Student Life

This was so much more manageable during the summer when I could dedicate most of my time to my workout goals, prepare my own food, and schedule my life around the changes I was making. Being back at college has made reaching my goals so much more difficult, timewise, stresswise, and motivationwise. I'm extremely depressed and am having such a hard time getting out of bed every day, let alone making good food choices and getting to the gym. Is anyone else struggling with anything similar?


  • astrylian
    astrylian Posts: 194 Member
    Absolutely! Being in school screws with your sleeping schedule (lots of all nighters here), which subsequently interferes with your exercise schedule. My main nemesis is stress - I am always stressed out, especially with midterms having just passed. I am an emotional/bored/addictive/all of the above eater, but stress certainly makes the bumps along the road that much more magnified and discouraging for me, because I am already in a defeated, fatalist mindset. I am also just convinced that October is an evil month, simply because everything horrible always happens during that time period for me.

    I certainly am with you on that one, however. I have been insanely depressed this month as well. But, November is rolling around, and we can push for a more positive student experience, right? Think about how accomplished you will feel by multitasking your studies/weight loss? I was absolutely fine in September when school had just started and the workload was manageable - packaging my meals beforehand, waking up early to prepare/work out, et cetera.

    We can totally do it, but there certainly are some lows before the highs sometimes! Stick with it - it gets better.

  • bragaswag
    Prioritize. Sleep should be your number one goal. Its when everything gets transfered from short term to long term memory. Im taking anatomy now and its tons of work, Sucks but oh well. Ive read up that its best to study anywhere from 40-50 mins on, and then taking an hour to a half hour break afterwards and then repeat. Something like if you try and study more than 50 mins, anything after that you dont retain as much info as you studied. Maybe you can use that down time to exercise? Since school started, i havent been exercising alot. When i can, i can. But lately, i dont want to repeat any classes.
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm a mature student, who's partner is also a student and we have 2 kids and honestly the first few weeks back were a nightmare. .eating was all over the place, still is to a certain extent but I do feel I'm beginning to get into a routine now, strict routine is the only thing that helps me!
  • JoyaGurl
    You are defintely not alone. Balancing school life +personal Life is hard.

    Just try to think of this time as being temporary. Hopefully during the summer your load will be a lot less. Meditation always help, staying hydrated (with water), praying, reading, and writing and listening to music are all therapeutic. I've had really stressful periods in my Life and throughout all of them I've learned is to take care of myself. Sometimes we as humans have a tenacy to neglect our selfs and I know that it is easy to do so. But, continiuing to take care of yourself as simply as eating right can have a positive impact on you handle stress.

    It will get easier and things will get better. Wishing you the Best~