Slim In 6??

I'm 5"1, 20 years of age and in university.
Since the middle of summer this year I vowed to loose weight for the return of new year, cutting down what I ate and joining 'My Fitness Pal' helped me loads. After working with resistance bands/walking/cross-training helped me loose weight.. Yet I dont know how much due to my crappy scales. I couldnt fit into 9 pairs of trousers/shorts, and now I can! And people notice I've lost weight.
YET I've still got layers of fat around my stomach/thighs.

I'm pair shaped and want to tone up more and burn fat. My knees been playing up yet I wont let that stop me.
I'm tempted to but 'Beach Body- Slim In 6', I wanna slim down before Christmas! YET I'm broke

I want to know if any has bought it. Should I go out on a limb and buy it??

I want to be happy with my self NOW :)


  • keepersmom8
    I really liked the program and noticed a significant difference in my waist and in my endurance. If you are faithful to it, you should see some changes, but remember that nothing is a quick fix.
  • SheCanSheWill
    SheCanSheWill Posts: 33 Member
    Thats great, good for you!! May I ask if you are still using it?
    If I was to use the programme all I can do is try my best to stick to it. Yes I've learn't that quick fixes are not the best option and have taught myself to be patient... Even though it's not an Aries strong points :wink:
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    I bought the program two years ago and have also purchased Debbie Siebers' other workouts. I liked that the first three workouts were graduated and I did not get discouraged. Debbie's workouts are basic moves with weights - no crazy moves and mostly low impact. It is a great way to combine your aerobic exercise and weight training. She shows you modified moves that might help with your knee problems until you get stronger. Two years later I am still using her workouts three times a week and loving them!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i have been wondering if this program might be for me as well. I have only done Jm's 30ds and rin30 and was looking for something different. i wanted cardio and strength like she has but done in a different style.
  • keepersmom8
    I did the program for 6 weeks and know that I will go back to it in the future. I'm doing some different things for a couple of months, but like Debbie's style.
  • kelsiekae
    I just ordered the Slim in 6 challenge pack through my Beachbody coach! I am so excited to start. It sounds like it is a good beginner program. And one you get results from. I hope you continue to see successes with whatever you choose to do. :)
  • SheCanSheWill
    SheCanSheWill Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice, I have lost abit more weight but I still haven't purchased the DVD yet, but I will today and let you all know how it went. You guys had me at 'low impact' which I need. Thanks for responding!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    yes very low impact and a excellent beginner program. i was kinda disappointed with it but that was me..