New Student - Need Support!

Hey guys,

I'm not very new to the MFP community, as I have been trying to lose weight for a while.
I unfortunately fell off of the band wagon a couple of months ago due to stress and exams. I didn't gain any weight,
thank goodness, but I didn't lose any either. :(

I am looking to lose at least 50 pounds by the end of the year and would really appreciate students or anyone else
who would consider adding me and sharing this incredible journey together. :)


  • SimplyJdior
    Hi Hun!!
    I am a recent this past May so I completely understand the juggling of trying to lose weight with a full schedule, job, internship and activities on campus!! Gag!!!

    I personally want to lose about ninety pounds to get to a healthy weight so feel free to add me and we can stay on each others tail :)