Feeling a bit down.



  • like the others. keep your fluid intake high. also, you may want to graph your cycles & weight gains. Week of my cycle I hold onto at least 3-5 lbs. just by "being". if i get discouraged & eat, its worse.I actually gain "real" weight. for funsies. try a female hormone supplement. I have good luck with this: http://www.vitacost.com/vitacost-herbal-hormone-complex and I"ve had good luck with one made by Great Earth, but I no longer live near one of their stores. These supplements help a lot of hormonal issues (cramps, short tempers) I'm 52. Also I stopped having my period several months ago. before I joing mfp & thought somethign like this, HOLY MOSES! NOW I"LL NEVER LOSE THE WEIGHT! and started taking DHEA and CoQ with several others (glutimine and lcystene are some I can remember righ tnow) and my periods are back & i'm slowly losing weight. Not due to the supplements alone, I joined mfp & started watching what I eat & you kow, exercising? those little things? but the point is, weight is coming off, albeit slowly. I know the supplements are doing something because my periods are back. not that I missed that part of it. but it means my hormones are working, the down side, i'm getting pimples again. :( but again. the weight IS coming off.
  • Reiyu
    Reiyu Posts: 6
    You should also think about the water and muscle in your body. For ever 5lb u lose you get 1lb of muscle. Also look at your portion sizes for your meals. I also learned that instead of weighting every day measure your arms, waist, legs, neck and chest once a week and you should realize that you might weight the same or a lil more but your toning up a lil bit at a time. Losing weight may sound easy but it takes time. Just keep thinking every lil thing you do is for YOU. And you are for a new future. :)
  • After reading everything here I am beginning to think I've slipped into the old "starvation mode." Fearing overeating has caused me to eat not enough. On the FitBit site they have a pie graph. Blue means you need to eat more (it tells the approximate calories you need to eat). Green means you are right on point for your goal. And red means you've eaten too much (and tells how many more calories you should burn.) Whenever I get into the red I really pound out more exercise to get back into the green. Perhaps I have set my goal too high. Since someone else here mentioned her cycle, mine has been so wacky for about a year now. I can't predict anymore when I will start. Sometimes it is twice a month.
    I am thinking as many of you are saying that I shouldn't touch the scale every day. I did measure my tummy, hips and thighs when I started here and except for a little on my thighs, the numbers aren't really getting lower. Unless I am not putting the tape in the same spot as I did initially. I think I should get my mom or hubby to help me with those measurements.
    You all are a great and helpful group. I've learned a lot today. Mostly, that I NEED to eat. Not eating to avoid calories will hurt me more in the long run.
    Thanks again!
  • Just my two cents. There doesn't seem to be a lot of fruit or vege in your diet, and a fair bit of processed stuff...........stick to the 1300 cals a day, exercise (between 300cals and 500cals a day but don't eat them back) and fill your diet with nutritious food - not processed stuff. Eat 5 small meals a day and track everything that goes in your mouth. That combined with at least 8 cups of water should see you steadily dropping weight.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Ditto, ditto, ditto. My loss has gone back on and I am flying on holiday tomorrow to spend a week bulging out of my swimsuit. Truly gross and I am sooooo mad at myself. I just don't understand why it is so hard to lose weight in one's forties. I look forward to reading other people's recommendations but in the meantime, good luck and keep going! x
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I've been where you are, trust me, and numerous times. I say wait it out a couple more weeks, maybe sure you get enough water.
    Then if you really don't see it budging you have to change something -- you probably shouldn't eat less given the amount you are exercising, so why not try to eat 100 cals more per day? or every second day if you are uncomfortable with that?
    If that doesn't work, then you need to change something else up, you will find the perfect balance that works for you, but it can take time.

    And time is going to pass anyways, so keep to it, this won't hurt you it will only better you.
    Keep your chin up!
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    take meaurements of your stomach and thighs now so you can compare after a month of not giving up!
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    If you are doing a tough workout like that 6 days a week you are not eating enough. I have lost approx 80 pounds and have been pretty much in maintenance mode for a few years. I ate and still eat consistently 1600 to 1800 calories a day. And when i do.a hard workoit i eat back some of those calories as well. And i am only 5'3"weighing in at 125.

    You might need to find out what your bmr and tdee is to determine where you need to be.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    For me it wasn't until I introduced more veggies and frutis that I saw even more weight loss.I only drink water and 6 oz of coffee every other morning. I also started paying attention to what the worth of my cals were ,what I mean is I was eating like a grilled chicken burger from Mc Donald's and small fries( have not had Mickey D's in like months) because it was still in my calorie allowance.However when I paid attention to my macros (sodium,sugar,fat,protein etc) it completely changed my body and weight loss.Best of luck to you doll! xo
  • mastone99
    mastone99 Posts: 20 Member
    You're not eating enough. Eating 1200-1300 calories a day, then burning upwards of 2000? You don't have that many too burn! Your body is in starvation mode, and is holding on to everything it can just in case you don't feed her again (which you don't).

    This is how it was explained to me when I did WW a few years ago. You must have balance.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    Fuel your body with nutritious food. By looking at your diary, it seems you're not eating enough. Add more lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. These foods will keep you full longer, keep things moving, and provide nutrients your body needs in order to work out. Don't deprive your body of food. It's a common mistake that many of us on here have made. Don't feel bad about eating.

    If you're losing weight the healthy way, it's going to be slow and pain-staking. About a pound a week as a general rule, but sometimes you'll stay in one spot for a while. But ALWAYS remember that what you're doing - with healthy eating and exercise - is SO good for your body, even if the weight isn't moving. You are making your cholesterol numbers better, improving your immune system, boosting your morale, and keeping your heart healthy. Those things don't show on the scale, but they also help you live longer. Even if the scale doesn't move for a while, keep with it, and eventually those numbers will start to drop again.

    Good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    I am gonna be honest and say it like it is:

    Saturday: Dinner was completely disproportionate in terms of calories to breakfast and lunch. Banana Nut Cheerios and Ice Cream Sandwich don't sound too healthy..... 994 calories isn't enough at all.

    Friday: you skipped lunch and had Pizza Hut for dinner?! 1036 calories? What?!

    Thursday: you skipped lunch and had Ice Cream Sandwiches again? 869 calories?!?!?!

    You aren't eating enough food
    You aren't eating enough protein
    You aren't eating enough vegetables
    I'd say you are having too many treats, try alternating days to cut back.
    I'm not familiar with the program, but if there aren't any upper body weight training DVDs, then you should add some training yourself with your own body weight or dumbbells, eg push ups, curls. I don't understand why a lot of women are afraid of lifting weights, you aren't going to look like a bodybuilder unless you eat like a bodybuilder, which 90% of those who exercise will not.

    I wish you the best of luck, I think you can work harder and get amazing results if you really dig deep with your nutrition and training.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    i suggest you set better goals... you said you want to get to xxx weight but you didnt say how long and i'm sure there are others things you may want to accomplish before that weight too.

    write you goals down and read them daily
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    I concur with others in that you should be eating more and a bit differently. How long did it take you to gain the weight? (rhetorical question). You need that long to take it off. Here is how the math works: If you eat 100 calories more than you need everyday you will gain 10 pounds per year. 200 calories would be 20 pounds. The reverse is true. Eat 100 calories less than you need and after a year you will drop 10 pounds. Eat too few and your metabolism starts slowing down, not what you want. So when you have a day that you are say 500 under, and MFP is already taking 500 off (I think) you are actually WAY under. Not only do you risk slowing your metabolism, you may lose muscle (bad) as well as fat and you are likely to fee hungry all the time and not able to sustain the new diet. Eat all of your meals, get a better mix of fruits and veggies and while it will take longer, those pounds will come off!
  • I am gonna be honest and say it like it is:

    Saturday: Dinner was completely disproportionate in terms of calories to breakfast and lunch. Banana Nut Cheerios and Ice Cream Sandwich don't sound too healthy..... 994 calories isn't enough at all.

    Friday: you skipped lunch and had Pizza Hut for dinner?! 1036 calories? What?!

    Thursday: you skipped lunch and had Ice Cream Sandwiches again? 869 calories?!?!?!

    You aren't eating enough food
    You aren't eating enough protein
    You aren't eating enough vegetables
    I'd say you are having too many treats, try alternating days to cut back.
    I'm not familiar with the program, but if there aren't any upper body weight training DVDs, then you should add some training yourself with your own body weight or dumbbells, eg push ups, curls. I don't understand why a lot of women are afraid of lifting weights, you aren't going to look like a bodybuilder unless you eat like a bodybuilder, which 90% of those who exercise will not.

    I wish you the best of luck, I think you can work harder and get amazing results if you really dig deep with your nutrition and training.

    I appreciate the honesty. Most days I have a breakfast smoothie from the Digest Diet with coconut milk and fat free greek yogurt and a banana. I honestly thought that cheerios are supposed to be a healthy breakfast. They aren't? And since my hubby wanted pizza hut so badly on Friday I searched their menu for a healthier option. The naked wings with my own low fat dressing. The ice cream sandwiches are 110 calories and are my indulgence. Not making up excuses at all but I thought I was doing it right. But I am seeing now that I'm not. I should be eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of skipping meals.
    One person mentioned that I appear to be eating a lot of processed foods but I don't see that. I've tried to cut out a lot of boxed and prepackaged items. I have been cooking mainly fresh veggies with dinners and if not fresh I do frozen. I have eliminated a lot of canned veggies. I do use a lot of canned tomato products, though. And I do use bottled salad dressing (lite). I've started a new meal plan that is low carb so rice/potatoes will be pretty much gone. I tried to do a clean eating menu but the grocery bills got too high. But I really really want to eliminate processed and thought I had been doing that. I guess I need to take a better look.
    Someone asked how long it took to gain the weight - up until early 20s I never weighed more than 100 pounds. Not for lack of trying, my body just burned up whatever I ate which was anything I wanted. In looking back at pictures, I looked way too thin. 20s and 30s I started gaining some weight (120s/130s), started hitting 40 and BOOM it comes on just looking at food. I got to 180 and said enough is enough. My dad's twin sister and his mother were both overweight, ugly mean women when they died. I don't want that for me.
    Thanks again, y'all!
  • Oh and the Rockin Body has 7 main cardo routines and 3 strength training (with light weights) routines. I love doing light weight training. I like the definition without the heavy muscle. He has a calendar to follow where he mixes up the routines so you are getting a combination of cardio and light strength training throughout the week with Sunday's off. I hadn't been taking Sundays off though. Been doing kettlebells or gazelle on Sundays.
  • Stop weighing yourself every week. Take care of the basics, good nutrition and exercise. Be patient and look at the goal as long term and then just do what you should each day.
  • I also think that you may be overdoing it on the exercise. Your body will go in to starvation mode if you're burning off too much in ratio to the amount that you are consuming. If you want to continue to exercise as much as you have been, I would personally up the amount of calories that you are consuming each day. You have to have a healthy balance to lose. At least that's how my body works. . . If I do too much exercise and/or don't consume enough calories, I will not lose. Everyone is different, and this is just a thought, but it's what works for me, and maybe for you too. :) You are welcome to add me also. I'd be happy to try and help offer a bit of encouragement.