Lots to lose and I need help!

I have over 50 lbs to lose and I need some help getting there. A little bit about me: I went to the doctor to see if there was something wrong because the less I eat the more I gain. It seems to be popular opinion among my friends that I have managed to completely shut down my metabolish. Now I'm trying to eat more but healther.... still no progress. Getting a little discouraged. The doctor only said to find more time to work out...I run kids to and from events most nights from 6 to 8 and then we have homework supper baths etc. YMCA closes at 9 PM. I work from 8 to 5 everyday. Any ideas?


  • d2othev
    d2othev Posts: 43 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from! I try to get 10 minutes at a time when I can. brisk 10 mins walking before work, 10 minutes during lunch, 10 minutes after work, and maybe 10 minutes before bed. before you know it you've worked out almost an hour. This helps me when I dont have a lot of time. I hope this helps!
  • aStrongerSteph
    aStrongerSteph Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome, I can totally identify with your busy life. I had to finally make myself one of my priorities. I walk and strength train at sports practices, I get up between 4-5 to workout, or I slam a home workout in between a fast dinner and heading out for "mommy duty" driving kids around. It can be done but, it's sometimes difficult to see past all the chaos in our lives. Hang in there and make 30 mins for yourself a couple days a week then build on it as you see that it can be done.
  • Princessslim18
    Maybe during your lunch break you can walk to get some excerise. I too, have over 50lbs to lose, and will start eating healthy and working out tomorrow. I usually work out late, like around 9:30pm-10:30 pm, since that's the only time I'm able to do it since I have kids and home work and other things to get done during the day. You have to make some time to get some exercise in.
  • WolfPackFan13
    WolfPackFan13 Posts: 95 Member
    LIke everyone is saying here, try little things. Walking during your lunch can help.

    do you normally sit down during your day? If so, can you stand up? Even standing up may help. Or take a lap around work every so often.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I understand your dilemma; when I lived in Northern Virginia and working in DC; I would leave my house at 5:45 every morning and usually get home around 8pm every day. I made it my priority to get up and get 30 minutes of exercise every morning and the weekends too.

    The other thing I did to help me stay on plan was pack my breakfast, lunch (and if I was working late: dinner) and two healthy snacks every night. I planned and shopped for my meals each weekend and tried to prepare something that would pack without much effort. I was able to lose 35 lbs in 6 months during this time...I know that's not super speedy, but it was consistent and steady.

    I know you can do this....

    Make sure you are eating lots of fresh fruits & vegetables, whole grains, lean meats (if you're not vegetarian), low fat dairy (if you can do dairy) and nuts/seeds (for healthy fats).
  • fitguy53
    Hi. I am joining this now to lose the last 30 pounds. Though sad to say I once weighed 300 +, I am proud to say I have lost 70 pounds.
    I remember the very beginning and I want to never forget that. The fundamental changes I made from the beginning were to stop pressing the accelerator and the brake at the same time. I stopped drinking alcohol (2 yrs in Aug), cut our MOST foods i KNEW were bad, and built work outs on a mandatory level into my schedule. Slowly.
    I did go to a personal trainier at a health club, but I did not really follow what he said, I guess I just needed reassurance I was not damaging myself.
    Good luck! YOU can do it! :smile:
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    I can't relate as my life isn't as busy as yours but something for you to think about. You said that you drive the kids around from 6 to 8. Are you in the car the whole 2 hours or are you dropping off, waiting, and then moving on? If you are waiting at each location, go for a 10 min walk at that time. While helping the kids with homework, can you walk on the spot or do arm weights while quizing them??? Just a couple of things to maybe consider. As others have said, 10 mins here and there add up fast.
  • blacsue
    I am not all tied up on my time. I am just lazy at this point. What I do is run up and down my 15 stairs several time a day. I live in an
    upstairs apartment. Neighbors have a problem with it but I don't. I was also told to go to youtube and check out some of the exercise programs on there (and they're free) and pick out what interests me and do those exercises. This was told to me by a personal
    trainer. I have at least 70 more pounds to lose so am really getting into it now. I fudge on my diet but only once a week. I have several medical problems that prevents me from doing heavy physical exercise so I target certain areas. I use one, three, five, and seven pound weights for upper body strength. This really gets the metabolism going. I was told to eat five small meals a day instead of just the three and some snacks. Don't know if any of this helps but I sure wish you luck in your endevors.