Not so much right before bed. Just that hour after dinner.
  • sexybizatch
    Hi, I find I can go all day sticking to my plan but for some reason late at night around 8/9.00pm I get the munchies and crave sweet food. Does any one else get the same? and have any tips on how to avoid this? thanks
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    The hardest times are

    1. after work...
    2. in the evening after dinner.

    Perhaps I should go to bed earlier.
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    Sunday mornings, if I am off work. Because I cook a huge breakfast for my family. And something about the smells make me want to eat and eat and eat.
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    Afternoons between lunch and getting off work are always the hardest for me. I always feel snacky so I try to busy myself as much as possible in the last few hours of work, and I chug the water haha.
  • issystclaire
    issystclaire Posts: 113 Member
    Interesting to hear lots of people struggle with the evening period as well. One tactic that helps me greatly is that I make sure not to have any "bad" foods in the house (sweets, junk food, etc). That way, when the cravings do start in the evening, even if I were going to eat something, there is nothing to eat, and it is too late to go out and get something!!! I am just looking forward to the day when the cravings die down and they are not so strong.

    I used to smoke as well for years - this year I have finally quite for good and it's been months and months since I last had a cigarette. I just keep reminding myself that if I can quite smoking, I can quit the bad food habits as well!
  • issystclaire
    issystclaire Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, I find I can go all day sticking to my plan but for some reason late at night around 8/9.00pm I get the munchies and crave sweet food. Does any one else get the same? and have any tips on how to avoid this? thanks

    Same for me, look above as I offer one tip!
  • 1sophiesophie
    1sophiesophie Posts: 67 Member
    Between 4 and 5. I call it arsenic hour. I choose that time to do any exercise possible to keep from eating everything in the kitchen.

    Such a great strategy. Exercise always makes me lose my appetite...I don't know why.