


  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Part of the hangover is dehydration and the lack of vitamins and minerals. A couple V8s and a bunch of water before bed always helped the next day. I dont even get hangovers/sick any more. Each shot has like a 100 calories in it.... so we are looking at 400-600 calories. When I dont feel like dieting, I just make sure my calories dont go over 1800 so I am not losing ground. I definately plan ahead if I can find a menu online so I make the best decisions while out.
  • Lindsay_N
    Lindsay_N Posts: 100
    On weekdays I'll leave over some calories to save for the weekend. I drink my vodka with water and lemon juice so the only calories are from the vodka (about 70 per ounce). I still drink like 10 drinks a night though, 1-3 days a week. It adds up alot. I'd like to cut back, but I dont want to give up drinking either.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Well, if you drink on an empty stomach, less alcohol will do more. For that reason, if I'm going to have a glass of wine in the evening, I have it while I'm preparing dinner because I get to enjoy the effect. So you might, for example, go out with an empty stomach and only have 2 drinks, with a glass of water between.

    I also like earning it with exercise. Sometimes I have to get the exercise the next day, though.
  • ldizquierdo
    ldizquierdo Posts: 13 Member
    I don't drink, but maybe while you are in a diet, hang with people that motivate you to exercise instead of going out for a drink. It have helped me to lock myself in my room when my family order pizza, which is my weakness. Also to kind of have a group of people in the gym that are really working hard to lose the extra pounds. We all have something in common, the same goal and try to motivate each other. Good luck.
  • Lindsay_N
    Lindsay_N Posts: 100
    Its also a good idea to try not to eat after you've started drinking. You're body puts processing the booze first and all that food just gets stored.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    I have actually lost a fair bit of weight using what my husband and I jokingly call "the beer diet".
    And before anyone can comment about losing nothing but muscle, please, rest assured the muscle definition I have gained says otherwise.

    I run and lift on a normal schedule, or as normal as life allows. I eat reasonably clean, mostly vegetarian but supplemented with a vegan protien isolate and plenty of bean/grain combo meals. HOWEVER, when the weekend comes (or evening in the summertime) supper is usually a beer or two with a handful or so of nuts or trail mix. If I decide to drink enough to get drunk, I take two aspirin before going to bed and drink plenty of water with it. Maybe I'm just lucky, but there is no hangover the next day and I am up and going about as if nothing happened the night before. This includes working out.

    I say that as long as 90% of your diet is clean, you can afford the occasional libations. It all depends on you as an individual and your goals.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I love my vodka!!! I used to have a few drinks during the week but have cut it back to friday and saturday. I log it. Make sure i have the calories for it.
    My goal next week, is to just drink on Saturday.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I like to have a drink when we go out to a restaurant, but it's usually a fruity sushy kind. For me, we have a ton of alcohol at home but we rarely drink it.

    I think if you know you are going to do it every weekend then work harder on that day or the days before. Alternative between things, like water then vodka as it will help fill you up. Plus it would be better if you cut down one drink each week until you are done it a better calorie level. It is definitely hard to work it off the next day after drinking, so think of it as I need to work for those calories now at the middle of the week or I shouldn't drink on the weekend. If you love doing it and going out, you've got to put in the hard work for it. Good Luck!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    i do, i drink vodka 7 presses with lime wedge (ice, vodka, water and splash of 7up (diet if ur at home) and a wedge of lime) ...then ur onlycals come fro mthe booze. i also dance my *kitten* off and log it! lol
  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    II don't have kids yet and I imagine once I head down that path (soon hopefully) the weekend drinking will definitely slow down.

    You want to make a bet on this? You are an alcoholic, like it or not. And any addiction is an addiction. It will take lots of work to regain control, but it is doable. I can help you if your willing! Once you put kids into the picture, it makes that much much worse. I know what I'm talking about, I've been there.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Well, funnily enough I have discovered how not to get hangovers through this site....drinking lots of water every day means you don't get dehydrated after drinking alcohol all night. I wish I known this decades ago!
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    I use my Saturday mornings for my long runs and workouts. I can spend more time with exercise because I dont have to go to work. The added calories I burn from my "BIG" workouts help me with my "empty calories" on Saturday night.
  • rjacob1214
    rjacob1214 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm sorry if some people are misunderstanding; I'm 24, I drink one night a week (if that). I don't crave it and can have one drink without the desire for a second.

    I am NOT an alcoholic, I appreciate your concern.
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    this page cuts the calories for some drinks:
  • teresa_c
    hey there! there is no reason in my opinion to have to completely give up alcohol when you are trying to lose weight. That would just set you up for weight gain when you added it back in. Just look at it like this, when you are trying to lose weight and be healthy would you say it is a good idea to eat one piece of pie or the whole pie? would it be better to eat the whole bag of cookies or just a few? So, drinking 4-5 vodka and sodas every weekend all at once, well, if you're serious about losing weight and maintaining a fairly healthy lifestyle, that doesn't make a lot of sense. The good news is, if you just modify what and how many slightly, just as you would a bag of candy, or cookies, for example, you can still drink AND lose weight AND be healthy. The other poster had a great idea of drinking something calorie-free with lime between drinks to lower the over-all amount you're consuming. or drink a martini before a good meal of protein and a salad...then have a nice cocktail to round things off...really you don't have to drink a ton to have a great time.
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    I just had one of these nights, I calculated the calories and well it made me feel like I should give up the drinking for a while.
    But there are some options, low cal beers or lite beers. I think theres also a skinny brand of wine or something.

    I'm sure the next time I go out im probably gonna have a drink, but maybe less of the girly sugary ones. :] I think moderation is the key, just have to keep everything balanced, and try not to over do it. :]
  • littleagainplease
    I went onto a vodka-only diet a couple of years ago.

    I lost six weekends.

    Made me laugh :smile:
  • evmoses
    evmoses Posts: 46 Member
    Ummm The Mom in me wants to say slow down the drinking. But the party person in me understands totally.. Just went to a Halloween party with other M/C riders...I, too, do not drink everyday or for that matter every MONTH but when I do get together with biker friends and family we drink...This weekend was that sorta of weekend...or at least Saturday night. I was pretty good with calories that day even with the drinking . My problem was the next day when I was craving greasy breakfast and carbs and sweets allllll day. Called it a cheat day and am moving on...I will eat and exercise and NOT beat myself up for enjoying MY life in a way that I see fit. If you had said that you drink and drive or you drink everyday and HAVE to have it that would be different. As long as you are responsible and not causing drama for others or yourself...have fun and remember to get back to your healthy eating when you are done. If you don't know how learn to dance and dance those calories off. Its hard to drink when you are dancing every dance! But DO NOT get derailed.. I am going to lose my weight and I have seen both sides of this issue (been slim and been fat) and I will tell you I would rather be with a slightly overweight happy person over a skinny mean-spirited person any day! Good Luck!
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    My partner and like to indulge in a night of drinking here and there. I suppose it could be categorized as binge drinking, as I don't drink 6 nights out of the week, and that one night, will have 4-6 vodka sodas, depending on where the night takes us. We have a great time, loosen up, hang out with friends, take a cab home and that's that.

    I'm facing a few problems, the first being: the calories in said drinks. I don't want to give these nights up, and also find if I restrict calories on these days, it can lead to some "issues" (puking). I know a lot of people on the weight loss journey give up alcoholic beverages altogether, but where's the fun in that? The second issue: insatiable hangover hunger and lack of motivation to work out.

    Does anyone else chose to drink while dieting, and if so, do you experience this?

    Do I just need to bite the bullet and give it up?

    Also, I'm new to the community and if you want to be my friend, well, I wouldn't mind that at all. :)

    I'm constantly doing research as part of my job as a nutritionist and just wanted to give some insight on the "insatiable hunger" you mentioned. You may already know this, but alcohol stimulates the body to make ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. Therefore, the next day or so you will notice your appetite increases, but then should fall to normal. I guess the main thing is if you are able to stay fit/active/healthy with moderate alcohol intake and it's not posing other health risks, the decision would be up to you :)