At my highest weight and feeling lost



  • schroederkl
    schroederkl Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you everyone for the wonderful outpouring of support and advice.
  • phanmale
    I was exactly where you are just a week ago! I haven't touched the scales for a while, and shocked when I realised I was at my heaviest, ever, but determined that was the last straw.
    My first day I didn't really track what I ate, just was careful not to binge when I was sitting alone. Instead, I ran up and down the stairs 4 times. OMG was I shot! The burning in my thighs really threw me - not so many months ago I was actively fit doing an hours zumba class 4 times a week!
    My goal to myself was to keep using the stairs (free, can take it at my own pace and irrelevant what the weather is doing), and after a couple of days was doing the 4 sets of stairs twice a day. Without making much of a change to my diet, I have lost 3.5lbs this week - thus pushing my determination even more.
    You will crack it - just be honest with yourself and track every thing that passes your mouth :) And if youre feeling low, come here and type out your frustration instead of resorting to snacking and binging.
    Here's to our new start! :happy:
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have been exactly where you are now. Money worries are so stressful. All the above posters have some very good ideas, but I have two more to throw out there.

    Meditation. Right now, because of your stress levels, your body is throwing out cortisol like crazy. It is really hard to fight against this hormone that causes belly fat weight gain. Taking five or ten minutes twice a day to destress will help. There are many ways to learn how to meditate. You basically get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and repeat something rythmic to help focus on your breathing. Something like saying In-out or deep-slow as you breathe. Your thoughts will try to intrude, just let them go and focus on your breathing again. It really helps your ability to cope with stress.

    The other thing is TURN OFF THE TV. TV is full of commercials. Ones that feature food make you head to the fridge. Ones that focus on material things make you stress about not having money. All the "too skinny" people on there make you feel bad about yourself. (And yes, I believe that people can be too skinny- an old fashioned concept from my youth.)

    I was basically unemployed for four years, not able to get a job because of my disability. I finally got on disability in January, and now know that I will get a small amount every month to survive on. It has decreased my stress level so now I am able to focus on losing weight and getting healthy. I have gone from three blood pressure meds to one, and from two antidepressants to one even before I started here or started losing weight. Stress is a killer.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    The weight not only affects your health, it also affects you emotionally .Let this be your rock bottom. Be overwhelmed with sadness, anger, and fear. Use that negative energy and catapult yourself into a new life.

    You are no longer bored with your day, now schedule your day. Start each day with a long walk. DON'T SKIP IT. We know all of the excuses: weather, phone calls, kids, body aches ... These are excuses - you can always find the time. After your walk, come home and take care of housework. Then make a healthy meal plan for you and your family. Search healthy snacks. Add them to your grocery list. Go and get your groceries for your new healthy life. I can imagine money is kind of tight for you right now, but on this first day, go out and buy a food scale, if you don't already have one. And weigh your food before you cook it and before you eat it.

    Each day have a schedule. One that starts with exercise. Keep your days filled, then you can't even think about the snacks. Stay off the couch. Couch = calories, both consumed and not burned. The first week may be tough, but focus on your goal and cling to your plan. Visit frequently the success boards here at this site. You will see dozens of other women with your story who clung to their plan on those early days and now are on the other side. Friend these women. Create a network of support here on this site. We are all here to encourage and cheer because we all want to see you succeed.

    You now have the time to become the best, most amazing you possible. You will be amazed at how quickly you will start feeling good about yourself again. It may be a week or two, but once the weight starts to come off, you will feel and be AWESOME!

    Oh, and take pictures and measurements these first days. Yes, you will feel silly. But, nobody has to know. There will be days when it gets tough. If you look at those pictures and measurements, you will see progress, and that will help you stay on track. Also, you will want to have them to post right next to your success pictures.
  • tamba01
    tamba01 Posts: 110 Member
    I was at that point a few years ago. I ended up with pneumonia and in the hospital. It was so hard to breath and after I some what was on my way to recovering, I started walking to build up my system again. I loved it and just kept walking every day. It helped me get out of my depression, some kind of endorphins or something kicks in. That was the first steps to losing 50 lbs. Find something that you like to do, dance, walk, something to keep you moving and commit to doing some of that every day. When you do this, you will feel so much better and the rest will follow. I feel like that once you find something that makes you feel better everyday, you will get in the mood to do more. Don't try to lose it one in day, you didn't gain it in one day.
  • orchidmother
    orchidmother Posts: 15 Member
    I had to leave my full time job in 2008 due to severely arthritic back coupled with degenerative joint disease, and a few other things. A 5-minute walk put me in agony and standing to cook in the kitchen more than 10 minutes at a time was torture. I settled in to my one relief spot, my recliner and that is where I stayed for the next 3 years. A few work days per week left me in pain for days afterwards.

    I came to believe that this was to be the way I would life the rest of my life. My weight topped out at 298 which scared me. I had considered weight loss surgery 6 years ago, but it was not covered by insurance and other things depleted any possibility of doing it out of pocket.

    A year ago, my hubby came to me and said ... "We're going to do it." He changed insurance companies (to one much more expensive) and that was the beginning. I had surgery this past June and have found a warm water therapy pool to do my exercises in. I feel so much better already and those around me have been amazed in my transformation so far.

    There is hope. There is a way. For me, becoming aware of my caloric intake was huge. Once I made it a game, to score each day and give myself a means to track progress... that helped me. But the real kicker in terms of motivation was to put something way out there to motivate me to keep going even when I hit a plateau. A year from now, I will be at goal weight. I will be ready to get on with my life and to commemorate that new beginning, my hubby and I are renewing our wedding vows on our 35th anniversary.

    The other thing that helped me enormously was to do some spiritual housecleaning. I have come to the realization that I am not in this alone. And how I think is what will be. I changed my thinking and now, even though I am only about half way there, I have already seen my future success. I have already been there in my mind. It is so real to me, it is only a matter of time. I cannot fail. I may make less than perfect choices along the way, but my goal is a done deal. I am just not there yet. I believe in my destination and am patient as I know it is my future reality. I am grateful and thankful already for this and am enjoying seeing myself progressing. There is joy to be had along the way and I am more aware of it all.

    God bless you as you choose your path. I believe in you and your future reality. Go for it!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    First of all, you should be proud of yourself right now. You openly admitted your problem and that your ready to make a change. That is not an easy thing to do! It's hard to admit that you lost control of yourself and that you let yourself down. I remember that day for me, and I remember how horrible I felt. Now you can either do two things.

    1)Accept the fact that this has happened and take action to fix the problem
    2) Accept the fact that this has happened and do nothing about it.

    I have a feeling you will be choosing option 1.

    I was in the same boat at you! I lost my job, and got too comfortable with being at home and enjoying the day-time television. And yes, it was taking a toll on my love life with my Fiance as well. It was a Christmas family photo that kicked my butt into gear and I started using my time at home to work out myself. I exercised, I ate clean, I joined a walking group that walked every morning to meet new friends and to get outside. After about a month I joined the gym and found a job! The rest is history.

    The reason I shared my story is because I was a classic example. I lost my job, got a little lazy, lost control of myself and was almost okay with it. But I woke up and changed my life...If I can do it, then trust me YOU CAN DO IT!

    You've already completed the first step successfully. Take your life back and get back into control. Go out to Walmart and buy an exercise DVD, start doing it every day, clean out your fridge, prepare healthy snacks. Research gym memberships or exercise groups in your area. If you put in the work (which I know you will) you will get the results.

    You got this!!!
  • endjourney
    i was also at my biggest weight before i started my journey. a few pointers that have helped me this time around that i am trying to stick to. 1 keep a food diary/journal. be honest with yourself about what you eat and drink. you will be surprised at the end of the day .
    2 write a list of why you want to start, what you want to achieve and keep them where you can look at for motivation.
    3 don't beat yourself up if you have a slip up we all do, its how you react that can make a difference.
    4 keep in touch with others when you feel you need to talk it helps if others have been there, they understand.
  • x4vior
    x4vior Posts: 1
    I know the feeling. My entire life I have been over weight and I hate it. I have made more progress in the last month than I have ever made in my entire life and that is enough to keep me going. I saw a helpful quote that will hopefully help give you some motivation.

    "A year from now, you'll wish you had started today." -Karen Lamb

    It won't be easy or fun. I can't tell you how many nights I have sat with my friends as they go to town on McDonalds or Taco Bell and I sit with a rumbling stomach because I hit my calorie limit hours before. It sucks. It's not fun. But every day I wake up and see a slightly better version of myself. You can do the exact same.
  • Shewolf1992
    You are already at a good start :smile: you are acknowledging what you need to do, I was in a similar position a few weeks ago. I am a house wife of almost a year, I used to be really healthy and active before the wedding. But after I got married I was so busy trying to be the ideal wife and I was done cleaning my diet consisted of Oreo's, whole milk, chips, Ramen, Instant Mac and Cheese and candy. Needless to say I went from 130 to 152 in 8 months. I only recently kicked my butt into gear and found this great woman called zuzka (zuzana) light. Her work out's are only ten minutes and are intense, but so worth it. She breaks the work out's down before she begins so don't worry about copying her exactly. (This is if you want to try it :wink: ) She normally doesn't use any equipment and you can also just do the workouts at home :D I think we all know you can do it because you are already willing to admit openly that you want to fix the problem.